

感谢您选择使用由金山办公或其关联公司开发、运营的软件(以下简称为“授权软件”,包括WPS Office、金山词霸、金山文档、金山PDF、格式转换器、WPS精品课等授权软件,无论授权软件是免费或收费版本、不同语言版本以及不同客户端(电脑端、WAP端、小程序、移动客户端(“APP”)及其他客户端))及金山办公或其关联公司提供的服务(以下简称“金山办公在线服务”,包括但不限于WPS会员中心【https://vip.wps.cn/】提供的服务、WPS稻壳儿平台【http://www.docer.com】提供的服务、金山词霸平台【http://www.iciba.com/】提供的服务、WPS+云办公服务【plus.wps.cn】提供的服务、WPS邮箱服务、WPS精品课服务、金山文档提供的服务,金山办公或其关联公司及/或与金山办公及其关联公司存在合作关系的第三方合作伙伴已经或即将推出的其他服务)!



电  话:4006775005






l 如何收集和使用您的个人信息·

l 如何使用Cookie和同类技术·

l 如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息

l 如何保护和保存您的个人信息

l 查询、更正信息、撤回同意及删除账号的方式

l 对未成年人信息的保护

l 本政策如何更新

l 本政策的适用范围



1. 个人信息是指以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息,包括个人身份信息(姓名、手机号、身份证号)、网络身份识别信息(包括账号、头像、IP地址、邮箱地址、密码)、软件信息(包括软件版本号、序列号、激活码、渠道号、授权类型、邮箱域名、邮箱登录端口、登录协议或其他用于连接金山办公在线服务的软件相关数据)、设备信息(设备属性信息(例如您的设备制造商、设备名称、设备型号、操作系统类型及版本、设备配置、物理像素高、物理像素宽、唯一设备标识符、设备地理位置、存储空间、国际移动设备身份码IMEI、网络设备硬件地址MAC、广告标识符IDFA等)、设备连接信息(浏览器的类型、电信运营商、网络环境、网络连接类型、使用的语言)以及设备状态信息(例如设备传感器数据,设备应用安装列表))、文档信息、日志信息(包括您对授权软件、金山办公在线服务、相关网站的使用情况、IP地址、所访问服务的URL、浏览器的类型和使用的语言、下载、安装或使用移动应用和软件的信息、与通讯软件通讯的信息以及访问金山办公在线服务、相关网站的日期、时间、时长等)等。

2. 个人敏感信息:是指一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇等的个人信息。本政策中涉及的个人敏感信息,将采用加粗字体突出显示。

3. 关联公司:均指不时(直接或间接)控制(或与其他方共同控制)该方,受该方控制(或受该方与其他第三方的共同控制),或与该方同受控制的公司,无论如何,(直接或间接)享有该公司50%以上的管理或决策权利(不论是通过表决权、合同或其他方式)均应视为控制。金山办公关联公司包括但不限于北京金山办公软件股份有限公司、珠海奇文办公软件有限公司、广州金山移动科技有限公司、武汉金山办公软件有限公司、安徽金山办公软件有限公司、北京金山软件有限公司、武汉市金山小额贷款有限责任公司。

4. 金山办公:是指北京金山办公软件股份有限公司或珠海金山办公软件有限公司,具体到本政策提及的每个金山办公是指北京金山办公软件股份有限公司还是珠海金山办公软件有限公司,将由金山办公结合您的具体情况判断确定。








1. 注册账号:如您需注册WPS账号,则为完成WPS账号创建,您需提供您的邮箱地址手机号密码

2. 授权第三方账号登录、使用金山办公在线服务:可以登录、使用金山办公在线服务的第三方账号包括微信账号、QQ账号、新浪微博账号、小米账号、校园邮账号、钉钉账号以及后续可能增加的其他账号,为使该等第三方账号登录、使用金山办公在线服务,您需提供第三方账号/昵称、账号密码,上传您的第三方账号头像(如有)。前述第三方账号由金山办公之外的其他方提供,您在注册该等第三方账号时需要完全根据该账号提供方(例如您授权登录、使用金山办公在线服务的账号系QQ账号,则该账号的提供方系腾讯,以此类推)的相关要求进行,第三方账号提供方对您的个人信息(包括个人敏感信息)的收集、使用、共享、转让等一切行为均适用于第三方账号提供方的隐私保护政策,您授权第三方账号登录、使用金山办公在线服务则视为您已同意第三方账号提供方的隐私保护政策,同意第三方按照其隐私保护政策对您的个人信息(包括个人敏感信息)进行收集、使用、共享、转让等一切行为。

3. 向您提供授权软件、金山办公在线服务。通过收集序列号、激活码来验证授权软件的授权类型、授权期限、授权范围等相关授权的合法性、有效性并提供授权软件服务及相关技术支持。通过收集您的账号信息(账号、手机号、邮箱地址)、订单信息(如有)来核实您的金山办公在线服务的合法性、有效性并提供金山办公在线服务相关服务及相关技术支持。

4. 相关云服务的使用。金山办公目前所提供的云空间服务、文档自动同步服务、文档实时协作服务、文档漫游服务、金山PDF转换服务中的增强转换功能、图片转文字、文档校对、全文翻译等需要在云端实现的功能及后续推出依托于云的服务均以您在联网状态下、登录账号后将相关文档、图片、照片、语音等材料上传(包括手动上传和自动漫游)至云端为前提,金山办公收集您上传至云端的文档名称、内容、文档属性(包括但不限于文档类型、大小、页数等)、上传、启动云文档的频率、使用云文档的时长等信息是为您提供相关云服务所必需的。您所上传的相关文档、图片、照片、语音等材料在脱敏后会作为AI 训练的基础材料读取、使用,以便为您提供相关的AI服务;同时,金山办公亦会根据您所上传的云文档名称向您精准化推送产品功能、服务或广告信息。

5. 帮助金山办公研发、设计新产品、新服务,改善、提升金山办公现有的产品及服务、优化用户体验:金山办公会通过您的软件信息、常用设备信息、日志信息、云服务使用情况(云文档的上传频率、使用时长、上传文档的名称、类型、属性等)进行数据分析,了解授权软件、金山办公在线服务的使用情况、适配情况,为新产品、新服务的研发、已有功能、服务的完善提供数据支撑。例如,金山办公会通过您的软件信息了解授权软件、金山办公在线服务的使用、适配情况,发现需要优化的功能、服务,提升用户体验;会通过分析您的日志信息,进一步挖掘授权软件、金山办公在线服务的新功能、新服务;有针对性地回应您的个性化需求,例如语言设定、位置设定、个性化的帮助服务和指示,或对您和其他用户作出其他方面的回应。对于从您的各种设备上收集到的信息,金山办公可能会将它们进行关联,以便能在这些设备上为您提供一致的服务。金山办公可能会将来自某项服务的信息与来自其他服务的信息、合法间接获取的信息及合法公开渠道获取的信息结合,或者将合法获取的您的可识别个人信息与无法识别个人的信息结合,为您提供个性化服务及改善金山办公的产品和服务。

