更新日期:2023 年 4 月 13 日
生效日期:2023 年 4 月 13 日
“本应用”是由 北京上投城科技有限公司 运营或提供您所使用的相关具体服务的客户端(应用名 :i餐饮、i餐饮HD )以及相关微信开放平台账号或小程序等。

1、基于位置的附加服务。(1)为了向用户展示门店地理位置,以及方便您确认配送的距离,当您使用我们的产品/服务过程中,我们会使用有关技术获取您的位置信息(准确度会有所不同),这些技术包括 IP 地址、GPS 以及能够提供相关信息的WLAN(如Wi-Fi) 接入点、蓝牙、基站和传感器信息等。(2)当您使用我们的产品/服务过程中,我们可能会收集您的传感器信息以适配您的设备状态,不同场景下的传感器类型可能不一致,我们仅会在具体需要的场景中才会使用。例如,在您进行拍摄时,通过加速度传感器来获取手机运动方向。

(八)集成 SDK获取使用个人信息说明

(1)极光推送 SDK
SDK 用途:为 APP 用户提供信息推送服务收集个人信息类型:
设备标识符(IMEI、IDFA、Android ID、GID、 MAC、OAID、VAID、AAID、IMSI、MEID、UAID、SN、ICCID、SIM信息):用于识别唯一用户,保证推送的精准送达及推送信息的准确统计;网络信息(IP 地址、WiFi 信息、基站信息、DNS地址、DHCP地址、SSID、BSSID)与位置信息(经纬度):用于优化SDK与极光服务器的网络连接请求,保证服务的稳定性和连续性,同时实现区域推送功能;
应用列表信息(应用崩溃信息、通知开关状态、APP 应用列表及活跃状态、APP 应用页面信息、APP 功能事件相关信息):当一个设备有多个 APP 的推送链路同时活跃时,我们采用合并链路技术,随机合并成一条链路,以达到为用户节省电省流量的目的。

设备信息: [Android] 设备品牌、型号、软件系统版本相关信
其他信息: 运营商信息、设备时区
[可选信息] (开发者可以选择是否提供),[Android] 无线网SSID名称、WIFI路由器MAC地址、设备的mac地址、设备IMEI

(3)com.alipay SDK:
com.alipay (支付宝;mPaaS;阿里乘车码:阿里芝 麻信用实名认证;芝麻认证) 

(4)百度 oCPX转化追踪应用 SDK:
SDK 用途:获取设备信息、日志信息、剪切板中的口令、链接等内容、读取/写入外部存储卡、获取手机状态和身份、查看 WLAN 连接。以保障开发者及最终用户正常使用转化追踪的服务,提升服务的效率以及准确率;更准确定位并解决转化追踪产品和服务使用的问题,改进及优化转化追踪产品和服务体验。

为确保网站正常高效运转、为您获得更轻松的访问体验,我们会在您的设备终端/系统上存储名为 Cookie的小数据文件。Cookie会帮助您在后续访问我们网站时调用您的信息,保护您的数据安全等。我们不会将 Cookie用于本隐私政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可自行管理或删除 Cookie。您可以清除计算机或移动设备上保存的所有 Cookie,您有权接受或拒绝Cookie。大多数浏览器会自动接受Cookie,但您通常可根据自己的需要来修改浏览器的设置以拒绝Cookie;另外,您也可以清除软件内保存的所有Cookie。但您可能因此无法完全体验我们某些便捷性和安全性的服务功能。
2、 如果我们确定您出现违反法律法规或严重违反相关协议、规则的情况,或为保护用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害以及维护良好的公平交易环境,我们可能依据法律法规或相关协议、规则披露您的相关个人信息,例如若您销售不符合安全标准的商品而严重违反相关规则时,我们可能会公开披露您的店铺主体信息与相关处罚情况。
如果您对于我们的个人信息处理行为存在任何投诉举报需求,请您联系邮箱: services@icanyin.cn
更新日期:2023 年 4 月 13 日
生效日期:2023 年 4 月 13 日
“本應用”是由 北京上投城科技有限公司 運營或提供您所使用的相關具體服務的客戶端(應用名 :i餐飲、i餐飲HD)以及相關微信開放平臺帳號或小程式等。 

