Privacy Statement – [SAP Mobile Start Mobile App]
隐私政策 — 【 SAP Mobile Start Mobile App 】

Last updated: [June 2024]

Note: The [SAP Mobile Start] is not a stand-alone application, but an interface to provide you an access to log into the backend Cloud Service through your mobile device as long as you remain a user authorized by your Company to access the backend Cloud Service. Thus, SAP as data controller will normally only collect your Personal Information (e.g., username ID and related password information) for user authentication purposes in the Mobile App to enable your access to the backend Cloud Service through your mobile device. This Privacy Statement will neither cover the personal information collected or processed by the backend Cloud Service nor cover the personal information processed by SAP as data processor on behalf of data controller.
注意:【SAP Mobile Start】不是一独立的移动应用软件而是一仅提供界面功能的软件以便您通过您的移动设备有入口登录其后端的云服务(只要您始终是您公司授权可登录后端云服务的客户)。所以,SAP通常仅收集您的个人信息(比如用户名ID或密码等) 用于在本软件的用户认证以便您从本应用连通后端云服务。本隐私政策既不涵盖您后端云服务所收集或处理的个人信息也不涵盖SAP作为数据处理方为数据控制方所处理的个人信息。

Protecting the individual's privacy is crucial to the future of business. SAP has created this Privacy Statement to demonstrate the firm commitment of SAP to the individual’s right to data protection and privacy and to comply with its legal requirements.

This Privacy Statement applies to the [SAP Mobile Start Mobile App] (“SAP Mobile Start”) published and operated by [SAP (China) Co., Ltd.] (an SAP subsidiary company formed under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, with offices at Unit 01, 47F, Wheelock Plaza, No. 1717 West Nanjing Road, Jing’An District, Shanghai, China) (“SAP”) for the People’s Republic of China (“China”) market.
本隐私政策适用于【SAP Mobile Start Mobile App】(以下简称 “【SAP Mobile Start】”),由思爱普(中国 )有限公司 (一家按照中华人民共和国法律成立的SAP子公司,注册地址为上海市南京西路1717号会德丰广场47楼,200040,以下简称“ SAP”)面向中华人民共和国(简称“中国”)市场发布和运营。

This Privacy Statement describes how SAP processes the personal information you provide to SAP and the information that SAP collects or generates in the course of operating the [SAP Mobile Start]. “ Personal Information” refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural personal, recorded electronically or in other manners, excluding anonymized information.
本隐私政策将向您说明SAP在运营【 SAP Mobile Start】 的过程中,如何处理您提供给SAP以及SAP收集和产生的您的个人信息。“个人信息 ”指的是以电子或者其他方式记录的、与已识别或者可识别的自然人有关的各种信息,但不包括匿名化处理后的信息。

Your employer, client company, business, institution or other providing entity (“your Company”) may have subscribed to [SAP Mobile Start Cloud Service] (“Cloud Service”) provided by [China Datacom Corporation Limited] (“Service Provider”). The [SAP Mobile Start] is used to provide you with a channel to log in and use the [Cloud Service] and allow you to access and use the [Cloud Service] through your mobile device as long as you remain a user authorized by your Company to access the [Cloud Service]. The [SAP Mobile Start] will not collect and process your Personal Information generated during your use of the [Cloud Service]. Regarding how your Personal Information will be collected and processed during your use of the [Cloud Service], please contact your Company for more information. The use of the [Cloud Service] will not be subject to the Privacy Statement.
您的雇主、客户公司、业务部门、机构或其他提供实体(简称“贵公司”)可能订阅了【SAP Mobile Start Cloud Service】(简称“【云服务】”),该服务由【中数通信息有限公司】(简称“服务提供商”)提供。本【SAP Mobile Start 】是用于向您提供登录和使用【云服务】 的通道,只要您是被贵公司授权访问【云服务】的用户,您就可以通过您的移动设备访问【云服务】。【 SAP Mobile Start 】 不会收集和处理您在使用【云服务】过程中产生的个人信息。关于您在使用【云服务】的过程中,您的个人信息如何被收集和处理,请联系贵公司获取更多信息。使用 【云服务】不受本隐私政策的约束。