6. 提供相关AI服务。金山办公及其关联公司通过授权软件、金山办公在线服务提供诸如文档智能美化等部分AI服务,金山办公会在事先征得您同意的前提下(您对上传数据、资料的同意即为您同意金山办公收集您上传的数据、资料),收集、读取由您上传的数据、资料;同时,为了使该服务更加符合您的个人偏好、需求,金山办公会基于其所查阅、读取的内容依照金山的理解为您设置特征标签。但金山办公会采取安全措施和技术手段保护您的个人信息,并将通过技术手段对该等数据、资料进行去标识化处理,以降低其他组织或个人通过去标识化处理后的个人信息识别到您的风险。

7. 保证安全。为提高您使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务时系统的安全性,更准确地预防钓鱼网站欺诈和保护账户安全,金山办公可能会通过了解您的浏览信息、订单信息、软件信息、设备信息等手段来判断您的账号风险,并可能会记录一些金山办公认为有风险的链接(“URL”)。金山办公也会收集您的设备信息、日志信息对于您在使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务时的问题进行分析、统计流量并排查可能存在的风险、在您选择向金山办公发送异常信息时予以排查。

8. 客服与售后。如您在使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务寻求服务支持时,金山办公会根据您的账号信息、订单信息核对您的身份及购买的相关产品或服务(如有),并根据您的软件信息、设备信息以及您发送的邮件内容、截图、文档或与金山办公客服人员的电话对话内容帮您查找原因、解决问题;金山办公可能会不时使用您的账号信息(如手机号、邮箱地址)来发送重要通知,例如有关兑换物的通知和相关协议条款、条件和政策变更;金山办公客服人员或金山办公指定相关人员也可能会不时使用您的订单信息,进行有关授权软件、金山办公在线服务的回访;如果您通过金山办公在线服务的相关网站页面、微信公众号等参与了抽奖、比赛或类似的促销,金山办公可能会要求您提供身份证号来核实您的真实身份;金山办公还会收集您参与问卷调查时向金山办公提交的问卷答复信息、您通过拨打客服热线、发送电子邮件、论坛发帖、公众号留言等各种方式提交咨询时所提供的联系人姓名、公司名称、联系电话、邮箱地址及您的咨询内容。

9. 支付结算:在您下单购买金山办公在线服务的任意服务后,您可以选择与金山办公合作的第三方支付机构(如支付宝、微信支付等支付通道,以下称“支付机构”)所提供的支付服务,金山办公需要将您的订单号、交易金额、交易内容的信息提供给支付机构以确认您的支付指令并完成支付。如您申请发票,还需提供以下信息:发票抬头、纳税人识别号、收票人邮箱地址,以及您根据您的开票需求提供的更多信息,如购买方信息。

10. 大数据分析。金山办公会将所收集的您的个人信息用于大数据分析。

11. 遵从和执行适用的法律要求及相关的行业标准。



1. 当您使用金山办公关联公司服务时,或您的金山WPS账号与金山办公关联公司的服务账号绑定后,您同意金山办公根据实际业务及合作需要,如为了验证用户身份、向用户更精准的推送金山办公关联公司的营销信息,而从金山办公的关联公司处接收、使用、汇总、分析经您授权同意向金山办公提供的您的账号信息、设备信息、软件信息以及日志信息。

2. 金山办公可能从第三方账号提供方获取您授权共享的账户信息(头像、昵称),并在您同意本政策后将您的第三方账户与您的金山办公账号绑定,使您可以通过第三方账户直接登录并使用金山办公的服务。

3. 如您从金山办公的经销商、代理商渠道下单购买授权软件、金山办公在线服务,则金山办公将从该等第三方渠道获取您的订单信息,包括您的姓名、公司名称、电话号码、收货或联系地址、所购买的具体授权软件、金山办公在线服务的具体内容信息。



1. 金山办公可能使用您的个人信息,通过电子邮件、手机短信或其他方式向您发送营销信息,向您提供与您更加相关的广告以替代普遍投放的广告,例如向您展现或推荐相关程度更高(而非普遍推送)的搜索结果、信息流或者广告/推广信息结果。如您不希望金山办公将您的个人信息用作接收营销信息的用途,您可以通过金山办公在广告中提供的相关指示,要求金山办公停止为上述用途使用您的个人信息。金山办公可能使用您的个人信息向您的设备推送新闻或其他通知。如您不希望收到这些信息,您可以按照金山办公向您发出的相关指示,在设备上选择取消订阅。同时,金山办公可能在必需时通过电子邮件、手机短信或其他方式发出与授权软件、金山办公在线服务有关的公告,您可能无法取消这些与授权软件、金山办公在线服务有关的、性质不属于推广信息的公告。您知悉并认可,您对营销信息、广告信息、推送信息的点击行为可能会导致金山办公、金山办公关联公司或第三方合作伙伴对您的点击行为进行收集;如您拒绝金山办公、金山办公关联公司或第三方合作伙伴收集您对营销信息、广告信息、推送信息的点击行为,请您不要点击任何金山办公向您发送的营销信息、广告信息、推送信息。

2. 活动信息的推送与参与资格的判断:金山办公会不定期的推出一些面向部分用户的抽奖、赠送、福利领取等活动,为了精准推送活动信息、减少对非活动对象的打扰,金山办公会收集您的诸如设备类型、设备型号、设备厂商、设备品牌信息、系统类型信息,判断您是否为活动对象进而决定是否向您推送、展示活动信息,并使用前述收集的信息作为认定您具备参与活动资格的判断依据。

3. WPS票夹服务是一项以您在联网状态、登录账号后将相关发票上传、存储、导入至云端为前提的云服务,金山办公收集您所上传、存储、导入的发票信息是为您提供WPS票夹服务所必须;同时,金山办公会在对前述发票信息(开票日期、收款方名称、付款方名称)脱敏后进行用户画像的分析、研究。