1、基於位置的附加服務。(1)為了向用戶展示門店地理位置,以及方便您確認配送的距離,當您使用我們的產品/服務過程中,我們會使用有關技術獲取您的位置資訊(準確度會有所不同),這些技術包括 IP 地址、GPS 以及能夠提供相關資訊的WLAN(如Wi-Fi) 接入點、藍牙、基站和感測器資訊等。(2)當您使用我們的產品/服務過程中,我們可能會收集您的感測器資訊以適配您的設備狀態,不同場景下的感測器類型可能不一致,我們僅會在具體需要的場景中才會使用。例如,在您進行拍攝時,通過加速度感測器來獲取手機運動方向。

(八)集成 SDK獲取使用個人資訊說明


SDK 用途:為 APP 用戶提供資訊推送服務收集個人資訊類型:
設備識別字(IMEI、IDFA、Android ID、GID、 MAC、OAID、VAID、AAID、IMSI、MEID、UAID、SN、ICCID、SIM資訊):用於識別唯一用戶,保證推送的精准送達及推送資訊的準確統計;網路資訊(IP 地址、WiFi 資訊、基站資訊、DNS地址、DHCP地址、SSID、BSSID)與位置資訊(經緯度):用於優化SDK與極光伺服器的網路連接請求,保證服務的穩定性和連續性,同時實現區域推送功能;
應用列表資訊(應用崩潰資訊、通知開關狀態、APP 應用列表及活躍狀態、APP 應用頁面資訊、APP 功能事件相關資訊):當一個設備有多個 APP 的推送鏈路同時活躍時,我們採用合併鏈路技術,隨機合併成一條鏈路,以達到為用戶節省電省流量的目的。

設備資訊: [Android] 設備品牌、型號、軟體系統版本相關信
其他資訊: 運營商資訊、設備時區
[可選資訊] (開發者可以選擇是否提供),[Android] 無線網SSID名稱、WIFI路由器MAC地址、設備的mac地址、設備IMEI

(3)com.alipay SDK:
com.alipay (支付寶;mPaaS;阿裏乘車碼:阿裏芝 麻信用實名認證;芝麻認證) 

(4)百度 oCPX轉化追蹤應用 SDK:
SDK 用途:獲取設備資訊、日誌資訊、剪切板中的口令、鏈接等內容、讀取/寫入外部存儲卡、獲取手機狀態和身份、查看 WLAN 連接。以保障開發者及最終用戶正常使用轉化追蹤的服務,提升服務的效率以及準確率;更準確定位並解決轉化追蹤產品和服務使用的問題,改進及優化轉化追蹤產品和服務體驗。

為確保網站正常高效運轉、為您獲得更輕鬆的訪問體驗,我們會在您的設備終端/系統上存儲名為 Cookie的小數據檔。Cookie會幫助您在後續訪問我們網站時調用您的資訊,保護您的數據安全等。我們不會將 Cookie用於本隱私政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可自行管理或刪除 Cookie。您可以清除電腦或移動設備上保存的所有 Cookie,您有權接受或拒絕Cookie。大多數流覽器會自動接受Cookie,但您通常可根據自己的需要來修改流覽器的設置以拒絕Cookie;另外,您也可以清除軟體內保存的所有Cookie。但您可能因此無法完全體驗我們某些便捷性和安全性的服務功能。
2、 如果我們確定您出現違反法律法規或嚴重違反相關協議、規則的情況,或為保護用戶或公眾的人身財產安全免遭侵害以及維護良好的公平交易環境,我們可能依據法律法規或相關協議、規則披露您的相關個人資訊,例如若您銷售不符合安全標準的商品而嚴重違反相關規則時,我們可能會公開披露您的店鋪主體資訊與相關處罰情況。