This Privacy Statement will help you understand the following:

I. How does SAP collect and use your Personal Information?
II. How does SAP use Cookie or other third-party similar tracking technologies?
SAP如何使用 Cookie或其他第三方追踪技术
III. Processing based on the legal bases other than “consent”
IV. How does SAP provide your Personal Information to third parties and disclose publicly your Personal Information?
V. How does SAP protect your Personal Information?
VI. How can you exercise your right to protect Personal Information?
VII. Processing Personal Information of Children.
VIII. Where is your Personal Information stored and how is it transferred cross-border?
IX. How long does SAP store your Personal Information?
X. How is this Privacy Statement updated?
XI. How may you contact SAP?

I. How does SAP Collect and Process Your Personal Information?
SAP 如何收集和处理您的个人信息

The [SAP Mobile Start] may collect and process your Personal Information for the following purposes:
【 SAP Mobile Start 】 会出于以下目的,收集和处理您的个人信息:

(1) Use voice for the in-app search
(1) 使用语音进行应用程序内搜索
Leveraging the voice-to-text capabilities, the user can activate this feature in SAP Mobile Start to perform a search using the voice instead of typing the search term.
利用语音转文本功能,用户可以在SAP Mobile Start中激活语音执行搜索,而不是输入搜索词。
(2) The feature for registering your device requires access to the camera and / or photo gallery, in order to read the QR code to start the registration.
(2) 因SAP Mobile Start具有注册您设备的功能,需要访问您的相机和/或照片库,以便读取二维码便于开始注册。
(3) The feature for using voice search requires you to grant access to the microphone device.
(3) 因SAP Mobile Start具有语音搜索的功能,需要请求您授予使用麦克风的权限。
(4) The Android version of SAP Mobile Start shall ask you to get the accelerometer sensor (Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) to mainly monitor the angle rotation of the phone to enable you to rotate the camera based on the angle rotation of the phone.
(4) SAP Mobile Start的Android版本将向您获取加速度计传感器(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)主要用于监听手机角度旋转以便您根据手机旋转角度去旋转手机摄像头。
(5) Get Pasteboard Information.
(5) 获取粘贴板信息。
The clipboard protection service in SAP Mobile Start maintains an internal clipboard state and prevents the access to internal clipboard data from outside of SAP Mobile Start. This allows SAP Mobile Start to protect from leak of the internal data by restricting the copy/paste functionality from outside of SAP Mobile Start. The information read from the clipboard is only used to differentiate between the internal clipboard data and external clipboard data to SAP Mobile Start. However, the clipboard protection service must be explicitly enabled by the customer via SAP Mobile Start.
SAP Mobile Start里的剪贴板保护服务将维护内部剪贴板状态并防止从SAP Mobile Start外部访问内部剪贴板数据。这允许SAP Mobile Start通过限制SAP Mobile Start外部的复制/粘贴功能来防止内部数据的泄漏。从剪贴板读取的信息仅用于区分SAP Mobile Start内部和外部的剪贴板。但是,剪贴板保护服务必须由客户通过SAP Mobile Start明确启用。
The user cannot use SAP Mobile Start without agreeing to the Privacy Statement if the clipboard protection service is enabled by the Customer Admin via SAP Mobile Start.
(6) Collection of Installed Application Information
(6) 安装软件信息的收集
The purpose of retrieving this information is to determine if a compatible third-party barcode scanner application is installed on your device. This allows our application to integrate with the barcode scanner device and retrieve barcodes efficiently. This information is solely used to check for the presence of third-party barcode scanner applications and to facilitate integration with barcode scanner devices.