4. 金山办公会通过技术手段对收集的您的个人信息进行去标识化处理,去标识化处理的信息将无法识别主体,您知悉并同意,金山办公有权使用已经去标识化的信息。在不透露您个人信息的前提下,金山办公有权对用户数据库进行分析并予以商业化的利用。

5. 金山办公会用您的个人信息对授权软件、金山办公在线服务的使用进行总体性及匿名的数据统计及分析,所得数据可供金山办公及其认为有必要知悉该等信息的主体为实现本政策约定的目的使用。同时,金山办公可能会与公众共享这些统计信息,以展示授权软件、金山办公在线服务的整体使用趋势,但这些统计信息将不会包含您的任何身份识别信息。

6. 当金山办公展示您的个人信息时,会采用包括内容替换、匿名处理方式对您的信息进行脱敏,以保护您的信息安全。

7. 在金山办公认为有必要的前提下,将您的个人信息提交金山办公认可的第三方机构进行包括但不限于恶意刷单、恶意刷量等的风险检测评估。

8. 授权软件APP权限获取说明


8.1. 摄像头权限:当您在WPS Office for Android授权软件中使用“投影宝扫码连接”、“扫一扫功能”、“拍照扫描功能”时,在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“扫一扫功能”、“拍照扫描功能”、“插入拍摄照片功能”时,在WPS便签for Android授权软件中使用“插入拍摄照片到便签内容”、“更换头像”时,前述授权软件将向您申请获取摄像头权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用与此权限相关的特定功能。

8.2. 相册权限:当您在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“云文档导入图片功能”、“文档插入照片、音视频功能”、“简历助手服务中插入照片、音视频功能”“简历助手服务中的保存简历图片到相册”、“文档内图片预览保存图片到相册”、“长图保存到相册”、“演示文档白板保存到相册”、“录制文档视频功能中已录制的视频保存到相册”,该授权软件将向您申请获取相册权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用与此权限相关的特定功能。

8.3. 录音权限:当您在WPS Office for Android授权软件中使用“录音宝服务”、“会议功能”、“语音朗读功能”时,在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“会议功能”、“录制文档视频功能”、“语音转文字功能”时,前述授权软件将向您申请获取录音权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用与此权限相关的特定功能。

8.4. 读取及写入存储器权限:当您首次启动WPS Office for Android授权软件时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于读取、编辑、保存文档,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法读取、编辑外置空间的文档或将编辑的文档存储在外置空间;当您在首次启动WPS精品课for Android授权软件时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于下载课程到本地、向您推送版本更新、升级信息、购课信息、会员信息、课程相关信息,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法下载课程、接收前述信息;在您使用WPS精品课for Android授权软件分享课程信息时,如您在此之前尚未开启该权限,该授权软件会再次申请此权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法分享课程信息;当您在WPS便签for Android授权软件中使用“插入图片到便签内容”、“更换头像”时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于读取相册中的图片,或将使用该授权软件时拍摄的图片存储在相册中,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法读取、插入相册图片或将拍摄的图片存储在相册中。

8.5. 媒体与Apple Music权限:当您在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“插入音频功能”时,该授权软件将向您申请获取该权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用该特定功能。

8.6. 语音识别权限:当您在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“语音笔记功能”、“语音转文字功能”时,该授权软件将向您申请获取语音识别权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用与此权限相关的特定功能。

8.7. 面容ID权限:当您在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用Face ID解锁WPS Office时,该授权软件将向您申请获取该权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用该特定功能。

8.8. 定位权限:当您在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“云打印服务”时,该授权软件将向您申请获取该权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用该特定功能。

8.9. 读取通话状态和移动网络信息权限:当您使用WPS Office for Android授权软件时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于向您推送授权软件产品信息、文档协作、传输相关信息、金山办公在线服务相关信息、部分精准广告信息,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法接收前述信息。

8.10. 本地网络权限:当您在WPS Office for iOS授权软件中使用“电脑快传服务”且选择“局域网传输”时,该授权软件将向您申请获取该权限,如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用该特定功能。



1. 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;

2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;

3. 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等有关的;

4. 出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的

5. 所收集的个人信息是个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开的;

6. 从合法公开披露的信息中收集的您的个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道

7. 根据您的要求签订合同所必需的;

8. 用于维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障;

9. 学术研究机构基于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的;

10. 法律法规规定的其他情形。







(一)Cookie:为确保网站正常运转,金山办公会在您的计算机或移动设备上存储名为Cookie 的小数据文件。Cookie 通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。借助于 Cookie,网站能够存储互联网协议 (IP) 地址、浏览器类型、互联网服务供应商 (ISP)、引用/退出页面、操作系统、日期/时间戳和/或点击流数据、您的偏好等数据。金山办公不会将 Cookie 用于本政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止Cookie 的功能,但如此,则您需要在每一次访问金山办公在线服务相关网站时亲自更改用户设置日志文件。您可以通过更改您的浏览器设置限制金山办公对Cookie的使用。

(二)网站信标和像素标签。除 Cookie 外,金山办公还会在网站上使用网站信标和像素标签等其他同类技术。例如,金山办公向您发送的电子邮件可能含有链接至金山办公在线服务相关网站内容的点击 URL。如果您点击该链接,金山办公则会跟踪此次点击,帮助金山办公了解您对授权软件、金山办公在线服务偏好并改善。网站信标通常是一种嵌入到网站或电子邮件中的透明图像。借助于电子邮件中的像素标签,金山办公能够获知电子邮件是否被打开。如果您不希望自己的活动以这种方式被追踪,则可以随时从金山办公的寄信名单中退订。

(三)Do Not Track(请勿追踪)。很多网络浏览器均设有 Do Not Track 功能,该功能可向网站发布 Do Not Track 请求。目前,主要互联网标准组织尚未设立相关政策来规定网站应如何应对此类请求。但如果您的浏览器启用了 Do Not Track,那么金山办公的所有网站都会尊重您的选择。

(四)移动分析软件:在授权软件的移动客户端中,金山办公使用移动分析软件,以更好地了解授权软件在您的手机中的功能。 此款软件可能记录以下信息,如您使用该应用程序的频率、该应用程序内发生的事件、累计使用、性能数据及应用程序崩溃发生的位置。金山办公不会将存储于分析软件内的信息链接到您在授权软件移动客户端中提交的任何个人信息。






1. 在获取明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,金山办公可能会与第三方共享您的个人信息。

