Privacy Policy for Palfish Teachers
Version update date: December 16th 2020
Version effective date: January 16th 2021
This Policy is only applicable to the products and services of Palfish Teacher App (hereinafter referred to as “Palfish Teacher” or “We”) of Beijing ipalfish Technology Co., Ltd. Please read carefully and fully understand the contents of the terms, especially the bold contents, before clicking to agree to this Policy.
We are aware of the importance of personal privacy and will do our best to keep your Personal Information safe and reliable. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and will protect your Personal Information by adhering to the following principles: the principle of consistent powers and responsibilities, the principle of definite purpose, the principle of selective consent, the principle of minimum necessity, the principle of ensuring safety, the principle of subject participation, and the principle of openness and transparency. We will also take appropriate security measures to protect your Personal Information in accordance with mature safety standards of the industry. The Personal Information We collect in your use of Palfish Teacher will be used only for the purposes specified in this Policy. Please read and understand this Privacy Policy carefully before using our products or services.
[Special tips] If you are a legal guardian of a child user, please carefully read and choose whether to agree with this Policy. Meanwhile, please teach and guide your child to enhance his/her awareness and ability of Personal Information protection, such as not to provide any Personal Information to any product and service provider without your consent; if you are a child user, please use our products and services or provide information to us with the consent of your legal guardian.

