我们是谁?Who are we?


Founded in 1993,Shenzhen KSTAR Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading brand in power electronics and new energy products, including data center critical infrastructure (UPS, battery, precision distribution),modular data center solutions, PV and ESS solutions. According to the IHS Markit latest report, KSTAR ranked six in the global UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) market and ranked top ten in the inverter market.

KSTAR has more than 3000 employees and 18 overseas branch offices in different countries and has offered high quality products and nice service to more than 100 countries all over the world.There are over 600 R&D engineers, the majority of whom have more than 16 years talented experience in inverter industry and data centers solutions. KSTAR is committed to innovation based on global customer needs. By providing smart solutions of data center infrustracture and PV inverters ,as well as innovative design, KSTAR products are safer,more efficient and more reliable, easy to install, creating value for customers to achieve better ROI with higher yields and lower maintenance cost.


KSTAR respect your personal privacy. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to the KSTAR. By means of this data protection declaration, KSTAR would like to inform the general public of the nature, scope, and purpose of the personal data we collect, use and process. Furthermore, data subjects are informed, by means of this data protection declaration, of the rights to which they are entitled.


KSTAR will strictly comply with law and regulations, obey following privacy protecting principle to provide safer and more reliable service.

1、安全可靠:我们竭尽全力通过合理有效的信息安全技术及管理流程,防止您的信息泄露、损毁、丢失。Safety and reliability: KSTAR would avoid your information leakage, damage and loss with reasonable information security technology and management procedures.

2、自主选择:我们为您提供便利的信息管理选项,以便您做出合适的选择,管理您的个人信息。Personal choice: KSTAR will provide you convenient information management option for you to make right choice, manage your personal information.

3、保护通信秘密:我们严格遵照法律法规,保护您的通信秘密,为您提供安全的通信服务。Protect communication secret: KSTAR will strictly comply local law and regulations protect your communication secret, providing safe communication service.

4、合理必要:为了向您和其他用户提供更好的服务,我们仅收集必要的信息。For enhance KSTAR service, KSTAR would only collect necessary information.

5、清晰透明:我们努力使用简明易懂的表述,向您介绍隐私政策,以便您清晰地了解我们的信息处理方式。KSTAR will try to make clear expressions to introduce privacy policy, for your to understand how KSTAR collecting information.

6、将隐私保护融入产品设计:我们在产品或服务开发的各个环节,综合法律、产品、设计等多方因素,融入隐私保护的理念。During each step of designing for product and service, combine with law, product and design reasons to protect your privacy.

本《隐私政策》主要向您说明:This privacy policy will explain following objectives:

我们收集哪些信息;What information we collect?

我们收集信息的用途;How we use your information.

您所享有的权利。What rights you have?

希望您仔细阅读《隐私政策》(以下简称“本政策”),详细了解我们对信息的收集、使用方式,以便您更好地了解我们的服务并作出适当的选择。Hope you could read carefully this privacy policy, understand how we collect and use the information to help you to make suitable choice.

一、我们收集的信息 The information KSTAR collect


KSTAR will based on legal, right and necessary principles to collect needed information to achieve our functions.


The information you give to KSTAR

1.1.1 您在申请注册时填写的信息。The information you fill in when you apply for registration.

如:您申请账号后提供的用户名、手机号、地址等信息,我们将对信息加密处理保护您的隐私。The user name, mobile phone number, address and other information provided after you apply for an account, KSTAR will encrypt your information for privacy policy.

1.2我们在您使用服务时获取的信息 The information when you are using KSTAR service.

1.2.1位置信息。Location information

当您使用与位置有关的服务时,我们可能会记录您设备所在的位置信息,以便为您提供相关服务。When you are using service which needs recording location, KSTAR may record your equipment location information for providing certain service.


When you are using KSTAR service, will always been asked to approve for your IP address, GPS location.

1.2.2相机权限。Camera permissions

当您使用App的扫码添加设备时、您可以通过开通相机权限以便进行扫码识别设备SN条形码。若您不开启此权限,将无法使用扫码识别功能,不影响添加设备,可以使用手动输入的方式添加设备。When you use the app to scan and add a device, you can enable camera permissions to scan and recognize the device's SN barcode. If you do not enable this permission, you will not be able to use the QR code recognition function, which does not affect adding devices. You can manually input to add devices.