2. 金山办公可能会按照法律法规的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定等,与相关的第三方共享您的个人信息。

3. 与关联公司共享:为了提升金山办公向您所推送的关联公司的产品、服务,您的个人信息可能会与金山办公有合作关系的关联公司共享,用于其产品、服务的身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗监测、信贷分析等,珠海金山办公软件有限公司会将收集到的您的个人信息共享给北京金山办公软件股份有限公司数据团队进行大数据分析。金山办公只会共享必要的个人信息,关联公司如果要改变个人信息的处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。

4. 与授权合作伙伴共享: 仅为实现本政策中声明的若干目的,金山办公的某些服务将由第三方合作伙伴提供。金山办公可能会第三方与合作伙伴共享您的某些个人信息,以提供更好的客户服务和用户体验。金山办公仅会出于合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的个人信息,并且只会共享与提供服务所必要的个人信息。金山办公的第三方合作伙伴无权将共享的个人信息用于任何其他用途。您同意金山办公与如下第三方共享个人信息:

4.1. 委托金山办公进行推广的合作伙伴。金山办公会接受其他企业委托向使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务的用户提供广告服务。金山办公可能将您的IP地址、设备信息、设备连接信息、IDFV、local时区、系统版本更新时间、手机开机时间、CPU数⽬、⼴告标识授权情况、user agent通过授权软件接口(API)共享给此类广告服务提供商,用于为您提供广告服务。

4.2. 供应商、服务提供商和其他合作伙伴。金山办公将信息发送给在全球范围内支持金山办公业务的供应商、服务提供商和其他合作伙伴,这些支持包括提供技术基础设施服务、软硬件产品服务、系统产品服务、分析服务的使用方式、衡量广告和服务的有效性、提供客户服务、支付便利或进行学术研究和调查以及为需要通过WPS账号登录、使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务中接入的第三方产品、服务共享您的账号、头像、昵称、性别。对金山办公与之共享您个人信息的公司、组织和个人,金山办公会要求他们按照金山办公的说明、本隐私政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理个人信息。

4.3. 如您通过金山办公在线服务的相关网站页面、微信公众号等参与了抽奖、比赛或类似的促销或者使用积分兑换商品,金山办公或者相关奖品、商品的供货商需要向您寄送相关奖品、商品时,您作为收件人,您的信息(姓名、电话号码(包括手机号)、联系地址)将被提供给快递服务合作伙伴顺丰、圆通(具体以网页上显示的为准)或者相关供货商。



1. 事先获得您的明确授权或同意;

2. 满足法律法规、法律程序的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定;

3. 如果金山办公或金山办公的关联公司涉及合并、分立、清算、资产或业务的收购或出售等交易,您的个人信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移,金山办公将确保该等信息在转移时的机密性,并要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受此隐私政策的约束,否则金山办公将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。



1. 获得您的明确同意;

2. 在公布中奖活动名单时会脱敏展示中奖者手机号或账户登录名;

3. 金山办公可能对外公开并与有合作关系的第三方分享经统计加工后不含身份识别内容的大数据分析信息。

4. 如果金山办公接到第三方对您的投诉或举报,金山公司有权向投诉方披露您的必要信息(包括但不限于注册名称、身份证明、联系人、联系电话等),并督促您与投诉方进行协商,以便及时解决投诉、纠纷,保护各方合法权益。

5. 基于法律法规、法律程序、诉讼或政府主管部门强制性要求下。










(三)如果您需删除您的WPS账号或将您授权的登录、使用金山办公在线服务的第三方账号与WPS账户解除绑定,您可通过电脑访问 WPS 个人中心 i.wps.cn ,根据网页的提示步骤最终删除您的WPS账号或将您授权的登录、使用金山办公在线服务的第三方账号与WPS账户成功解除绑定;也可通过授权软件移动客户端中的“我”-“账号与安全”-“永久删除账号”入口删除WPS账号。



1. 若你是14周岁以下的儿童,金山办公还专门为你及你的监护人制定了《金山办公儿童信息保护声明》,在完成授权软件的安装或金山办公在线服务账号的注册、绑定前,你及你的监护人还应仔细阅读《金山办公儿童信息保护声明》,只有在取得监护人对《金山办公儿童信息保护声明》的同意后,你可使用授权软件或金山办公在线服务。

2. 若您是14周岁以上的未成年人,金山办公建议您不要向金山办公发送您的个人信息。您在使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务前,应事先取得您的家长或监护人的同意,建议您的家长或监护人仔细阅读本政策,建议您在您的家长或监护人的指导下使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务。一旦您以任何方式下载、安装、使用授权软件、登录、注册、使用金山办公在线服务的任何部分或全部,即表明您的家长或监护人同意您使用授权软件、金山办公在线服务并同意本政策的全部内容,同时允许金山办公依据本政策收集、使用、保存、共享您的个人信息。如果家长或监护人有理由相信未成年人未经他们事先同意而向金山办公提交了未成年人的个人信息,请联系金山办公以确保删除此类个人信息。



1. 为给您提供更好的服务以及随着金山办公业务的发展,本政策之规定可能会不定期地修改,但未经您明确同意,金山办公不会削减您依据本政策所应享有的权利。金山办公会通过网址为【http://www.wps.cn/privacy/privacyprotect/】的网站、授权软件客户端发出更新版本。金山办公在此建议您登录网址为【http://www.wps.cn/privacy/privacyprotect/】的网页定期查阅本政策,以随时了解本政策是否发生修改以及修改后的内容。

2. 金山办公会将本隐私政策的旧版本存档,供您查阅。


1. 本政策适用于全部版本的授权软件及金山办公在线服务所包括的全部子服务。如某一版本授权软件或某一特定的子服务对收集信息事项有特殊的规定,需同时适用该特殊规定及本政策;若该特殊规定与本政策有不一致之处,则适用该特殊规定。

2. 请您注意,本政策不适用于第三方提供的产品和服务。授权软件、金山办公在线服务可能包括第三方的产品和服务,以及第三方网站的链接。当您使用这些产品或服务时,也可能收集您的信息。因此,强烈建议您花时间阅读该第三方的隐私政策,就像阅读政策一样。金山办公不对第三方如何使用他们向您收集的个人信息负责,也不能控制其使用。政策不适用通过授权软件、金山办公在线服务链接的其他网站。







Kingsoft Office Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March,2021

Thank you for using the software developed and operated by Kingsoft Office and its Affiliates (“Licensed Software”, including but not limited to the free or fee-based versions, and those in different languages and for different clients),and Kingsoft Office Online Services (including but not limited to the services of WPS VIP [https://vip.wps.cn/], WPS Docer [http://www.docer.com], Kingsoft PowerWord [http://www.iciba.com/], WPS+ Cloud Office [plus.wps.cn], WPS Mail, WPS EDU, as well as other existing and future services of Kingsoft Office and its Affiliates and/or any third party in partnership with them).