This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following contents:
· 我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息
· How do We collect and use your Personal Information
· 我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息
· How do We share, transfer, and publicly disclose your Personal Information
· 我们如何保存您的个人信息
· How do We save your Personal Information
· 我们如何使用Cookie和同类技术
· How do We use cookies and similar technologies
· 个人信息安全
· Personal information security
· 个人信息安全事件的处置
· Handling of Personal Information security incidents
· 未成年人的个人信息保护
· Personal information protection of minors
· 您的个人信息权利
· Your Personal Information rights
· 本隐私政策的更新
· Updates to this Privacy Policy
· 如何联系我们
· How to contact us
How do We collect and use your Personal Information
“Personal information” means all kinds of information recorded electronically or otherwise that may be used to, individually or jointly with other information, identify a particular natural person or reflect the activities of a particular natural person.
“Personal Sensitive Information” refers to Personal Information that, once disclosed, illegally provided or abused, may endanger the personal and property safety, and may easily lead to damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health or discriminatory treatment, etc., including identity document number, personal biometric information, bank account number, property information, whereabouts track, transaction information, Personal Information of children under the age of 14 (inclusive), etc.
Basic features that collect and use your Personal Information
Our products and/or services contain basic features, including those required to give classes online. We may realize these features only after we collect and use the following information about you. If you do not provide the related information, We will not be able to provide you with certain products and/or services.
1. 注册成为我们的用户并登录
Register as our user and log in
You will need to register a Palfish Teacher account to become an official course teacher of Palfish. At the time of registration, you need to provide us with your mobile phone number, dynamic verification code, device information (including model, OS version, MAC address, operator, application version number, build version number, device ID, network type). You may modify and supplement your avatar, email address, gender, date of birth, residential address, which are all supplementary information to your account. If you do not provide such supplementary information, it will not affect your use of basic features.
2. 服务内容展示、浏览、播放功能
Service Content display, browsing and play features
Our products and/or services provide you with the features of displaying, browsing and playing video, audio and e-book contents. In the process, we will collect some information about you according to your specific operation of using our products and/or services. If you do not provide relevant information as shown below, we will not be able to provide the service:
Device information: Model, MAC address, operator, including the method of network access, network quality data and mobile network information (including operator name). In order to collect the above information, We will request access to your device information and obtain the relevant information according to your authorization.
Log information: When you use our products and/or services, We will automatically collect your surfing records and save them as relevant operation logs and service logs, including your browsing records, like giving/sharing/comments/interaction records, collection/attention/appointment records, class giving records, visit dates and time.
3. 客服、其他用户响应功能
Customer service and other user response features
When you interact with our customer service personnel or use other user response features (including: submitting feedbacks online, communicating with online/labor customer service personnel, making after-sale requests or other customer complaints and needs for our products and/or services), We may also need to collect your contact information, your communication with us, and other necessary information relating to your needs. We collect such information to investigate the facts and help you solve problems. If you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to use our customer service and user response mechanisms.
4. 教师资格认证功能
Teacher qualification certification feature
When you use the teacher certification feature or service in our products and/or services, in order to meet the relevant legal provisions and regulatory requirements, ensure the basic teaching ability, ensure the security of the system and services or the provision of services, We will need to collect your real identity information (which may include name, ID card related information, photo, introduction video, nationality material, teaching certificate, teaching age, education background, work experience) to complete the teacher certification. Meanwhile, according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities, We will repeatedly publish your personal introduction, teaching certificate and personal photo on the website: https: //www.ipalfish.com and Palfish English app with fish. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to complete the teacher qualification certification and become an official course teacher, but it will not affect your regular use of other products and services We provide.
5. 产品安全保障功能
Product safety guarantee feature
为提高您使用我们及我们合作伙伴提供服务的安全性,确保操作环境安全与识别注册账号异常状态,有效得保护您或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,预防网络诈骗、网络漏洞、计算机病毒、网络攻击、网络侵入等安全风险,我们可能会使用您的硬件序列号、设备MAC地址、操作系统版本、唯一设备识别码(IMEI/Android ID/UUID/GSIM卡IMSI信息)、登录IP地址、产品版本号、语言模式、浏览记录、网络使用习惯、服务故障信息、获取运行中进程信息来综合判断您账户及交易风险、检测及防范安全事件。如果您不提供本项信息,我们将无法为您提供服务。
In order to improve the security of the services provided by us and our partners, ensure the security of the operating environment and identify the abnormal status of accounts registered, effectively protect the personal and property safety of you or other users or the public from infringement, and prevent security risks such as network fraud, network vulnerability, computer virus, network attack, network intrusion, etc., We may use your hardware serial number, device MAC address, operating system version, unique device identification code (IMEI/Android ID/UUID/IMSI code of GSIM card), login IP address, product version number, language mode, browsing records, network usage habits, service fault information to comprehensively evaluate your account and transaction risks, detect and prevent security events. If you do not provide relevant information, we will not be able to provide the service.
Extended features that collect and use your Personal Information