如果您對於我們的個人資訊處理行為存在任何投訴舉報需求,請您聯繫郵箱: services@icanyin.cn

Privacy policy
Last updated: April 13, 2023
Effective date: April 13, 2023
The App (hereinafter referred to as "We") attaches great importance to the protection of users' (hereinafter referred to as "You") personal information. We are well aware of the importance of personal information to you, and will take appropriate security protection measures to protect your personal information in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and the mature security standards of the industry.
[Special Note] Please carefully read and fully understand this Privacy Policy and make corresponding choices before using the products/services provided by us. Once you use or continue to use our products/services, you agree that we collect, use, save, share and protect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
"This Application" (App name: icanyin、 icanyinHD)is a client operated or provided by Beijing Shangtou City Technology Co., Ltd. for the specific services you use, as well as the relevant wechat open platform account or small program.
1. How do we collect and use your personal information
When you use our products/services, you need/may choose to authorize us to collect and use personal information
The scenarios include:
1. In order to provide you with the basic functions of our products/services, you need to authorize us to collect and use the necessary
If you refuse to provide the necessary information, you will not be able to use our products/services normally;
2. In order to provide you with expanded functions of our products/services, you may choose to authorize us to collect and use them
If you refuse to provide the above information, you will not be able to use the relevant additional features or will not be able to
To achieve the functional effect we intend to achieve, but it will not affect your basic skills in using our products/services normally
Yes.We will collect and use your personal Information for the following purposes described in this Policy:
(I) Help you log in to our application
In order to comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, as well as to provide you with more convenient services, you register as a user
You will need to provide at least a mobile number to create an account and complete the relevant network identification letter
Information (e.g. nickname and login password)
(2) to provide you with better products and services
1. The information you provide to us
In order to facilitate the provision of products/services to you, we have the right to provide you with a variety of aspects from identity verification, transaction completion, after-sales and customer service, and security. Collect contact information (name, telephone number), legal representative information (name, mobile phone number, ID number, bank card number voluntarily provided), store address, bank account information or other payment tools, and any text, photo, video information submitted by you during the use of the Application service. It may also contain or be associated with your personal information. We will strictly protect the personal information involved in the above information.
2. The information we collect during your use of the Service
In order to show you relevant order information, we will collect the order information generated during your use of our service for you to show and facilitate you to manage the order. In order to ensure that the APP is closed or running in the background, you can normally receive the customer's order information and avoid message omission, we will use the APP's self-startup ability.
In order to meet the basic requirements of laws and regulations and provide services, ensure the security of your account and system operation, better use of our products, and improve the troubleshooting efficiency of product problems, we will collect your log information, order information, browsing and searching information, location information, device information, and problem reporting and description. Contact phone number and any text, photo and video information you submit in the process of using the service, and the information you provide in a service of our affiliated party will be combined for comprehensive statistics and analysis to provide you with convenient service and information display, including pushing message notifications to you on the App page. Send push messages, promotion information or display product/service-related commercial advertisements to you through SMS, App, email, etc., return visits by phone, provide information consultation and other services to you or invite you to participate in customer research related to services, products or functions.
3. When you contact us, we may collect your correspondence, call records and contents or contact information left by you in order to contact you, help you solve problems, or record the solution and result of relevant problems.
4. Your personal information indirectly collected by us
In order to provide you with better service, confirm the transaction status and provide you with after-sales and dispute resolution services, we will collect your transaction, payment and distribution information related to the transaction progress through the transaction objects you choose and the third-party information systems and payment agencies directly involved in the transaction, or share your information with the above service providers, after obtaining your authorization. So that we can process your order and ensure the smooth completion of the service, or better prevent fraud, brushing and other malicious behavior. According to the requirements of laws and regulations and the agreement with the third party, we will obtain your relevant information after your authorization, and use your information after confirming the legitimacy of their information sources.
We promise to strictly protect the personal information involved in the above information.
Please note that data that cannot be directly linked to any particular individual is not personal information.
(3) Providing other additional services