Should you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Policy or about your Personal Data protection issues, please contact us by the following means, we will accept and process it within 15 working days:

E-mail: wps@wps.cn


Special Provisions

Please read this Policy carefully before using Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. Kingsoft Office will protect Personal Data collected about you when you use any or all of Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services according to applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China (for the purpose of this Policy, excluding the Hong Kong SAR, the Macao SAR and the Taiwan region, “Mainland China”). Please be noted that important terms of this policy which may be closely related to your interests have been specifically reminded in bold.

In this policy, you will know:

● How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

● How We Use Cookies And Other Similar Technologies

● How We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Data

● How We Protect and Store Your Personal Data

● How to Query or Correct Your Personal Data, Withdrawal consent and Delete your Account

● How We Protect Minors’ Information

● How We Update this Policy

● Scope of Application

Ⅰ. Definition

1.Personal Data:refers to the data that is recorded electronically or otherwise, and can be used, either alone or in combination with other data, to identify a particular natural person, or to reveal the activities of a particular natural person, including personally identifiable information (name, phone number, ID number); network identification information (including account number, profile picture, IP address, e-mail address, password); software information (including software version number, serial number, activation code, channel number, license type, e-mail domain name, e-mail login port, access protocol or other software related data used to have access to Kingsoft Office Online Services); device information (device manufacturers,device attribute information such as hardware model,high physical pixels, physical pixel width,operating system type and version, device configuration, unique device identifier, device location, storage space, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), Media Access Control (MAC) address, Advertising Identifier (IDFA) etc., device connection information such as browser type, telecom carrier, web environment, web connection type,language used and device status information such as device sensor data, device application installation list); document information; log information (including use of Licensed Software, Kingsoft Office Online Services and related websites, IP address, URL of the service accessed, type of browser and language used, information on downloading, installing or using mobile applications and software, information communicated with communication software, and date, time and duration of access to Kingsoft Office Online Services and related websites), etc.

2.Sensitive Personal Data:refers to personal data that, if disclosed, illegally provided or abused, may easily lead to damage of personal or property safety, cause harm to the reputation or physical or mental health, or lead to discrimination to the data subject. Sensitive Personal Data involved in this Policy will be highlighted in bold.

3.Affiliate:refers to a company that from time to time (directly or indirectly) controls (alone or jointly with the other party), is controlled by (alone or jointly with the third party) or under common control with the party. "Control" means ownership (direct or indirect) of more than 50% of the company’s management or decision-making rights (whether by way of voting right, by contract or otherwise).Affiliates of Kingsoft Office include but are not limited to Beijing Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Qiwen Office Software Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Kingsoft Mobile Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd., Anhui Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd., Beijing Kingsoft Software Co., Ltd., and Wuhan Kingsoft Microcredit Co., Ltd.

4.Kingsoft Office:refers to Beijing Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. or Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd., and whether each specific Kingsoft Office entity mentioned in this Policy refers to the former or the latter shall be determined by Kingsoft Office according to your actual circumstance.

Ⅱ. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

Kingsoft Office will collect and use your Personal Data for the purposes set out below in this Policy:

A. To achieve key business objectives: we may collect and use your Personal Data in order to enable you to use Licensed Software and/or provide you with Kingsoft Office Online Services.

We may collect, store and use the following data about you for proper operation of the functions below. If you do not provide relevant data, you will not be able to use the relevant services. These functions include:

1.Account registration: To register for a WPS account, you need to provide your e-mail address , mobile phone number and password,in order to complete WPS account creation;

2.Authorize a third-party account to login and use Kingsoft Office Online Services: third-party accounts that can login and use Kingsoft Office Online Services include WeChat account, QQ account, Sina Microblog account, MI account, Coremail account, DingTalk account and other accounts that may be included later. You may need to provide your third-party account name/nickname and account password,and upload your third-party account profile picture (if any), in order to login and use Kingsoft Office Online Services though these third-party accounts. These third-party accounts are provided by another parties, and you shall fully comply with the requirements of the respective account provider when registering a third-party account (for example, if your authorized third-party account used to login and use Kingsoft Office Online Service is a QQ account, the account provider will be Tencent, and so on). The collection, use, sharing, transfer and other disposal of your Personal Data (including Sensitive Personal Data) by a third-party account provider are governed by the privacy policy of the account provider, and by authorizing the use of the third-party account to login and consume Kingsoft Office Online Services, you accept the privacy policy of the provider, and agree that the provider may collect, use, share, transfer and otherwise dispose your Personal Data (including Sensitive Personal Data) in accordance with its privacy policy. 

3.Provide you with Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. We may collect serial number and activation code to verify the legality and validity of the type, duration, scope of license and other related issues, and provide services and related technical support to Licensed Software. We may collect your account information (account number, phone number, e-mail address) and order information (if any) to verify the legality and validity of your Kingsoft Office Online Services, and provide services and related technical support to Kingsoft Office Online Services.

4.Access to relevant Cloud services. The Cloud services included in Kingsoft Office Online Services (including but not limited to Cloud space service, document automatic synchronization service, document roaming service, Kingsoft PDF conversion service (enhanced conversion, picture to text conversion, document proofreading, full text translation), and other services that are implemented in the Cloud and subsequent Cloud-based services) are available only when you login your account online, and upload the relevant documents, pictures, photos, voices and other materials (including manual upload and automatic roaming) to the Cloud. Kingsoft Office may collect the names, contents and attributes (including but not limited to document type, size, pages) of the documents that you upload to the Cloud, the frequency that you upload and use Cloud documents, the duration that you use Cloud documents, in order to provide you with relevant Cloud services. Moreover, the relevant documents, pictures, photos, voices and other materials you upload, after de-identification, will be read and used as the basic input for AI training, in order to provide you with relevant AI services.