We will collect and use your Personal Information and when We provide you with the following extended features. We will also require access to your storage in order to guarantee the functions involved with files, downloading, videos are available. If you do not provide some or all of such Personal Information, you may still use our basic features, but you may not use some or all of the extended features.
1. 基于设备相册权限的扩展功能
Extended features based on device album permission
当您使用上传/修改头像、创建/修改直播配图、创建/修改课程配图、发送动态、教室内/直播间内发送图片、上传自我介绍视频、上传自我介绍视频封面、IM发送照片、上传TPR视频、上传TPR封面、上传国籍材料、上传教学证书;下载/保存图片时,我们将需要获取您的设备相册权限,并收集您提供的图片、视频内容信息。如您拒绝提供仅会使您无法使用该功能,但并不影响您正常使用产品与/或服务的其他功能。相册权限是您设备上的一项设置,您可以通过设备设置页面进行管理。同时,您也可以随时通过产品上的相关功能设置开启/取消该权限,访问路径为:Me-Setting-Privacy setting。您开启该权限即视为您授权我们可以访问、获取、收集、使用您的该个人信息;当您取消该授权后,我们将不再收集该信息,也无法再为您提供上述与之对应的服务;您的取消行为不会影响我们基于您之前的授权进行的个人信息的处理、存储。
When you use such features as upload/modify avatar, create/modify live broadcast picture, create/modify course picture, release dynamic condition, send pictures in classroom/live broadcast studio, upload self-introduction video, upload self-introduction video cover, send photos through IM, upload TPR video, upload TPR cover, upload nationality material, upload teaching certificate, or download/save pictures, We will need to obtain your album permission, and collect the photos and video content information you provide. If you refuse to provide such information, you will be unable to use only this feature, but your regular use of other features of the products and/or services will not be affected. The album permission is a setting on your device that you may manage from the settings page on your device. Meanwhile, you may also enable/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant feature settings on the product through: Me-Setting-Privacy Setting. When you enable this permission, it will be deemed that you authorize us to access, obtain, collect and use your Personal Information; when you cancel this permission, We will no longer collect such information and may no longer provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above; your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of Personal Information based on your previous authorization.
2. 基于设备相机/摄像头权限的扩展功能
Extended features based on device camera permission
当您使用直播、线上面试、在线上课、线上备课、IM拍照、直播/教室发送评论拍照业务功能时,我们将需要获取您的设备相机权限,并收集您提供的图片、视频内容信息。如您拒绝提供您将无法使用该功能,但并不影响您正常使用产品与/或服务的其他功能。相机权限是您设备上的一项设置,您可以通过设备设置页面进行管理。同时,您也可以随时通过产品上的相关功能设置开启/取消该权限,访问路径为:Me-Setting-Privacy setting。您开启该权限即视为您授权我们可以访问、获取、收集、使用此项个人信息;当您取消该授权后,我们将不再收集该信息,也无法再为您供上述与之对应的服务;您的取消行为不会影响我们基于您之前的授权进行的个人信息的处理、存储。
When you use the live broadcast, online interview, online class giving, online lesson preparation, IM photo, or the give comments or take photos in live broadcast/classroom feature, We will need to obtain your device camera permission and collect the photos and video content information you provide. If you refuse to provide such information, you will be unable to use this feature, but your regular use of other features of the products and/or services will not be affected. The camera permission is a setting on your device that you may manage from the settings page on your device. Meanwhile, you may also enable/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant feature settings on the product through: Me-Setting-Privacy Setting. When you enable this permission, it will be deemed that you authorize us to access, obtain, collect and use such Personal Information; when you cancel this permission, We will no longer collect such information and may no longer provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above; your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of Personal Information based on your previous authorization.
3. 基于设备麦克风权限的扩展功能
Extended features based on device microphone permission
当您使用在线上课、线上面试、线上备课、freetalk通话、IM发送语音、TPR(直接式沟通教学法)、Record exercise、语音自我介绍、自动回复语音、直播业务功能时,我们将需要获取您的设备麦克风权限,并收集您的语音信息、语音交互信息。如您拒绝提供则无法使用该功能,但并不影响您正常使用产品与/或服务的其他功能。麦克风权限是您设备上的一项设置,您可以通过设备设置页面进行管理。同时,您也可以随时通过产品上的相关功能设置开启/取消该权限,访问路径为:Me-Setting-Privacy setting。您开启该权限即视为您授权我们可以访问、获取、收集、 使用此项个人信息;但当您取消该授权后,我们将不再收集该信息,也无法再为您提供上述与之对应的服务;您的取消行为不会影响我们基于您之前的授权进行的个人信息的处理、存储。
When you use the online class giving, online interview, online lesson preparation, freetalk call, IM voice, TPR (Total Physical Response, a direct communication teaching method), Record exercise, audio self-introduction, automatic reply voice, or the live broadcast service feature, We will need to obtain your device microphone permission and collect your voice information and voice interaction information. If you refuse to provide such information, you will be unable to use this feature, but your regular use of other features of the products and/or services will not be affected. The microphone permission is a setting on your device that you may manage from the settings page on your device. Meanwhile, you may also enable/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant feature settings on the product through: Me-Setting-Privacy Setting. When you enable this permission, it will be deemed that you authorize us to access, obtain, collect and use such Personal Information; but when you cancel this permission, We will no longer collect such information and may no longer provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above; your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of Personal Information based on your previous authorization.
Extended features based on device storage permission
在您设置/更改头像,分享图片、视频内容时,我们将需要获取您的设备存储及外部存储器权限,并收集您提供的图片、视频内容信息。如您拒绝提供您将无法使用该功能,但并不影响您正常使用产品与/或服务的其他功能。存储权限是您设备上的一项设置,您可以通过设备设置页面进行管理。同时,您也可以随时通过产品上的相关功能设置开启/取消该权限,访问路径为:Me-Setting-Privacy setting。您开启该权限即视为您授权我们可以访问、获取、收集、使用此项个人信息;当您取消该授权后,我们将不再收集该信息,也无法再为您供上述与之对应的服务;您的取消行为不会影响我们基于您之前的授权进行的个人信息的处理、存储。
We need to require your device storage and external storage permission to collect the images and videos content information you provide when you set/modify avatar, share images or videos. If you refuse to provide such information, you will be unable to use only this feature, but your regular use of other features of the products and/or services will not be affected. The storage permission is a setting on your device that you may manage from the settings page on your device. Meanwhile, you may also enable/cancel this permission at any time through the relevant feature settings on the product through: Me-Setting-Privacy Setting. When you enable this permission, it will be deemed that you authorize us to access, obtain, collect and use your Personal Information; when you cancel this permission, We will no longer collect such information and may no longer provide you with the corresponding services mentioned above; your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of Personal Information based on your previous authorization.