When you use the service, we will obtain your camera permission after consulting and obtaining your consent.

1.2.3存储空间权限。Storage permissions

当您使用App添加电站时、您可以通过开启存储空间权限以便从相册上传电站照片。若您不开启此权限,不影响添加电站功能,我们将以默认图片展示电站。When you use the app to add a power station, you can enable storage space permissions to upload photos of the power station from the album. If you do not enable this permission, it will not affect the function of adding a power station. We will display the power station in the default image.


When you use the service, we will obtain your storage permissions upon obtaining your consent upon inquiry.

二、我们收集的个人数据将用于:The personal data would be used for:


KSTAR will strictly comply local law and regulations would used the collected information for following objectives, if KSTAR will used it for other objectives, KSTAR will explain for you and ask for permission.

向您提供服务。Provide service for you.
满足您的个性化需求。例如,语言设定、位置设定、个性化的帮助服务。Fulfil your customized needs like : language setting, location setting and personal help service.
产品开发和服务优化。例如,当我们的系统发生故障时,我们会记录和分析系统故障时产生的信息,优化我们的服务。Product development and service optimization. Like: when KSTAR system is down, KSTAR will record and analysis systemic error information and optimize KSTAR service.
安全保障。例如,我们会将您的信息用于身份验证、安全防范、反诈骗监测、存档备份、客户的安全服务等用途。例如,您下载或安装的安全软件会对恶意程序或病毒进行检测,或为您识别诈骗信息。Safety Guarantee: KSTAR will use your information for authentication, safety precaution, anti-fraud detection, archive backup, client’s safety service and so on.
管理软件。例如,进行软件认证、软件升级等。Software management, like software certification, software updating and so on.

For better customer experience and better service improvement purpose or other usage with client’s acceptance, comply with local law, KSTAR may use certain part of information for other KSTAR service, like when you are using one of KSTAR service, your information may be used in other KSTAR service to display your customized service.


To ensure the service safety, help KSTAR to get better understanding of the APP’s working status, KSTAR may record certain information. Like: KSTAR may record the frequency you use this APP, error information, total usage condition, performance data and source of the APP. KSTAR will not integrate your information with our analysis software.

三、您如何管理自己的信息how to manage your information


When you are using KSTAR service, you can visit, modify or delete your registration information and other personal data, also you can follow the instruction to contact KSTAR. The scope and method of you visit, modify and delete your personal information would depends on what type of service you choose. Like: if you used service concerned with location, and do not want to share you location, you can turn off GPS of your phone or let your ISP to turn off it.

3.2我们将按照本政策所述,仅为实现我们产品或服务的功能,收集、使用您的信息。如您发现我们违反法律、行政法规的规定或者双方的约定收集、使用您的个人信息,您可以要求我们删除。如您发现我们收集、存储的您的个人信息有错误的,您也可以要求我们更正。请通过本政策列明的联系方式与我们联系。KSTAR will follow this policy to achieve product or service functions to collect or use your data. If you find KSTAR against the law, regulations or agreement to use your personal information you can ask KSTAR to delete your information. If you find KSTAR collect or store wrong personal information you can ask for modification. Please contact KSTAR with contact detail in this policy.

3.3在您访问、修改和删除相关信息时,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障帐号的安全。When you are visiting, modifying, deleting your personal information, KSTAR may ask you to do the authentication to ensure the safety of your account.

3.4请您理解,由于技术所限、法律或监管要求,我们可能无法满足您的所有要求,我们会在合理的期限内答复您的请求。Please understand as there are terms from technical part, law or supervision, KSTAR may not fulfill all your needs, KSTAR will answer your request in a reasonable period of time.

四、我们分享的信息how we share information


KSTAR comply with local law and regulation, has strict limitation on information sharing, like:


With your permission KSTAR may share your personal information to third-party.


For external processing purpose we may share your information to third-party cooperatepartners(Third-party service provider, subcontractor, distributor, advertisement partner, APP developer who may not in your local jurisdiction)

4.2.1 向您提供我们的服务;Provide you our service.