Although providing Personal Information is voluntary, without your Personal Information SAP cannot provide you with access to SAP Mobile Start.
虽然提供人信息是自愿性,倘若没有您的个人信息,SAP 將无法提供对SAP Mobile Start的访问权限。

From the technical perspective, token will be expired after 3 months, which can be set up by IT admin. Personalized display is controlled by the launchpad service, not by SAP Mobile Start and the suggestions are only stored in local encrypted database, instead of the backend systems.
从技术角度来看,IT 管理员可设置token 在 3 个月后过期。个性化显示不是由SAP Mobile Start而是由启动板服务所控制,SAP所提供的相关建议仅存储在本地加密数据库中,而不是存储在后端系统。

For more detailed description of the types of Personal Information to be collected by SAP, the manner of collection, frequency or timing of collection as well as the impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on you, please refer to Appendix I – I. List of Personal Information Collection.
有关更详细的SAP收集的您的个人信息的类型、收集方式、收集频率及时间点,以及拒绝处理该等个人信息对您的影响,请参考 附件1 – 个人信息收集清单。

II. How does SAP use Cookie or other third-party tracking technologies?
SAP 如何使用 Cookie 或其他第三方追踪技术?

(1) SAP doesn’t use cookie or third-party tracking technologies in SAP Mobile Start and usage analytics or profiling functionalities are not integrated in the application. If Dynatrace will be included, it will be used for performance monitoring purpose.
(1) SAP不会在SAP Mobile Start中使用 cookie 或第三方跟踪技术,并且SAP不会在应用程序中集成使用情况分析功能或概要分析功能。如果本软件包含Dynatrace, 它将被用于监督软件的表现。
(2) To provide and optimize products and services, SAP may use software development kits (“SDKs”) in the [SAP Mobile Start]. The SDKs may collect your Personal Information when helping SAP provide comprehensive services to you. SAP will take necessary measures to control the collection and use of your Personal Information by such SDKs to effectively protect your Personal Information. Please refer to Append II. List of SDKs for the identities of SDK providers, the types of SDKs, the types of Personal Information to be collected by SDKs, the purposes and manners of processing as well as the links to SDK provider’s privacy policies, etc.
(2) 为了提供及优化产品和服务,SAP可能在【 SAP Mobile Start】 中使用软件开发工具包(“SDKs ”)。SDKs在帮助SAP为您提供全面服务时收集您的个人信息。SAP将采取必要措施控制此类SDK收集和使用您的个人信息,以有效保护您的个人信息。有关SDK提供方的身份、SDKs的类型、SDKs收集的个人信息的类型、处理的目的和方式以及SDK提供方隐私政策的链接等,请参阅 附件2 - SDK列表。

III. Processing based on the legal basis other than “consent”
基于除 “ 同意 ” 以外其他合法依据的处理

SAP is allowed by applicable laws to process your Personal Information based on several legal bases. You acknowledge that SAP could process your Personal Information based on one of the following legal bases without the need to obtain consent from you:
- the processing is necessary for entering into or performing a contract to which you are a party;
- compliance with legal duties and obligations to which SAP is subject;
- in response to public health incidents or to protect the vital interests of natural persons;
- for news reporting and media supervision for purpose of protecting public interest and within a reasonable scope;
- the processing within a reasonable scope of Personal Information publicized by you to otherwise lawfully made public;or
- other situations provided by applicable laws and regulations.

IV. How Does SAP provide your Personal Information to third parties and disclose publicly your Personal Information?
SAP 如何向第三方提供您的个人信息以及公开披露您的个人信息

(1) Providing your Personal Information to Third Parties

Your Personal Information will be passed on to the following categories of third parties to process your Personal Information:

• Companies within the SAP Group
• Third party service providers, for example, [for the fulfillment and provisioning of services from SAP]

SAP may engage service providers (“Entrusted Parties”) to process your Personal Information on behalf of SAP. These Entrusted Parties are obligated to keep your Personal Information confidential and may only use your Personal Information for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement. SAP will require the Entrusted Parties to strictly abide by our measures and requirements on Personal Information and privacy protection, including but not limited to processing Personal Information according to the relevant agreement between the Entrusted Party and SAP.
SAP可能会聘请服务提供商(“受托方 ”)代表SAP处理您的个人信息。这些受托方有义务对您的个人信息保密,并且只能将您的个人信息用于本隐私政策中所述的目的。SAP将要求受托方严格遵守SAP关于个人信息和隐私保护的措施和要求,包括但不限于根据受托方与SAP之间的相关协议处理个人信息。