In order to optimize your use experience and provide you with more simple and convenient services, we will collect and use the following information in accordance with the law and your specific authorization. Such information will be collected in the specific functions and business scenarios you select. If you do not provide such information, the use of basic functions will not be affected. You can disable the authorization of specific additional services at any time by setting the Settings.
1. Location-based add-on services. (1) In order to show users the location of the store and facilitate you to confirm the delivery distance, when you use our products/services, we will use relevant technologies to obtain your location information (accuracy may vary). These technologies include IP addresses, GPS, and WLAN (e.g. Wi-Fi) access points, Bluetooth, base stations, and sensor information that can provide relevant information. (2) When you use our products/services, we may collect your sensor information to match your device status. The sensor types in different scenarios may be inconsistent, and we will only use it in specific scenarios. For example, when you take a picture, the acceleration sensor can tell the direction of the phone's movement.
2. Additional services based on Bluetooth. In order to connect printers and other store operation equipment, we will apply for authorization when you actively use this function.
3. Additional services based on calls. In order to facilitate your ability to contact customers or riders, we will apply for authorization when you dial proactively.
4. Additional services for uploading and downloading pictures/videos based on cameras, albums and storage. In order to provide you with the function of uploading photos or videos, scanning codes, and reading and writing photos and videos taken by you,When you use the camera, we will obtain the direction sensor and gyroscope device sensor information for obtaining the camera Angle. we will apply for authorization when you take the initiative to take photos, scanning codes, uploading pictures, etc. Please be aware that after obtaining authorization, we will only collect photos and video information when you actively choose to take photos, upload and other functions.
5. Additional services based on read/write local storage permissions. In order to ensure your normal use of this system to upload menu pictures and save the table two-dimensional code to the local, you need to read and write the local storage permissions, including the permissions to modify/delete the contents in the SD card and read the contents on the SD card.
(4) To provide security for you
In order to ensure the security of your account, transaction and system operation, and meet the relevant requirements of laws and regulations and our rules and regulations, we will obtain your device information and network status information with your authorization during your access and use of our products/services. Including your use of the equipment model, hardware serial number, MAC address, the only equipment identification number (such as IMEI/MEID/IMSI/AndroidID/IDFA/IDFV/OAID, SIM card IMSI, ICCID information such as device identifier), in the operation of the process information, mobile application list, WIFI status, telecom operators and other software and hardware characteristics. Without your authorization, we will not obtain the above information in advance.
In order to improve the security of your use of the services provided by us and prevent phishing website fraud and Trojan virus more accurately, we may use or integrate your personal information and the information authorized by you or shared by our affiliated parties and partners in accordance with the law to comprehensively judge your account and transaction risks, including identity verification, according to your usage habits and commonly used software information. To prevent, detect and investigate possible fraud, cyber viruses, security risks of cyber attacks and violations of our or Affiliate agreements, policies or rules to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, other users, us or affiliates and to document links (" urls ") that we consider to be risky.
(V) Expansion function based on clipping board authorization
You can choose to use the clipboard function of the system to quickly copy and paste order information. Whether you use this function or not will not affect your enjoyment of the basic functions of this application.
(6) Exceptions to consent
Please be aware that we do not need your authorization to collect and use personal information under the following circumstances:
1. Related to national security and national defense security;
2. Those related to public safety, public health and major public interests;
3. Those related to the investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments of crimes;
4. In order to protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals, but it is difficult to get the consent of the person;
5. The collected personal information is disclosed to the public by the subject of personal information;
6. Your personal information collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;
7. Necessary for signing the contract according to your requirements;
8. Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as finding and handling faults of the products and/or services;
9. Necessary for legitimate journalism;
10. When an academic research institution carries out statistics or academic research in the public interest and provides the results of academic research or description to the public, it de-identifies the personal information contained in the results;
11. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
(7) Device permission call
To ensure the normal implementation of relevant service functions, we need to invoke necessary permissions according to specific usage scenarios and ask you in the pop-up window before invoking. You can choose to disable part or all permissions in the Settings of the device. As a result, the corresponding service functions cannot be realized or the expected effect cannot be achieved.