Exceptions to your permissions
In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards of the people's republic of China, your authorization and consent are not required for the collection of your Personal Information if:
· 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;
· It is related to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;
· 与中华人民共和国国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
· It is directly related to the national security and national defense security of the people's republic of China;
· 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
· It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
· 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
· It is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
· 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
· It is required for protecting your or other individuals' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;
· 所收集的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的;
· The Personal Information collected has been disclosed to the public by yourself;
· 根据您要求签订和履行合同所必须的;
· It is necessary for signing and fulfilling a contract upon your request;
· 从合法公开披露的信息中收集的您的个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;
· Your Personal Information are collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news report, government information disclosure and other channels;
· 维护所提供产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障。
· It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as to detect and rectify faults of products or services.
· 作为学术研究机构,出于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且其对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的。
· The information is required for an academic research institution to carry out statistics or academic research in the public interest, and when the results of academic research or description are released, the Personal Information contained therein is deidentified.
How do We share, transfer, and publicly disclose your Personal Information
At your option or subject to the “Exceptions to prior authorization or consent for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing Personal Information”, We will only share some of your information to some of our business partners for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only share the part of Personal Information that is necessary to provide the services. Our partners are not authorized to use the Personal Information shared for any other purpose. If We share your Sensitive Personal Information or change the purpose for which it is used and processed, We will again seek your authorization and consent.
With affiliated partners who provide service support for our products and/or services, We share information to enable payment of service fees to you, so that you may collect the payment;
Third-party SDK service providers: Our products may include third-party SDKs or other similar applications. By using such third-party services on Palfish Teacher, you agree that they will directly collect and process your information. For example, when you use Alipay for payment, the alipay SDK needs to read your IMEI information so that you may complete the transaction and realize the transaction purpose in a transaction-safe environment. Such collection and processing of information by the aforementioned service providers are subject to their own privacy provisions, to which this Policy will not apply. However, We will strive to review the business access qualifications of the third parties and strive to procure their compliance and safety. To maximize the security of your information, We strongly recommend that you review the privacy terms of any third-party SDK service before use. In order to safeguard your legitimate rights and interests, if you detect any risk in these SDKs or other similar applications, We recommend that you immediately terminate the relevant operations and contact us without delay.
See the end of this document for a list of SDKs provided by our partners and other third parties linked.
We will enter into strict confidentiality agreements with companies and organizations with which We share Personal Information, requiring them to handle Personal Information in accordance with this Policy and our other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Our partners are not authorized to use the Personal Information shared for any other user, and your authorization will be sought again to change the purpose for which the Personal Information is processed. If We share a child's Personal Information with a third party, We will conduct a security assessment and use encryption, anonymization, de-identification and other methods to ensure the security of the information.
We will not transfer your Personal Information to any company, organization or individual, except in accordance with the “Exceptions to prior authorization or consent for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing Personal Information”.
In case of acquisition, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy or similar transactions or situations, if the transfer of Personal Information is involved, We will inform you of the relevant situation, and require the new company or organization holding your Personal Information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. In case of change to the purpose of the Personal Information, We will require the company or organization to seek authorization and consent from you again.
Public disclosure
We will publicly disclose your Personal Information only under the following circumstances:
• 在您明确同意或主动选择情况下,我们可能会公开披露您所指定的个人信息;
• We may publicly disclose certain Personal Information designated by you with your express consent or at your option;
• 根据中华人民共和国法律、法规的要求、强制性的行政执法或司法要求所必须提供您个人信息的情况下,我们可能会依据所要求公开披露您的个人信息。在符合法律法规的前提下,当我们收到上述披露信息的请求时,我们会要求必须出具与之相应的法律文件,如传票或调查函。
• We may publicly disclose your Personal Information as required by the laws and regulations of the people's republic of China, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements. Subject to laws and regulations, when We receive the above request for disclosure of information, We will require that the corresponding legal documents, such as summons or investigation letter, be issued.
Exceptions to prior authorization or consent for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing Personal Information
In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards of the people's republic of China, your prior authorization and consent are not required for the sharing, transfer or public disclosure of your Personal Information if:
· 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;
· It is related to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;
· 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
· It is directly related to the national security and national defense security;
· 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
· It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
· 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
· It is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
· 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人授权同意的;
· It is required for protecting your or other individuals' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your authorization or consent;
· 所涉及的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;
· The Personal Information involved has been disclosed to the public by yourself;
· 根据您要求签订和履行合同所必需的;
· It is necessary for signing and fulfilling a contract upon your request;
· 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。
· Your Personal Information are collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news report, government information disclosure and other channels.
· 维护我们所提供产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,如发现、处置产品或服务的故障。
· It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided by us, such as to detect and rectify faults of products or services.
According to the laws and regulations of the people's republic of China, the sharing and transfer of Personal Information which is de-identified and definitely cannot be recovered by the recipent and through which the subject of the information cannot be re-identified are not sharing, transfer and public disclosure of Personal Information, and the storage and processing of such data require no notification to you or consent from you.
How do We save your Personal Information
Your information will be stored and processed in mainland China.
In general, We will retain your Personal Information only for the shortest period of time necessary to achieve our purpose. After the storage life expires, We will delete or anonymize your Personal Information. If We stop providing products or services, We will promptly stop collecting your Personal Information, notify you of the termination of operations one by one or by announcement, and delete or anonymize the Personal Information We hold after the termination of services or operations.