(2) Merger and Acquisition

In the event of a merger and acquisition, division, dissolution or declaration of bankruptcy scenario, involving the transfer of Personal Information, SAP will require the new company or organization holding your Personal Information to observe this Privacy Statement, otherwise SAP will require such company or organization to seek your consent again.

(3) Public Disclosure

SAP will not disclose your Personal Information publicly except:

1. Having obtained your explicit consent.

2. Law-based disclosure: if required by applicable law, legal process, legal orders or in accordance with mandatory requirements of a competent authority, SAP may disclose your Personal Information accordingly.

V. How does SAP Protect Your Personal Information?
SAP 如何保护您的个人信息

(1) SAP has employed security measures complying with industry standards to protect the Personal Information SAP collects via the [SAP Mobile Start], to prevent such Personal Information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modifications, damage or loss. SAP will adopt reasonable measures to protect your Personal Information. For example, SAP use a trusted protection mechanism to protect such Personal Information from attacks and we deploy an access control mechanism to ensure only authorized persons can access such Personal Information.
SAP已使用符合业界标准的安全防护措施来保护SAP通过【 SAP Mobile Start 】 收集的个人信息,防止此类个人信息遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。SAP会采取一切合理的措施来保护您的个人信息。例如,SAP会使用受信赖的保护机制防止此类个人信息遭到恶意攻击;SAP会部署访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可访问此类个人信息。

(2) SAP may adopt reasonable measures to ensure irrelevant Personal Information is not collected. SAP only keep your Personal Information within the minimum period required for fulfilling the purposes stated in this Privacy Statement, unless an extension is required or permitted by applicable law.

(3) SAP has put in place measures to protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access. SAP will keep your Personal Information secure using reasonable security measures as appropriate, for example, encryption (e.g., SSL) and anonymization. SAP use the protection mechanisms offered by the mobile operating system inside the application's sandbox environment. Your Personal Information is also protected by application-level encryption based on 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or better method. Further, SAP may make available to your Company certain optional security measures for managing the [SAP Mobile Start] which your Company can deploy at its end, for example, single-sign-on, multi-factor authentication and other mobile device management security features. SAP will continue to improve the technical measures to protect your Personal Information collected by the [SAP Mobile Start].
SAP已采取适当措施来防止您的个人信息遭丢失、滥用或未经授权的访问。SAP将适当采用加密技术(例如 SSL)、匿名技术等合理的安全防护措施来确保您个人信息的安全。SAP不仅在应用程序的运行环境中应用了移动端操作系统提供的保护机制,同时您的个人信息还将受到基于256位高级加密标准(AES)或更好方法的应用程序级加密保护。 此外,SAP可能会向贵公司提供一些可自行选择部署的安全防护措施来帮助管理【 SAP Mobile Start 】 ,例如单点登录、多重身份验证以及其他移动设备管理安全功能。SAP将不断优化技术措施,保护【 SAP Mobile Start 】 收集的个人信息。SAP 已达到并持续符合 C5、ISO22301、ISO27001、ISO27017、ISO27018、SOC1/2 及其他类似国际技术标准的要求。

In the event of a Personal Information security breach, SAP will notify you as required by the applicable laws and regulations. SAP will cooperate with your Company to notify the affected users and handle the event. Personal Information security breaches by the [Cloud Service] are not subject to this Privacy Statement. Personal information security breaches caused by the [Cloud Service] will be handled according to the privacy statement of the [Cloud Service].
如果出现个人信息安全漏洞,SAP会根据适用法律法规的要求告知您。SAP将协助您的公司告知受影响的用户并处理该安全事件。由【云服务】导致的个人信息安全事件不受本隐私政策的约束。【云服务】造成的个人信息安全事件将根据 【云服务】自己的隐私政策处理。