5.Help Kingsoft Office develop and design new products and services, improve and enhance the existing products and services of Kingsoft Office, and optimize user experience: Kingsoft Office may collect your software information, equipment information, log information, Cloud service usage information (upload frequency and usage duration of Cloud documents, names, types and attributes of uploaded documents) for data analysis, in order to understand the usage and adaptation of Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, thereby facilitating the development of new products and services, and the optimization of existing functions and services. For example, Kingsoft Office may analyze your software information to understand the usage and adaptation of Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, identify the functions and services that need to be optimized, and enhance user experience; and may analyze your log information to discover new functions and services of Kingsoft Office Online Services; and respond to your individual requests, such as language settings, location settings, personalized support services and instructions, or to make other responses to you and other users. Kingsoft Office may correlate the information collected from your various devices, in order to provide you with consistent services on these devices. Kingsoft Office may combine information from a service with information from other services, information indirectly obtained through legal means and information obtained through legal public channels, or combine legally obtained personal information that can identify you with those that cannot, in order to provide you with personalized service and to improve our products and services.

6.Provide related AI services. Kingsoft Office and its Affiliates may provide some AI services such as document automatic optimization through Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. By uploading your documents and materials, you agree that Kingsoft Office may collect your Personal Data contained in such documents and materials; moreover, to make the services better fit into your personal preferences and needs, Kingsoft Office may set feature labels for you based on what Kingsoft Office\'s knowledge of what you have searched or read. However, Kingsoft Office will take security steps and technical mechanisms to protect your Personal Data, and will technically de-identify such data and materials to reduce the risks that you are identified by other organizations or individuals by using your de-identified Personal Data.

7.Security assurance. In order to enhance system security when you are using Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, better identify fake websites and maintain account security, Kingsoft Office may analyze your browser information, order information, software information, device information and other information to evaluate your account risk, and may record some links (URL) with risk according to its judgment. Kingsoft Office may also collect your device information and log information, analyze the problems you encountered when using Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, conduct statistics on website traffic, evaluate possible risks, and trouble shoot the issue when you report exceptions.

8.Customer service and after-sales support. When you request service support through Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, Kingsoft Office will check your identity and the related products or services (if any) purchased by you according to your account information and order information, and help you find the cause and solve the problem according to your software information, device information, and the contents of your e-mail, screenshots, documents or your phone conversation with the customer service staff of Kingsoft Office. Kingsoft Office may from time to time use your account information (such as phone number, e-mail address) o send you important notifications such as those about item redemption, and related agreement terms, conditions and policy changes. If you participate in a lucky draw, contest or similar promotion on the web pages of Kingsoft Office Online Services, Kingsoft Office may ask you to provide ID number to verify your identity. Kingsoft Office may also collect your answers to the questionnaire prepared by Kingsoft Office, and the contact name, company name, contact number, e-mail address and questions you provided when you submit inquiries by dialing customer service hotline, sending e-mails, posting in a forum, sending messages to an official account, etc.

9.Payment and billing: after you place an order to purchase any service of Kingsoft Office Online Services, you can complete the payment by using the payment service of a third-party payment agency in partnership with Kingsoft Office (such as Alipay, WeChat Pay, “Payment Agency”), and Kingsoft Office may provide your order number, transaction amount, transaction items to the Payment Agency to confirm your payment instructions and complete the payment. If you apply for an invoice, you shall provide additional information, including invoice header, taxpayer identification number, e-mail address of the receiver, and other information that is required for issuing the invoice, such as buyer information.

10.Big data analysis. Kingsoft Office will use your Personal Data collected for big data analysis. 

11.Comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements and related industry standards.

B. Indirect access to and use of Personal Data

1.When you use the services of an Affiliate of Kingsoft Office, or your Kingsoft WPS account is bound to the service account of the Affiliate, you agree that Kingsoft Office may receive, use, summarize and analyze your account information, device information, software information and log information that you authorize the Affiliate to provide to Kingsoft Office, if necessary for actual business and cooperation purposes, such as to verify user identity, or to push more relevant marketing message of the Affiliate to users.

2.Activities of information push and participate in the qualification of judgment:Kingsoft Office will launch some lucky draw, gift, coupon and other activities for some users, in order to accurately push the activity information, reduce the disturbance to the non-active object, Kingsoft Office will collect your information such as equipment type, equipment model, equipment manufacturer, equipment brand information, system type information, determine whether you are the active object and then decide whether to push and display the activity information to you, and use the information collected above as the basis for determining your eligibility to participate in the activity.

3.Kingsoft Office may obtain from a third-party account provider of your account information (such as profile picture, nickname) that you authorize to share, and bind your third-party account to your Kingsoft Office account after you accept this Policy, allowing you to login and use the services of Kingsoft Office directly through your third-party account.

4.By authorizing to bind your account of Kingsoft Office Online Services (including your WPS account, QQ account, WeChat account, Sina Microblog account, MI account and other account (if any)) with any service from a third party in partnership with Kingsoft Office, you agree that Kingsoft Office may receive, share, use, summarize and analyze your account information, device information, software information and log information, in order to identify user identity, maintain the compatibility of the third-party services with Kingsoft Office Online Services and Licensed Software, and monitor the quality of the third-party services.

5.When a third party in partnership with Kingsoft Office transfers and sells its business, services and products related to Kingsoft Office Online Services to Kingsoft Office, you agree that Kingsoft Office may receive, share, use and summarize your account information, device information, software information and log information from the third party, in order to ensure the stability of such business, services and products, and continue to provide related services and products to you.

6.If you purchase Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Service from Kingsoft Office’s distributors and dealers, Kingsoft Office may obtain your order information from these third-party channels, including your name, company name, phone number, ship-to address or contact address, the details of the Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services purchased.

C. Other purposes

1.Kingsoft Office may use your Personal Data to push marketing messages via e-mail, SMS or other means, that is, to provide you with more relevant ads instead of mass ads, for example, to display or recommend (rather than mass push) more relevant search results, data streams, or ad/promotional news. If you do not wish Kingsoft Office to use your Personal Data for sending marketing messages, you can ask Kingsoft Office to stop using such data for the above purposes by following relevant instructions provided by Kingsoft Office in the ads. Kingsoft Office may use your Personal Data to push news or other notifications to your device. If you do not wish to receive such information, you can choose to unsubscribe on the device by following the instructions from Kingsoft Office. In addition, Kingsoft Office may issue announcements related to Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services by e-mail, SMS or other means when necessary, and you may be unable to unsubscribe these non-promotional announcements related to Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. You acknowledge and agree that your clicks on marketing information, advertising information and push information may result in Kingsoft Office, its Affiliates or third party partners gathering information about your clicks; if you refuse Kingsoft Office, its Affiliates or third party partners to do so, please do not click on any such information sent to you by Kingsoft Office.