How do We use cookies and similar technologies
在您使用我们的产品与/或服务时,我们可能会使用 Cookie 和同类技术收集您的一些个人信息,包括:您的浏览信息、您的登录信息,Cookie 和同类技术收集该类信息是为了您使用我们的产品与/或服务的必要、简化您重复操作的步骤(如注册、登录)、便于您查看使用历史(如绘本浏览历史、录绘本历史)、 向您提供更切合您简化的服务内容和您可能更感兴趣的内容、保护您的信息和账号安全性、改善我们的产品和服务等。我们承诺仅在本协议所述目的范围内使用 Cookie 和同类技术。
When you are using our products and/or services, We may use cookie and similar technologies to collect some Personal Information about you, including: your browsing and login information. We collect such information through cookie and similar technologies for the necessity of your use of our products and/or services, to simplify your repetitive steps (e.g. registration, login), to facilitate your viewing of usage history (e.g. picture book browsing history, picture book recording history), to provide you with simplified service contents that are more appropriate to you and those that may be of greater interest to you, to protect your information and account security, to improve our products and services, etc. We undertake to use cookie and similar technologies only for the purposes set forth in this Policy.

(1)Personal information security
We attach great importance to information security and have set up a dedicated team. We have made great efforts to provide you with information protection, have adopted appropriate management, technical and physical security measures, and have established an information security guarantee system suitable for business development by reference to domestic information security standards. We have set up a dedicated department responsible for Personal Information protection, have established relevant internal control management processes, and adopt the principle of minimum authority for staff who may have access to your information;
(2)数据安全收集方面,通过个人信息安全影响评估确认数据收集的合法性、正当性和必要性,识别并以清晰、准确的方式告知用户以征得同意,同时对用户的授权同意采集行为进行日志记录;采用敏感识别工具对收集的用户数据进行分类分级,针对不同级别的数据设置不同等级的安全策略; 采用技术措施对收集或产生数据的来源方进行身份识别,确保数据来源的准确性和抗抵赖性。
In terms of safe data collection, the legality, legitimacy and necessity of data collection are confirmed through Personal Information security impact assessment, the user is identified and informed in a clear and accurate manner to obtain consent, and the authorized collection of user information is recorded in a log; the user data collected is classified and graded by using sensitive identification tools, and different levels of security policies have been formulated for different levels of data; technical measures are adopted to identify the source of data collected or generated, so as to ensure the accuracy and non-repudiation of the data source.
In terms of safe data storage, the data classification and grading management system is adopted, and different information storage strategies are adopted according to the data classification and grading results; Personal Sensitive Information needs to be stored after encrypted to ensure that the data security specifications are strictly implemented; authority control and security audit are strengthened for the database storing Personal Information; Personal Information is backed up and restored regularly to ensure the integrity of Personal Information in the storage and use process;
In terms of safe data processing, the Personal Information is desensitized according to use scenarios and security needs, for example, desensitization is required be completed at the server end before displaying Personal Sensitive Information at the front end; real user information is strictly prohibited in the development and test environment; strict data authority control is implemented, and technical measures such as multiple identity authentication and network/data isolation are adopted to ensure effective monitoring of Personal Information processing and avoid illegal access and unauthorized use of data.
In terms of safe data destruction, the minimum available period for Personal Information storage is set according to the requirements of laws and regulations and the actual needs of the business, and the data expired will be processed through safe deletion technologies to ensure that the data destroyed cannot be recovered. Such technologies include but are not limited to complete data removal, disk destruction, physical destruction, etc.;
We have established a complete audit mechanism to monitor and audit the whole data life cycle, so as to prevent your Personal Information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, man-made or accidental damage or loss;
We regularly organize our employees to participate in training on security and privacy protection and require them to complete the specified assessment, so as to strengthen their awareness of the importance of protecting Personal Information;
We strictly implement various graded protection systems, and through continously upgrading and optimizing the security architecture and comprehensively improving the security technical support capability under the compliance framework, our information systems such as the internet business system, the big data platform, the private cloud platform and the background support system have all passed the information security level evaluation and filing of the Ministry of Public Security, and have obtained the Third-level Certificate of National Classified Information Security Protection issued by the Ministry of Public Security.
Please keep your account number and password information properly. Do not inform others or third-party websites of your password. If you find your Personal Information leaked, especially your account number and password, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service personnel so that We can take corresponding measures.
We have deployed access control mechanisms, trying to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the Personal Information. We have also adopted strict management on employees who may have access to your information, whose operations may be monitored, we have established an approval mechanism for important operations such as data access, internal and external transmission and use, desensitization, decryption, and have signed confidentiality agreements with the above-mentioned employees. In addition, We regularly carry out information security training for employees, and require them to form good operating habits in their daily work and improve their awareness of data protection.
Handling of Personal Information security incidents
Upon the occrrence of an unfortunate Personal Information security incident, We will launch an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of the security incident, and will inform you of the basic information and possible impact of the security incident, the measures We have taken or will take, the suggestions for you to prevent and mitigate risks independently, and the remedial measures for you, in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the people's republic of China. We will inform you of the relevant information of the incident by email, telephone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the Personal Information subject one by one, We will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective way. Meanwhile, We will also take the initiative to report the disposal of the information security incident as required by the regulatory authorities.

Personal information protection of minors
按照中华人民共和国相关法律规定,未满18周岁为未成年人,不满 14 周岁的未成年人为儿童。
According to the relevant laws and regulations of the people's republic of China, people under the age of 18 are minors, and minors under the age of 14 are children.
Palfish teachers are mainly for adults. Minors, especially children under the age of 14, should not establish their own Personal Information subject accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. If you are a guardian of a minor, We remind you to correctly perform your guardianship duties and protect the Personal Information security of the minor. If a minor under your guardianship uses our services, you should give him/her correct guidance and supervision. If you are a minor, please read this Privacy Policy carefully with the company and assistance of your parents or guardians before using the Palfish Teacher service, and use our services or provide us with information with the consent of your parents or guardians.
As to Personal Information we collect from minors, especially children, who use our products or services with the consent of parents or guardians, We will use, share, transfer or disclose such information only if permitted by laws and regulations, with the explicit consent of parents or guardians, or if necessary for the protection of minors. If We find ourselves collecting Personal Information about children without the prior consent of their parents or guardians, We will try to delete the data at the soonest time possible.
In respect of children's Personal Information, We will further take the following measures:
In addition to complying with the provisions of this Privacy Policy on users' Personal Information, We will also adhere to the principles of proper and necessary, informed consent, definite purpose, security guarantee and legal use, and store, use and disclose such information in strict compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Provisions on the Cyber Protection of Children's Personal Information, and will not exceed the time limit necessary for realizing the purpose of collection and use, after the expiration thereof, We will delete or anonymize the children's Personal Information.
When you, as a guardian, choose to use the services of Palfish Teacher for a child under your guardianship, We may need to collect Personal Information of the child under guardianship from you for the purpose of performing the related services to you. In such case, We will obtain your authorization and consent in advance, and inform you of the purpose and application of the information. If you fail to provide the aforementioned information, you will not be able to enjoy the relevant services provided by us. As a guardian, you should correctly perform your guardianship duties and protect the security of children's Personal Information. If a child needs to register or use our products and/or services himself or herself, you should properly guide and monitor him or her.
The child or his/her guardian has the right to access and correct the child's Personal Information at any time, and may make a request to us for correction and deletion.
We have designated a special person to be responsible for the protection of children's Personal Information. If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints or reports on children's Personal Information, please contact us through the contact information listed in this Privacy Policy. We look forward to be of assistance to you.
Your Personal Information rights
We attach great importance to your attention to Personal Information and will do our best to protect your rights to your Personal Information, unless otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations. For security purposes, We may require a written request from you or other proof of your identity, and will typically accept your request within 15 working days after receiving your feedback and verifying your identity.
Personal Information inquiry: You may log in to your personal account of Palfish Teacher at any time to inquire your Personal Information through: Me-Profile.
Modification and deletion of Personal Information: Me-Profile.
Account cancellation: You can cancel your Palfish Teacher's account by the following means:
· 您可以通过登录伴鱼教师APP进行账户注销,具体路径为:Me-Setting-Delete my account;
· You can cancel your account by logging in to the Palfish Teacher APP through: Me-Setting-Delete my account; or
· 联系在线客服,由客服人员协助您办理账户注销。
· Contact our online customer service personnel to assist you in account cancellation.
Upon such cancellation of Palfish Teacher account, we will cease to provide you with services and will delete or anonymize your Personal Information as required by applicable laws, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
(4)撤销授权:如果您想更改相关权限的授权(例如:相册、相机、麦克风)您可以通过关闭设备功能来撤回您的授权,或在我们的产品或服务中的相关功能设置界面进行操作处理,具体路径为:“Me-Setting-Privacy Setting”。您也可以通过注销账户的方式撤回我们继续收集您个人信息的全部授权。
Revocation of authorization: If you want to change the authorization of relevant access (for example, photo album, camera, microphone), you may revoke your authorization by turning off the device features, or you may operate on the setting interface of relevant features of our services or products through: Me-Setting-Privacy Setting. You may also revoke the full authorization for us to continue collecting your Personal Information by canceling your account.
Obtain a copy of personal information: You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. If you need to obtain a copy of your personal information that we have collected, you can view or download your personal information through [Settings]-[Privacy Policy]-[Personal Information Browse and Export].
In the following cases, in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and national standards, we will not be able to respond to your request:
· 与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;
· It is related to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;
· 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
· It is directly related to the national security and national defense security;
· 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
· It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
· 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和执行判决等直接相关的;
· It is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
· 有充分证据表明您存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;
· There is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;
· 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人授权同意的;
· It is required for protecting your or other individuals' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your authorization or consent;
· 响应您的请求将导致您或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;
· Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;
· 涉及商业秘密的。
· When trade secrets are involved.