IV. How can you exercise your Right to protect Personal Information?

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, you are guaranteed certain rights to your Personal Information.
With respect to the Personal Information under our control, you may contact SAP at should you have any questions or concerns regarding such Personal Information. To the extent SAP has retained such information with an identifier that can be connected to you, you have the following rights.
对于由SAP控制的个人信息,如有任何问题或疑虑,请通过 联系SAP。如果SAP保存的信息中包含与您关联的标识符,您可以行使以下权利:

(1) Accessing or requesting a copy of your Personal Information

You have the right to access or request a copy of your Personal Information under our control, except for the exceptions specified in applicable laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise the right to access or request a copy of your Personal Information, you may contact SAP at
您有权访问由SAP控制的您的个人信息并获取副本,但适用法律法规规定的例外情况除外。如果您想行使个人信息访问权或获取副本,请通过 联系SAP。
If it does not incur a significant cost or cause other significant difficulties for us, upon your written request, SAP can also provide you with a copy of your Personal Information under our control (if any) that is generated during your use of the [SAP Mobile Start]. If you wish to access such Personal Information, please contact us at
在不会产生较高成本或造成其他较大困难的情况下,应您的书面请求,SAP可以提供您在使用【 SAP Mobile Start】 期间所产生的、由SAP控制的您的个人信息(如有)的副本。如果您想访问此类个人信息,请通过 联系SAP。

(2) Correcting your Personal Information

As the types of Personal Information that SAP collects is very limited, if you discover errors in your Personal Information under SAP’s control, you have the right to require SAP to make the correction. You may request a correction by contacting SAP at
由于SAP作为个人信息处理者收集的个人信息类别非常有限,您不太可能需要更正由SAP控制的您的个人信息。但是,如果您发现SAP控制的您的个人信息有错误,您有权要求SAP做出更正。您可以通过 联系SAP来要求更正。

(3) Deleting your Personal Information

In the following cases, you may send a request to to delete your Personal Information under SAP’s control:
在以下情形,您可以通过 向SAP提出删除由SAP控制的您的个人信息的请求:
1. If SAP’s behavior in processing your Personal Information violates applicable laws or regulations;
2. If SAP’s behavior in processing your Personal Information violates our agreement with you;
3. If you desist from the use of the [SAP Mobile Start], or you cancel the account;
如果您不再使用【 SAP Mobile Start 】 ,或您注销了帐号;
4. If SAP desists from providing the [SAP Mobile Start] to you, or the retention period has expired.
如果SAP不再为您提供【 SAP Mobile Start】。
If you request for deletion, while the retention period provided by any law or administrative rules has not expired, or it is difficult to realize the deletion of Personal Information technically, SAP will cease the processing of Personal Information except for storing and taking necessary security protection measures for such information.
If SAP agrees to your deletion request, SAP will also inform the entities which has obtained such Personal Information from SAP to delete such Personal Information without delay, unless otherwise specified in laws and regulations, or these entities have obtained your separate authorization.

(4) Right to Stop or Restrict

You can request SAP to stop or restrict your Personal Information from further processing in certain circumstances.

(5) Right to Object

You can request not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

(6) Right to Withdraw Consent

Wherever SAP is processing your Personal Information based on your consent, you may at any time withdraw your consent. After your withdrawal, you can log out of SAP Mobile Start at any time. Upon logging out of SAP Mobile Start, SAP Mobile Start will not store or process any of your Personal Information on your mobile device. In case SAP is required to retain your Personal Information for legal reasons, your Personal Information will be restricted from further processing and only retained for the term allowed by law. However, any withdrawal has no effect on past processing of Personal Information by SAP up to the point in time of your withdrawal.
若SAP是基于您的同意处理您的个人信息,您可以随时撤回您的同意。在您撤回您的同意之后,您可以随时退出 SAP Mobile Start。一旦退出后,SAP Mobile Start 将不会在您的移动设备中存储任何您的个人信息。如果SAP因法律原因需要保留您的个人信息,您的个人信息将被限制进一步处理,并且仅保留法律允许的期限。然而,任何撤回都不会影响SAP在您撤回之前对您的个人信息的处理。