(VIII) Instructions for integrating SDK to obtain and use personal information

In order to better operate and improve technology and service, you agree that we and authorized partners may use the collected information for other services and purposes in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Authorized partners under the following headings:

(1) Aurora Push SDK
Third party: Shenzhen Hexunhuagu Information Technology Co., LTD
SDK Purpose: To provide information push service for APP users
Types of personal information collected:
Device parameters and system information (device type, device model, system version, and related hardware information) : Used to identify the user's device type, device model, and system version to ensure accurate delivery of the message;
Device identification word (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, GID, MAC, OAID, VAID, AAID, IMSI, MEID, UAID, SN, ICCID, SIM information) : used to identify unique users, to ensure accurate delivery of push and accurate statistics of push information;
Network information (IP address, WiFi information, base station information, DNS address, DHCP address, SSID, BSSID) and location information (latitude and longitude) : used to optimize the network connection request of SDK and Aurora server, ensure the stability and continuity of the service, and realize the regional push function;
APP list information (APP crash information, notification switch status, APP list and active status, App page information, app function event information) : When a device has multiple APP push links active at the same time, we adopt the link merging technology to randomly merge into one link, so as to save power and traffic for users.
Data processing mode: through de-identification, encrypted transmission and other security modes,It is hereby explained that automatic startup and associated startup APP will be triggered in scenarios where users need to receive real-time delivery order progress notification
Privacy policy links: https://www.jiguang.cn/license/privacy
(2) Massive engine conversion SDK
Third party subject: Beijing Juliang Engine Network Technology Co., LTD
How to cooperate: Provide data statistics and analysis services
Personal Information Types and Fields:
[Essential Information] : Basic information that developers need to work with massive engines
Device information: [Android] Device brand, model, software version letter
Information, oaid and other basic information into SDK, [IOS] device brand, model, software system version related information, mobile phone system restart time, total disk space, total system memory space, CPU number and other basic information
Application information: Information such as the developer's application name, application package name, and version number
Other information: Carrier information and device time zone
[Optional information], [Android] wireless network SSID name, WIFI router MAC address, device mac address, device IMEI
Uses and purposes:
Ad-based delivery collects users' advertising behavior, part of device information, and part of transformation events in developers' apps for the purpose of advertising monitoring attribution, optimization of delivery effect and other purposes related to advertising activities, without providing or disclosing relevant data to other third parties. The collection, processing and storage of relevant information by the developer shall be maintained by the developer and not processed by the massive engine service.
Privacy policy link:

(3) com.alipay SDK:
A: alipay; mPaaS; Ali ride code: Ali sesame credit real name authentication; Sesame certification)
Usage and purpose: For Alipay payment

(4) Baidu oCPX conversion tracking application SDK:
SDK Purpose: Obtain device information, log information, passwords and links in the clipboard, read/write external memory card, obtain mobile phone status and identity, and view WLAN connection. To ensure that developers and end users can normally use the transformation tracking service, improve the efficiency and accuracy of the service; To more accurately locate and solve problems in the use of conversion tracking products and services, improve and optimize the conversion tracking product and service experience.