Updates to this Privacy Policy
The contents of this Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to accommodate to legal, technical or commercial developments. The Privacy Policy updated will be published on the official website of Palfish, and major changes thereto will be notified to users in appropriate forms such as user notitification. Major changes referred to in this Privacy Policy include:
Major changes to our service mode, such as the purpose of processing Personal Information, the type of Personal Information processed, and the use mode of Personal Information, etc.;
Major changes to our ownership structure and organizational structure, such as owner alteration caused by business adjustment, bankruptcy, merger and acquisition, etc.
Changes to the main objects of Personal Information sharing, transfer or public disclosure;
Major changes to your right to participate in the processing of Personal Information and the way it is exercised;
Changes to the department responsible for Personal Information security, the contact information of the department and the complaint channels;
When the Personal Information Security Impact Assessment Report indicates a high risk.
When you use our App, you may review our Privacy Policy at any time to learn about the changes hereto. You may check the latest update date of this Privacy Policy on the first page.

How to contact us
You may contact us in the following ways, and generally We will accept and process your request for Personal Information within 15 working days.
Customer service personnel: You may dial any of our customer service numbers to contact us;
如果您对我们的回复不满意,并且认为我们的个人信息处理行为损害了您的合法权益,您可以向个人信息安全负责人:jubao@ipalfish.com,客服电话:4006055088或写信至以下地址与我们联系:北京市海淀区马甸东路17号3层312 法务部 个人信息安全负责人(收)
If you are not satisfied with our response and believe that our Personal Information processing has injured your legitimate rights and interests, you may report to the person in charge of Personal Information security via: jubao@ipalfish.com, service tel 4006055088 or write a letter to us at: For the attention of: Person in charge of Personal Information security, legal department, 312/R, 3/F, No. 17, Madian East Road, Haidian District, Beijing
If you are not satisfied with our reply, you may lodge a complaint or report to the regulatory departments such as Internet information, telecommunications, public security, and industry and commerce departments, or file a lawsuit with the people's court with jurisdiction.

Please find our main third-party SDK service providers below:
· 友盟数据统计SDK
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI/android ID/IMSI)、Mac地址、读写外部存储、获取运行中进程信息
· Umeng Analytics SDK
Purpose:User Behavior Analysis
Description:Auxiliary application statistics new users, active users, number of starts, accumulated users and other data
Use business scenarios:Statistics application new users, active users, number of starts, accumulated users and other data
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI/android ID/IMSI), Mac address, read and write external storage
Third-party organization name:Youmeng Tongxin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://www.umeng.com/

· 闪验SDK
· Shanyan SDK
Purpose:Help realize users' one-click login behavior
Description:Shanyan integrates three major operators, supports domestic three-network mobile phone number segments, Android/iOS mobile phones, SDK products that can obtain user mobile phone numbers with one click, establishes a decentralized open account system with mobile phone numbers, and improves registration conversion efficiency The essential function of the SDK use business scenario: one-click login
Personal information field:Get IP address, network card (MAC) address, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), OAID (instead of IMEI), sim card information, mobile phone model, system type, system version, network environment, gateway access number error log and other data
Third-party organization name:Shanghai Chuanglan Yunzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: http://shanyan.253.com/

· tbs腾讯浏览器服务SDK
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID)、Mac地址、运营商信息
· Tencent Browsing Service SDK
Purpose:Tencent browser kernel
Description:Provide a stable in-app browser to replace the system browser and unify the browsers of all Android devices
Use business scenarios:Open in-app h5
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI, IMSI, Android ID), Mac address, carrier information
Third-party organization name:Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Official website:https://x5.tencent.com/tbs/index.html