(7) Canceling your Account

Please note that the [SAP Mobile Start] is used to allow you to access and use the [Cloud Service] through your mobile device. You can log out ofSAP Mobile Start at any time. Upon logging out of SAP Mobile Start, SAP Mobile Start will not store any of your Personal Information on your mobile device. If you request to cancel your account on the Cloud Service, please contact your Company to cancel it, because your Company controls the Cloud Service. Please note that you will not be able to access and use the [Cloud Service] after the cancellation of your account.
请注意本【SAP Mobile Start】是允许您通过您的移动设备访问和使用【云服务】的通道。您随时可以退出 SAP Mobile Start。退出后,SAP Mobile Start 将不会在您的移动设备中存储任何您的个人信息。如果您想要注销您的账号,请您联系贵公司进行删除,因为云服务由贵公司控制。请注意如果您注销账户,您将无法访问和使用【云服务】。

(8) Right to Lodge a Complaint

If you take the view that SAP is not processing your Personal Information in accordance with the requirements in this Privacy Statement or under applicable data protection laws, you can at any time, to the extent required by applicable law, lodge a complaint with competent data protection authority.

(9) Responding to Your Above Requests

Please submit your request in writing. To ensure security, SAP may need to verify your identity before processing your request. SAP will reply to your request within 15 working days after verification of your identity. If you have any concerns, you may contact SAP at
请以书面形式提出请求。为保障安全,SAP可能会先要求您验证自己的身份,然后再处理您的请求。SAP将在您完成身份验证后的 15 个工作日内做出答复。如有任何疑虑,请通过 联系SAP。

Generally, SAP will not charge fees to process any reasonable request. But if you submit the same request frequently or your request exceeds a reasonable extent, SAP may charge a fee based on our processing costs as SAP may reasonably determine. Where the requests are repeated without good reasons, or require too many technical measures (e.g., a new system is needed or current practice will be changed fundamentally), or put others’ legitimate rights and interests at risk or are very impractical (e.g., require a backup of the Personal Information stored in the tape), SAP reserves the right reject such requests.

In the following cases, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, SAP is unable to accommodate your request:

1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;
2. Directly related to public security, public health, and major public interests;
3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments;
4. There is sufficient evidence indicating that you have subjective malicious intentions or abuse your rights;
5. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the data subject or other individuals or organizations;
6. Involving trade secrets.

VII. Processing Personal Information of Children

The [SAP Mobile Start] and any related websites, products and services are intended for adults. We consider anyone less than 14 years old a child. You represent and warrant that you are an adult and not a child and you will not transmit Personal Information of any child through the [SAP Mobile Start] without the explicit consent of the child’s parents or guardians. If SAP discover that SAP has collected Personal Information of children without verifiable consent of their parents or guardians, SAP will find ways to delete such data as soon as possible.
【 SAP Mobile Start 】 及任何相关的网站、产品和服务主要面向成年人。SAP将所有未满 14 周岁的人视为儿童。您声明并保证您不是儿童,您是一个成年人,您不会在未经儿童父母或监护人明示同意的情况下通过【SAP Mobile Start 】 传输任何儿童的个人信息。如果SAP发现自己在未获得可验证的儿童父母或监护人同意的情况下收集了儿童的个人信息,SAP则会设法尽快删除相关数据。

VIII. Where is Your Personal Information Stored and How is it Transferred Cross-Border?

Your Personal Information will be stored within China (for the purpose of this Privacy Statement only, China refers to the mainland of China and does not include Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan region). However, as SAP may provide products or services via servers and resources located worldwide, your Personal Information may be transferred to jurisdictions outside China. Such jurisdictions may have different data protection laws or have no such laws. However, for your Personal Information under our control, SAP will ensure such Personal Information will have no less protection than under the laws protecting Personal Information in China.