4.2.2 实现“我们如何使用收集的信息”部分所述目的;

Achieve purpose of”how KSTAR use collected information” part.

4.2.3 履行我们在《服务协议》或本政策中的义务和行使我们的权利;

Comply with KSTAR” Service agreement” or this policy’ obligations.

4.2.4 理解、维护和改善我们的服务。如我们与第三方分享您的信息,我们将会采用加密、匿名化处理等手段保障您的信息安全。Understand, approve and improve KSTAR service. Like if KSTAR use your data to third-party partner we will encrypt, cryptonym to protect your information.


KSTAR may revel your personal data for following reasons.

4.3.1 遵守适用的法律法规等有关规定;

Comply with local law and regulations.

4.3.2 遵守法院判决、裁定或其他法律程序的规定;

Comply with court decision or other regulations.

4.3.3 遵守相关政府机关或其他法定授权组织的要求;

Comply with requests from government or other legal organization.

4.3.4 我们有理由确信需要遵守法律法规等有关规定;

KSTAR has reason to comply with law and regulation.

4.3.5 为执行相关服务协议或本政策、维护社会公共利益,为保护我们的客户、我们或我们的关联公司、其他用户或雇员的人身财产安全或其他合法权益合理且必要的用途。

To comply with service agreement or this policy, restricted in order to safeguard public interest, to protect KSTAR, clients or other clients or employees safety or other legitimate.

五、我们可能向您发送的信息 KSTAR may send you message.

5.1信息推送 information push


When you are using KSTAR service, KSTAR may send you email, text message, message and push notification.

5.2与服务有关的公告Announcement with service

我们可能在必要时(例如,因系统维护而暂停某一项服务时)向您发出与服务有关的公告。您可能无法取消这些与服务有关、性质不属于广告的公告。 When necessary(like system maintenance to pause certain service) KSTAR will send you announcement about service, you may not cancel this announcement.

六、存储信息的地点和期限 Terms and location of information storage.

6.1存储信息的地点 location of information storage.


KSTAR comply with law and regulations, all the domestic information would be stored in domestic area.

6.2存储信息的期限 Terms of information storage.


Generally, KSTAR keeps your information for shortest time. But under following conditions KSTAR may modify the storage time.

6.2.1 为遵守适用的法律法规等有关规定;

Comply with local law and regulations.

6.2.2 为遵守法院判决、裁定或其他法律程序的规定;

Comply with court decision or other regulations.

6.2.3 为遵守相关政府机关或法定授权组织的要求;

Comply with requests from government or other legal organization.

6.2.4 我们有理由确信需要遵守法律法规等有关规定;

KSTAR has reason to comply with law and regulation.

6.2.5 为执行相关服务协议或本政策、维护社会公共利益,为保护我们的客户、我们或我们的关联公司、其他用户或雇员的人身财产安全或其他合法权益所合理必需的用途。

To comply with service agreement or this policy, restricted in order to safeguard public interest, to protect KSTAR, clients or other clients or employees safety or other legitimate


When KSTAR product or service terminated, KSTAR will use like push announcement, pubic announcement to inform you and delete or cryptonym you personal information.

七、信息安全 Information security

我们为您的信息提供相应的安全保障,以防止信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权访问或披露。KSTAR will provide security to you information to avoid loss, improper using, unauthorized visiting or exposing it.


KSTAR will comply with local law and regulations to protect your information.


KSTAR will provide suitable security protects to protect your information. Like KSTAR will use encrypt technology(TLS, SSL), cryptonym to protect your information.


KSTAR set up special management system, procedures and organizations to protect your information. Like KSTAR strictly narrow the authorized people, ask them to obey secrecy obligations and monitor them.


If there is any personal information disclosure cases KSTAR will start emergency preplan and will inform you with push announcement or public announcement.