· 腾讯异常数据上报SDK
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID)、MAC地址、运营商信息
· Tencent Bugly SDK
Purpose:Exception reporting and operation statistics
Description:Provide a stable in-app browser to replace the system browser and unify the browsers of all Android device Provides runtime performance monitoring services for Android applications, monitoring and locating multi-dimensional and complex performance issues ranging from crashes, error reporting, poor code efficiency, slow interaction, third-party API call monitoring, to network environment errors, etc. s
Use business scenarios:Monitor APP performance to improve product experience
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI, IMSI, Android ID), MAC address, operator information
Third-party organization name:Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://bugly.qq.com/v2/index

· FULiveDemoDroid SDK
SDK描述:集成了 Faceunity 面部跟踪、美颜、Animoji、道具贴纸、AR面具、换脸、表情识别、音乐滤镜、背景分割、手势识别、哈哈镜、人像光照以及人像驱动等功能
官网链接: https://github.com/Faceunity/FULiveDemoDroid
· FaceUnity Technology SDK
Purpose:Achieve beautification in the classroom and add sticker function
Description:Integrates Faceunity facial tracking, beauty, Animoji, props stickers, AR masks, face changing, expression recognition, music filters, background segmentation, gesture recognition, haha mirrors, portrait lighting, portrait driving and other functions
Use business scenarios:Online classroom
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:github
Official website: https://github.com/Faceunity/FULiveDemoDroid

· 微博分享SDK
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID)、MAC地址、网络状态信息、运行应用列表,读写外部存储、SIM序列号、获取设备序列号
· Share SDK
Purpose:A Provide Weibo account to share to Weibo
Description:Weibo Sharing
Use business scenarios:Weibo Sharing
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI, IMSI, Android ID), MAC address, network status information, running application list, read and write external storage
Third-party organization name:Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://open.weibo.com/

• 新浪微博开放平台:
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID)、MAC地址、网络状态信息、运行应用列表,读写外部存储、SIM序列号、获取设备序列号
· weibo
Purpose:A Provide Weibo account to share to Weibo
Description:Weibo Sharing
Use business scenarios:Weibo Sharing
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI, IMSI, Android ID), MAC address, network status information, running application list, read and write external storage
Third-party organization name:Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://open.weibo.com/

· meiqiasdk美洽客服SDK
· Meiqia SDK for Customer Service
Purpose:Customer Service
Description:Provide manual customer service and intelligent customer service functions
Use business scenarios:online service
Personal information field:Phone model, system type, system version Third-party organization name:Chengdu Mecha Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://www.meiqia.com/

· Alipay
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID)、MAC地址、运营商信息、网络状态信息
· Alipay
Purpose:Used by users to pay with Alipay in the app
Description:Provide users with in-app purchases
Use business scenarios:In-app Alipay payment
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI, IMSI, Android ID), MAC address, operator information, network status information
Third-party organization name:Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://www.alipay.com/

· 网易netease
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI、IMSI、Android ID),设备机型、操作系统及版本
· NetEase
Purpose:Provide the ability to communicate and interact with audio and video
Description:Provide stable, smooth, high-quality, full-platform point-to-point and multi-person real-time audio and video call services.
Use business scenarios:Communication and interaction with video calls in the classroom
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI, IMSI, Android ID), device model, operating system and version
Third-party organization name:NetEase Smart Enterprise
Official website: https://corp.163.com/gb/legal.html

· 声网SDK
· Agora SDK
Purpose:Provide the ability to communicate and interact with audio and video
Description:Realize high-definition smooth video calls. Through accompaniment mixing, basic beauty, screen sharing, modify the original audio and video data and other functions
Use business scenarios:Interaction with video calls in the classroom and adding sound effects, accompaniment and mixing
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:Soundnet Interactive (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://www.agora.io/cn

· 即构SDK
Purpose:Provide the ability to communicate and interact with audio and video
Description:Provide convenient access, high-definition smooth, multi-platform interoperability, low-latency, high-concurrency audio and video services
Use business scenarios:Communication and interaction with video calls in the classroom
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:Shenzhen Jigou Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://www.zego.im/

· 微信开放平台SDK
· WeChat Open Platform SDK
Purpose:Used to support users to share content to the WeChat client
Description:Users use WeChat account to share apps
Use business scenarios:Share app to WeChat and Moments
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://open.weixin.qq.com/

· 微信热补丁解决方案SDK
· Wechat Tinker SDK
Purpose:Used for Android hot patch solutions, which can fix online issues in time without re-release
Description:Tinker is the official WeChat hot patch solution for Android. It supports the dynamic distribution of code, So library and resources, so that applications can be updated without reinstallation. Of course, you can also use Tinker to update your plugins
Use business scenarios:Android app hot fix
Personal information field:Run application list
Third-party organization name:Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Official website: http://www.tinkerpatch.com/

SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(Android ID)、Mac地址、网络状态信息、本机应用列表
· Connect QQ SDK
Purpose:Provide QQ sharing function
Description:Provide in-app QQ login and sharing
Use business scenarios:Login, share
Personal information field:Device ID information (Android ID), Mac address, network status information, native application list
Third-party organization name:Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://open.tencent.com/