2.Kingsoft Office will take technical mechanisms to de-identify your Personal Data to prevent you from being identified. You acknowledge and agree that Kingsoft Office can use such de-identified data. Kingsoft Office may analyze the user database and utilize it for commercial purposes, provided that your Personal Data is not disclosed.

3.Kingsoft Office may use your Personal Data to conduct comprehensive and anonymous statistics and analysis about the use of Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, and the results obtained can be used by Kingsoft Office and entities having access to such data on a need-to-know basis for the purpose of this Policy. Besides, Kingsoft Office may share these statistics with the public to reveal the overall usage trends of Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, but these statistics will not contain any of your personal identifiable information.

4.When Kingsoft Office displays your Personal Data, it will de-identify your data by means of content replacement and anonymous treatment to protect your data.

5.Kingsoft Office may provide your Personal Data to a third-party agency certified by Kingsoft Office for risk detection and evaluation, including but not limited to the risk of clicking farming, if Kingsoft Office considers it as necessary.

D. Exceptions to prior consent

You fully understand that, no prior consent is required from you to collect and use your Personal Data in the following circumstances:

1.Involving national security and national defense security;

2.Involving public safety, public health and significant public interests;

3.Involving criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4.For the purpose of maintaining the material and legal rights related to life and property of the subject of Personal Data or other individuals when it’s difficult to obtain the consent of the person;

5.When the Personal Data collected is disclosed to the public by the data subject;

6.When your Personal Data is collected from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news and reports, government information disclosure channels, etc.;

7.For the purpose of signing a contract required by you;

8.For the purpose of maintaining safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as to detect or troubleshoot product or service failures.

9.When it’s necessary for an academic research institution to conduct statistical or academic research for public interests, provided any Personal Data contained in academic research works or documents has been de-identified when such works are disclosed to the public;

10.Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

You acknowledge and agree that the sharing and transfer of personal data that has been de-identified while ensuring the data recipient cannot recover the data and re-identify the data subject shall not be deemed as unauthorized sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal data, and no further notice will be sent to you or no consent will be required from you in order to store and process such data.

What Personal Data do we collect from you, the source from which and how we collect such data may vary depending on your Licensed Software (including but not limited to different Licensed Software, different paid versions of the same software, different language versions, different clients, etc.) or the category of Kingsoft Office Online Services; if you want to learn more, please send an e-mail to wps@wps.cn, and Kingsoft Office will respond in a timely manner. 

Ⅲ. How We Use Cookies And Other Similar Technologies

(1) Cookies: To ensure stable website operation, Kingsoft Office may place small text files called cookies on your computer or mobile device. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. With cookies, websites can gather Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referred and exit pages, operating system, date/time stamps and/or click-stream data, your preferences, etc. Kingsoft Office will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this Policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. You can remove all cookies placed on your computer, and most web browsers allow the user to block cookies, but you still need to configure the log file of user settings each time you visit the website of Kingsoft Office Online Services. You can restrict the use of cookies by Kingsoft Office by changing your browser settings.

(2) Web beacons and pixel tags. In addition to cookies, Kingsoft Office may use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on the website. For example, an e-mail sent to you by Kingsoft Office may contain a click URL that links to the website contents of Kingsoft Office Online Services. If you click on the link, Kingsoft Office may track this click to tell us your preferences for Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services and how we can improve them. Web beacons are usually tiny graphics embedded on Web pages (or in an e-mail). Kingsoft Office uses pixel tags in an e-mail to identify if the e-mail has been read. If you don’t wish your behavior to be tracked this way, you can unsubscribe from Kingsoft Office\'s mailing lists at any time.

(3) Do Not Track. Many web browsers have a Do Not Track feature that sends Do Not Track requests to websites. Currently, major Internet standards organizations have not yet established policies to regulate how websites should respond to such requests. But if your browser has enabled the Do Not Track feature, all websites of Kingsoft Office will respect your choice.

(4) Mobile analysis software: Kingsoft Office uses mobile analysis software in the mobile client of Licensed Software to better monitor the capabilities of Licensed Software in your mobile phone. This software may gather information such as how often you use the application, incidents that occur within the application, cumulative usage, performance data, and where the application crash occurred. Kingsoft Office will not link the information stored in the analysis software to any Personal Data you submit in the mobile client of Licensed Software.

Ⅳ. How We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Data

(1) Sharing

Kingsoft Office will not transfer your Personal Data to any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances:

1.Sharing data upon your express consent: Kingsoft Office may share your Personal Data with third parties with your express consent.

2.Kingsoft Office may share your Personal Data with relevant third parties if requested by laws and regulations or mandatory government orders or judicial decisions.

3.Sharing with Affiliates: In order to push more relevant products and services to you from the Affiliate, Kingsoft Office may share your Personal Data with the Affiliates in partnership with Kingsoft Office for identity authentication, customer service, security precaution, fraud monitoring and credit analysis related to products and services. Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. may share your Personal Data collected with the data team of Beijing Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. for big data analysis. Kingsoft Office will share your Personal Data only to the extent necessary. Any change to the purpose of processing your Personal Data by an Affiliate will be subject to your further consent.

4.Sharing with authorized partners: Some services of Kingsoft Office can be provided by third party partners only for the purposes set out in this Policy. Kingsoft Office may share certain Personal Data with third party partners in order to provide better service and user experience. Kingsoft Office may only share your Personal Data for legitimate, reasonable, necessary, specific and express purposes, and only to the extent necessary to provide the services. The third party partners of Kingsoft Office do not have the right to use the shared Personal Data for any other purpose. You agree that Kingsoft Office may share Personal Data with the following third parties:
4.1 Partners engaged in advertising services.Kingsoft Office will accept the entrustment of other enterprises to provide advertising services to users. For this reason, Kingsoft Office may inform your IP address,  device information,device connection information, IDFV,local time zone, system version update time, mobile phone startup time, CPU number,advertising marking authorization and user information agent shares with this kind of advertising service providers through authorized software interface (API).