IX. How Is This Privacy Statement Updated?

Our Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time. If the updates to the Privacy Statement may essentially impact the rights you are entitled to under this Privacy Statement, the [ SAP Mobile Start] will alert you of these updates through a pop-up notice or other prominent methods and obtain your explicit consent to these updates to the Privacy Statement. Without your explicit consent, SAP will not diminish the rights you are entitled to under this Privacy Statement.
SAP可能会不时更新本隐私政策。如果本隐私政策的更新有可能实质性影响您在本隐私政策下所应享有的权利,【SAP Mobile Start】将通过弹出通知或其他有效方式提醒您相关内容的更新,并征求您对隐私政策更新的明示同意。 未经您明示同意,SAP不会削减您按照本隐私政策所应享有的权利。

X. How may you contact SAP?
如何联系 SAP

If you have any question, comment or suggestion relating to this Privacy Statement, you can contact SAP at Generally, SAP will strive to reply within 15 working days.
如您对本隐私政策有任何疑问、意见或建议,请通过以下地址与SAP联系:。一般情况下,SAP将在 15 个工作日内回复。

Appendix I – List of Personal Information Collection
附件 I – 个人信息收集表

Services / Functions
服务 / 功能
(Basic Function / Additional Function)
(基本功能 / 附加功能):
Voice for In-app Search

Manner of collection
Leveraging Voice collection via iOS voice-to-text capabilities, the user can activate this feature in SAP Mobile Start to perform a search using the voice instead of typing the search term.
利用语音转文本功能,用户可以在SAP Mobile Start中激活语音执行搜索,而不是输入搜索词。

Frequency or timing of collection
On each search occurrence

Type of Processed Personal Information
Voice input

Impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on individuals
Leveraging the voice-to-text capabilities, the user can activate this feature in SAP Mobile Start to perform a search using the voice instead of typing the search term.
利用语音转文本功能,用户可以在SAP Mobile Start中激活语音执行搜索,而不是输入搜索词。

Services / Functions
服务 / 功能
(Basic Function / Additional Function)
(基本功能 / 附加功能):
Access to the camera and/or photo gallery

Manner of collection
The feature for registering your device requires access to the camera and/or photo gallery, in order to read the QR code to start the registration.
SAP Mobile Start具有注册您设备的功能,需要访问您的相机和/或照片库,以便读取二维码便于开始注册。

Type of Processed Personal Information
Access to camera and/or photo gallery

Impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on individuals
Access to the camera and/or photo gallery, in order to read the QR code to start the registration.

Services / Functions
服务 / 功能
(Basic Function / Additional Function)
(基本功能 / 附加功能):
Access to the microphone device

Manner of collection
The feature for using voice search requires you to grant access to the microphone device.
因SAP Mobile Start具有语音搜索的功能,需要请求您授予使用麦克风的权限。

Type of Processed Personal Information
Access to the microphone device

Impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on individuals
The feature for using voice search requires you to grant access to the microphone device.
因SAP Mobile Start具有语音搜索的功能,需要请求您授予使用麦克风的权限。

Services / Functions
服务 / 功能
(Basic Function / Additional Function)
(基本功能 / 附加功能):
Monitor the angle rotation of the phone

Manner of collection
The Android version of the App shall ask you to get the accelerometer sensor (Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) to mainly monitor the angle rotation of the phone.

Type of Processed Personal Information
Monitor the angle rotation of the phone

Impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on individuals
Without monitoring the angle rotation of the phone, users cannot rotate the camera based on the angle rotation of the phone.