· 腾讯移动直播SDK
SDK描述:使用移动直播 SDK 的 RTMP 推流功能配合标准直播(LVB)和快直播(LEB)在现有 App 中快速实现直播推流,获得更佳的推流质量和更好的推流速度
· Tencent MLVB SDK
Purpose:Provide the ability to communicate and interact with audio and video
Description:Use the RTMP streaming function of the mobile live streaming SDK with standard live streaming (LVB) and fast live streaming (LEB) to quickly implement live streaming in existing apps to obtain better streaming quality and better streaming speed
Use business scenarios:Communication and interaction with video calls in the classroom
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Official website:https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/454/19074

· UC 啄木鸟SDK
· UC Zhuomuniao SDK
Purpose:Provide online quality monitoring and abnormal location analysis services
Description:Provides runtime performance monitoring services for Android applications, monitoring and locating multi-dimensional and complex performance issues ranging from crashes, error reporting, poor code efficiency, slow interaction, third-party API call monitoring, to network environment errors, etc.
Use business scenarios:Monitor APP performance to improve product experience
Personal information field:Read and write external storage
Third-party organization name:Guangzhou Dongjing Computer Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: http://open-uc.uc.cn/solution/zhuomuniao

· 现在支付聚合平台SDK
· ipaynow SDK
Purpose:Realize payment function
Description:The user initiates payment by scanning WeChat or Alipay to scan the QR code of the payment
Use business scenarios:To pay
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:Xianzai (Beijing) Payment Co., Ltd.
Official website:https://www.ipaynow.cn/

· 移动登录SDK
· China Mobile Login SDK
Purpose:Help realize users' one-click login behavior
Description:The phone number verification function can verify whether the current mobile phone number information used by the exchange is consistent with the SIM card information to replace the SMS dynamic verification code verification, which improves the user experience and strengthens the reliability of security verification.
Use business scenarios:One-click login
Personal information field:Native application list, device ID information (IMSI), Mac address, operator information, network status information
Third-party organization name:China Mobile Internet Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://wap.cmpassport.com/resources/html/contract.html/

· 电信登录SDK
· China Telecom Login SDK
Purpose:Help realize users' one-click login behavior
Description:The phone number verification function can verify whether the current mobile phone number information used by the exchange is consistent with the SIM card information to replace the SMS dynamic verification code verification, which improves the user experience and strengthens the reliability of security verification.
Use business scenarios:One-click login
Personal information field:Network status information
Third-party organization name:Century Dragon Information Network Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://e.189.cn/sdk/agreement/detail.do

· 联通登录SDK
· China Unicom Login SDK
Purpose:Help realize users' one-click login behavior
Description:The phone number verification function can verify whether the current mobile phone number information used by the exchange is consistent with the SIM card information to replace the SMS dynamic verification code verification, which improves the user experience and strengthens the reliability of security verification.
Use business scenarios:One-click login
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:China United Network Communications Co., Ltd
Official website: https://opencloud.wostore.cn/authz/resource/html/disclaimer.html?fromsdk=true

· Facebook登录SDK
· Facebook Login SDK
Purpose:Login with Facebook account
Description:A convenient way for users to create an account and log in to the app
Use business scenarios:Facebook login
Personal information field:Nothing
Official website: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login

· Facebook分享SDK
SDK描述:用户可通过分享轻松地将网站或移动应用中的内容传递至 Facebook
· Sharing Facebook SDK
Purpose:Login with Facebook account
Description:A convenient way for users to create an account and log in to the app
Use business scenarios:Facebook login
Personal information field:Nothing
Official website: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing

· Google Firebase SDK
SDK描述:用户可通过分享轻松地将网站或移动应用中的内容传递至 Facebook
SDK使用个人信息字段:设备ID信息(IMEI/android ID/IMSI)、Mac地址、读写外部存储
· Google Firebase SDK
Purpose:User Behavior Analysis
Description:Users can easily transfer content from the website or mobile application to Facebook by sharing
Use business scenarios:Auxiliary application statistics new users, active users, number of starts, accumulated users and other data
Personal information field:Device ID information (IMEI/android ID/IMSI), Mac address, read and write external storage
Official website: https://firebase.google.com/

· 博睿SDK
SDK使用个人信息字段:唯一设备识别码(Android系统 OAID)、设备型号、操作系统、手机运营商、网络数据、IP地址、位置信息,崩溃堆栈信息、启动数据设备信息
·Bonree SDK
Purpose:In order to improve the stability of platform services, it is convenient to quickly and accurately locate the problem after the relevant service crashes
Description:Provides runtime performance monitoring services for Android applications, monitoring and locating multi-dimensional and complex performance issues ranging from crashes, error reporting, poor code efficiency, slow interaction, third-party API call monitoring, to network environment errors, etc.
Use business scenarios:Monitor APP performance to improve product experience
Personal information field:Unique device identification code (Android system OAID), device model, operating system, mobile phone operator, network data, IP address, location information, crash stack information, boot data device information
Third-party organization name:Beijing Bonree Hongyuan Data Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://www.bonree.com/index.html

Purpose:Online memory monitoring performance
Description:A set of complete solutions precipitated by the Kuaishou performance optimization team in the process of handling OOM problems on the mobile terminal.
Use business scenarios:Collect memory image and analyze
Personal information field:Nothing
Third-party organization name:Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd.
Official website: https://github.com/KwaiAppTeam/KOOM

• 移动智能终端补充设备标识体系统一调用SDK