Two, How do we use cookies and similar technologies
(I) The use of cookies
In order to ensure the normal and efficient operation of the website and provide you with an easier access experience, we will store small data files named cookies on your device terminal/system. Cookies will help you call your information when you visit our website in the future, to protect your data security, etc. We do not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. You can manage or delete cookies yourself. You may clear all cookies saved on your computer or mobile device, and you have the right to accept or reject cookies. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can usually modify the browser Settings to reject cookies as you see fit; In addition, you can clear all cookies saved in the software. However, you may not be able to fully experience some of our convenience and security service features.
Iii. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
(1) Sharing
We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual outside the Platform, except in the following cases:
Based on legal circumstances: in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, litigation dispute settlement needs, or the requirements of administrative, judicial and other authorities according to law;
Sharing with Affiliates: In order to provide consistent services to users and facilitate unified management by users, we will share your personal information with our affiliates on the premise of necessity.
Sharing with partners: We may share with business partners order information, account information, payment information necessary to provide services to you. Our business partners include partners, third party service partners and business partners.
Based on the agreement: when it is necessary to share with a third party according to the relevant agreements (including online electronic agreements and platform rules) or legal documents signed by you and us;
Based on the public interest in accordance with laws and regulations.
We will share necessary data with third parties through application program interface (API) and software tool development Kit (SDK). Different versions of third-party SDKS may vary, including third-party account login, sharing, third-party payment, map navigation, vendor push, statistics, etc. We will carry out strict security inspection on the third party and agree on data protection measures.
Please be aware that we will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes. We will sign strict information protection and confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information only for the purposes stated in this Policy, requiring them to abide by the agreements and take relevant security measures to protect your personal information.
(2) Transfer
We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual unless:
1. Transfer with Express consent: After obtaining your express consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;
2. In the event of our merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, or other merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will require the company, organization or individual to seek authorization from you again.
(3) Public disclosure
We will not publicly disclose your personal information except in the following cases:
1. Based on your voluntary choice or your express consent, we may disclose your personal information;
2. If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated relevant agreements and rules, or in order to protect the personal and property safety of users or the public from infringement and maintain a good fair trading environment, we may disclose your relevant personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or relevant agreements and rules. For example, if you sell goods that do not meet the safety standards and seriously violate the relevant rules, we may publicly disclose your store main body information and relevant penalties.
3. Disclosure based on law: We may publicly disclose your personal information when required by law, legal process, lawsuit or government authority.
Iv. How do we protect your personal information
To protect your information security, we strive to adopt a variety of industry-standard physical, electronic and managerial security measures to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of your personal information. We will take all reasonably practicable measures to protect your personal information, using encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; Use trusted protection mechanisms to protect data from malicious attacks; Deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; And conduct security and privacy training courses to enhance staff awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.
In the event of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with it, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce the risk, and the remedial measures for you. We will timely inform you of the relevant information of the event by email, letter, telephone, push notification and other means. If it is difficult to inform individual information subjects one by one, we will make announcements in a reasonable and effective way. At the same time, we will also proactively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.
5. How do you manage your Personal Information
You have the following rights with your personal information:
1. You have the right to cancel your account. You can access the App for online operations.
i Catering logout method is to access the App "My" - "Settings" - "account logout",
i Catering HD logout method is to access the App "user nickname" - "logout account",
6. How can your Personal Information be transferred globally
Personal information collected and generated by our operations within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China, except as follows:
1. Laws and regulations have clear provisions;
2. Obtain your explicit authorization;
3. You conduct cross-border transactions through the Internet and other personal initiatives.
In the above circumstances, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Vii. Notices and Amendments
In order to provide you with better service, our business will change from time to time, and this privacy policy will be adjusted accordingly. Without your express consent, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy. We will remind you of relevant content updates by issuing updated versions on our website, mobile terminal or in other ways, and please visit us to keep abreast of the latest privacy policy. By continuing to use our services under the foregoing circumstances, you agree to accept and be bound by this Policy as amended.
Eight, How to contact us
If you have any complaints about our personal information processing, please contact us at services@icanyin.cn