八、如何注销你的账号 How to cancel your account


You can independently cancel your account in our software products. You can log out of the account by clicking on the personal center. Your act of canceling your account is irreversible. Once you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with relevant services, this account will no longer be available, and your account-related information will be deleted, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

九、第三方SDK隐私协议 Third-Party SDK Privacy Agreement


In order to ensure the realization of some independent functions and enable you to use and enjoy more services and functions, we will embed third-party SDKs in the application, and we will carefully evaluate the purpose of using such SDKs. Please understand that the functions and services of the third-party SDK are constantly updated and developed, and the types of data processed by it may change due to function or policy adjustments. Please refer to the introduction of personal information announced by the third party.


The following is the information of the main third-party service providers we access:

9.1 微信支付 WeChat Payment


Purpose of use: to help users use WeChat payment within the app


Method: WeChat Payment SDK

个人信息范围:设备标识符(Android如IMEI、Android ID、Serial)、MAC地址、WLAN接入点、已安装APP信息

Scope of personal information: device identifier (Android such as IMEI, Android ID, Serial), MAC address, WLAN access point, Installed APP information


Affiliated institution: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.


Official website: https://open.weixin.qq.com/

十、适用范围Scope of work


All KSTAR service would fulfill this policy. With certain service has its specialized privacy request, if there is difference between this policy and specialized privacy request, please follow the specialized request.


Please notice this policy is not fit for the service provided by other company or individuals. Like you login KSTAR account to use other company or individual service.


If you use the third-party service you should accept their privacy policy, so you need read carefully.

十一、您的数据如何在全球范围内转移 how you data transfer globally.


KSTAR is a multinational company which means KSTAR may process your data in other country, the data protecting law may be different in these countries. Under this condition, KSTAR would ensure the collected data comply with this policy and local law. Including the EU data transfer to non EU approved countries or areas, KSTAR would use legal mechanism, like sign up EU Committee approved contract terms and conditions to ask your permission of transfer data.

十二、你作为数据主体的权利 the right of data owner


When KSTAR process or take your personal data at any time you have following rights:

访问权 - 你有权要求获得我们持有的关于你的一份资料。Access right, you have the right to get your data from KSTAR.
改正权 - 你有权改正我们持有的关于你的数据的不准确或不完整之处。Correction right, you have the right to correct your data from KSTAR if it is incomplete or incorrect.
遗忘权 - 在某些情况下,你可要求将我们持有的关于你的数据从我们的记录中删除。Discard right, with certain conditions you can ask KSTAR to delete your information
处理限制权 - 在某些条件下,适用对处理进行限制的权利。Process limit right, under certain conditions you can ask KSTAR to limit the process of your data.
可移植性权利 - 你有权将我们持有的关于你的数据传输到另一个组织。Transfer right, you have the right to transfer your data from KSTAR to another organization.
反对权 - 你有权反对某些处理类型,例如直接市场营销。Reject right, you have the right to reject some process like direct marketing.
反对自动处理(包括分析)的权利 - 你还有权接受自动处理或分析的法律效果。
Reject auto process right you have right to reject auto process’s legal effect.

司法审查权:如果组织名称拒绝你在访问权下的申请,我们将向你说明原因。Judicial examination power, if the organization reject your access right KSTAR will explain the reason to you.

When processing your personal data if there is involved for third party will send above requests.

十三、同意本政策acceptance of this policy


By accept this privacy policy means you allow KSTAR to process your personal data for certain purpose. When KSTAR process your personal data, KSTAR already get your permission. If KSTAR ask you to provide sensitive data, KSTAR will tell you the reason and how to use the data, you can reject the request at anytime.(Contact email: service@kstar.com.cn)



If you want to complain how KSTAR process your personal data or how to process your complaint you have the right to complain to regulatory authority, organization data protection representative, data protection office or GDPR owners

十五、联系我们Contact KSTAR

如您对本政策或其他相关事宜有疑问,您可根据我们提供的指引,填写相关资料,将您的问题发送至service@kstar.com.cn。我们将尽快审核所涉问题,并在验证您的用户身份后予以回复。If you have any doubt or other matters you can follow our instruction fill up the formand send your doubt to service@kstar.com.cn. After verify your user identification KSTAR will reply your question as soon as possible.

十六、变更 Modify


KSTAR may modify this privacy policy. If the modification may cause your loss KSTAR will inform you by email or reminder at front page, under this condition if you still use KSTAR service means you accept our modifications