Services / Functions
服务 / 功能
(Basic Function / Additional Function)
(基本功能 / 附加功能):
Getting Pasteboard Information

Manner of collection
The clipboard protection service in SAP Mobile Start maintains an internal clipboard state and prevents the access to internal clipboard data from outside of SAP Mobile Start. This allows SAP Mobile Start to protect from leak of the internal data by restricting the copy/paste functionality from outside of SAP Mobile Start. The information read from the clipboard is only used to differentiate between the internal clipboard data and external clipboard data to SAP Mobile Start. However, the clipboard protection service must be explicitly enabled by the customer via SAP Mobile Start.
SAP Mobile Start里的剪贴板保护服务将维护内部剪贴板状态并防止从SAP Mobile Start外部访问内部剪贴板数据。这允许SAP Mobile Start通过限制SAP Mobile Start外部的复制/粘贴功能来防止内部数据的泄漏。从剪贴板读取的信息仅用于区分SAP Mobile Start内部和外部的剪贴板。但是,剪贴板保护服务必须由客户通过SAP Mobile Start明确启用。

Frequency or timing of collection
Each time the app is brought up to the foreground or put into the background.

Type of Processed Personal Information
The information read from the clipboard may contain any data that was present on the clipboard of the mobile device.

Impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on individuals
The user cannot use SAP Mobile Start without agreeing to the Privacy Statement if the clipboard protection service is enabled by the Customer Admin via SAP Mobile Start.

Services / Functions
服务 / 功能
(Basic Function / Additional Function)
(基本功能 / 附加功能):
Collection of Installed Application Information

Manner of collection
This information is solely used to check for the presence of third-party barcode scanner applications and to facilitate integration with barcode scanner devices.

Frequency or timing of collection
Each time the barcode scanner is used.

Type of Processed Personal Information
The application may retrieve information about the following installed packages on your device:
1. com.ipc.qwedge - Used to check whether a third-party barcode scanner application from IPC Mobile company has been installed for integration purposes.
2. de.proglove.connect - Used to check whether a third-party barcode scanner application from ProGlove company has been installed for integration purposes.
1. com.ipc.qwedge - 用于检查是否已安装IPC Mobile公司的第三方条码扫描应用程序以便进行集成。 - 用于检查是否已安装ProGlove公司的第三方条码扫描应用程序以便进行集成。

Impact of refusing to process this type of Personal Information on individuals
The user cannot onboard using a device that has a barcode scanner but lacks a camera.

Appendix II – List of SDKs
附件 II – SDK 清单

Name of SDK
SDK 名称:

Name of SDK Providers

Description of Scenario
Capturing error logs

Link to SDK Provider’s Privacy Statement

Type of Personal Information to be Collected

Name of SDK
SDK 名称:

Name of SDK Providers

Description of Scenario
In order to help developers identify end-user devices when pushing messages, ensure that developers and end users use message push services normally, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of message push services

Link to SDK Provider’s Privacy Statement

Type of Personal Information to be Collected

Name of SDK
SDK 名称:
Google Jetpack Glance Library

Name of SDK Providers
Component / 组件: androidx.glance.appwidget.MyPackageReplacedReceiver,
Broadcast Action / 广播行为: android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED

Description of Scenario
The app uses Google's Jetpack Glance library for widget feature in our app. Internally, this library registers the MyPackageReplacedReceiver to monitor app updates. When the app is updated to a new version, this receiver is self-triggered. Upon receiving this event, the Glance library performs a check to determine if any widgets from the previous app version have been removed in the new version. In such cases, the Glance library self-initiates a cleanup process, deleting all data associated with widgets that are no longer present in the new app version. In summary, this receiver serves the purpose of cleaning up widget data during app updates.
该应用软件按使用 Google 的 Jetpack Glance 图书馆来实现应用软件中的小工具功能。在应用软件内部,该图书馆注册 MyPackageReplacedReceiver 来监视应用软件的更新。当应用软件更新到新版本时,会自动启动此接收器。一旦获取更新信息,Glance 图书馆会检查以确定是否已在应用软件的新版本中删除了先前版本中的小工具。在此情况下,Glance 图书馆会自动启动清理过程,并删除在应用软件新版本中与不再存在的小工具相关联的所有数据。总之,该接收器的目的是在应用软件更新期间自动清理小工具数据。

Link to SDK Provider’s Privacy Statement

Type of Personal Information to be Collected
Self-triggering of cleaning up widget data