4.2 Suppliers, service providers and other partners. Kingsoft Office may share information with suppliers, service providers and other partners who provide business support to Kingsoft Office worldwide, including technical infrastructure services, hardware and software product services, system product services, analytical services regarding use mode, evaluation of advertising and services effectiveness, customer services, payment facilities services or academic research and surveys, and may share your account, profile picture, nickname and gender with respect to third-party products and services included with Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Service that may be logged in and used through WPS account. Kingsoft Office will require companies, organizations and individuals with which Kingsoft Office shares your Personal Data to process personal data according to Kingsoft Office’s instructions, this Policy and the standards of any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.
4.3 If you participate in a lucky draw, contest or similar promotion on the web pages of Kingsoft Office Online Services, or use credits to redeem goods, your information (name, phone number (including mobile phone number), contact address) may be provided to courier service providers in partnership with Kingsoft Office, such as SF Express and YTO Express (as indicated on the website) or the relevant supplier to the extent necessary for Kingsoft Office or prizes and goods suppliers to deliver the relevant prizes and goods to you.

(2) Transfer

Kingsoft Office will not transfer your Personal Data to any company, organization or individual other than its Affiliates, except in the following circumstances:

1.Already obtained your express prior authorization or consent;

2.Required by laws and regulations, legal proceedings, mandatory government orders or judicial decisions;

3.Where Kingsoft Office or its Affiliates are involved in mergers, divisions, liquidations, acquisitions or sales of assets or businesses, etc, your personal data may be transferred as part of such transactions, and Kingsoft Office will maintain the confidentiality of such information at the time of transfer, and require the company or organization that receives your personal data to be bound by this Policy, otherwise Kingsoft Office will urge the company or organization to obtain your authorization or consent on its own.

(3) Public Disclosure

Kingsoft Office will only publicly disclose your Personal Data in the following circumstances:

1.Having obtained your express consent;

2.Displaying the winner\'s mobile number or account login name using data masking when announcing the list of winners of an event;

3.Kingsoft Office may disclose to the public and share with any third party in partnership with Kingsoft Office the big data analysis results being removed of personal identification data through statistical processing.

4.When Kingsoft Office receives a complaint or report from a third party, Kingsoft Office may disclose the necessary information about you to the complaining party (including but not limited to the registration name, identity certificate, contact person, contact number), and urge you to negotiate with the complaining party, in order to resolve complaints and disputes in a timely manner and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

5.Required by laws and regulations, legal proceedings, litigation or mandatory orders of the competent government authorities;

(4)For details of the collection of your Personal Data by the third party code and plug-in embedded in the Licensed Software, please refer to the webpage of www.wps.cn/privacy/privacyprotect_sdk.

Ⅴ. How We Protect and Store Your Personal Data

(1) Kingsoft Office will endeavor to protect your Personal Data by using industry-standard security measures to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data. Kingsoft Office will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no irrelevant Personal Data is collected. Kingsoft Office will only keep your Personal Data for the period necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or permitted by law.

(2) Since the Internet is not an absolutely secure environment and e-mail, instant messaging and online communication with other third parties may not be encrypted, Kingsoft Office strongly recommends that you do not send Personal Data in these ways. Moreover, when registering for an account of Kingsoft Office Online Services, be sure to use a strong password, which can facilitate Kingsoft Office to maintain the security of your account.

(3) Your Personal Data gathered by Kingsoft Office’s Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services may be stored and processed at the place of Kingsoft Office and its Affiliates, or at the place of any entity having access to such data on a need-to-know basis according to Kingsoft Office.However, the aforementioned locations are limited to the Mainland China. Kingsoft Office will only keep your Personal Data for the period necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy and for the duration required by laws and regulations. Kingsoft Office will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations of China on collecting, using, preserving and sharing Personal Data of users, use various security technologies and procedures to prevent loss, improper use, unauthorized viewing or disclosure of data.

Ⅵ. How to Query or Correct Your Personal Data, Withdrawal consent and Delete your Account

(1) If you need to query, modify or correct your Personal Data, or have any questions or complaints about your Personal Data protection issues, you can send an e-mail to Kingsoft Office E-mail [wps@wps.cn], and Kingsoft Office will handle your problem in a timely and effective manner.

(2)You may, by submitting a request, withdraw the previous consent granted to Kingsoft Office for specific purposes, including the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data in Kingsoft Office\'s possession or control. Depending on the Licensed Software you use or Kingsoft Office Online Services, you can send an email to wps@wps.cn, kingsoft office will process your request within 15 working days after you make the request, and will not collect, use and/or disclose your personal data according to your request. Depending on the extent to which you withdraw your consent, it may prevent you from continuing to use the Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the validity of the personal data processing activities carried out by Kingsoft Office based on your consent. 

(3)If you want to delete your WPS account or unbind the third party account that you authorize to login and use Kingsoft Office Online Services with your WPS account, you need to visit the WPS personal center (i.wps.cn) via your computer, and delete your WPS account or unbind the third party account by following the steps indicated on the web page. Your WPS account can also be deleted through the "I" - "account and security" - "permanently delete account" entry in the Licensed Software mobile client.

Ⅶ. How We Protect Minors’ Information

(1) If you are a child under the age of 14 years, Kingsoft Office has specially formulated the "Kingsoft Office children\'s information protection statement" for you and your guardian. Before completing the installation of Licensed Software or registering,binding of the account of Kingsoft Office Online Services, you and your guardian should also carefully read the "Kingsoft Office children\'s information protection statement"..You may use the Licensed Software or Kingsoft Office Online Services only after obtaining the consent of your guardian on the  "Kingsoft Office children\'s information protection statement".

(2) If you are a minor over the age of 14 years, please do not send your Personal Data to Kingsoft Office. Besides, you should obtain the consent of your parent or guardian before using Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. Your parent or guardian should read this Policy carefully, and you are recommended to use Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services under the guidance of your parent or guardian. By downloading, installing or using Licensed Software, or logging-in, registering or using any or all of Kingsoft Office Online Services in any way, your parent or legal guardian agrees to your use of Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services, and accepts the entire content of this Policy, and at the same time authorizes Kingsoft Office to collect, use, save and share your Personal Data in accordance with this Policy. If a parent or guardian has a reason to believe that his/her child has submitted its Personal Data to Kingsoft Office without his/her prior consent, please contact Kingsoft Office to remove such Personal Data.

Ⅷ. How We Update this Policy

(1) For better services and with the development of Kingsoft Office business,the terms of this Policy may be modified from time to time, but in this case Kingsoft Office will not reduce your rights under this policy without your express consent. Kingsoft Office will publish the updated version via  [http://www.wps.cn/privacy/privacyprotect/] or Licensed Software client. 

Kingsoft Office recommends to periodically review this Policy at [http://www.wps.cn/privacy/privacyprotect/] to check for any modification to this Policy.

(2) Kingsoft Office will archive the old version of this policy for your reference.

Ⅸ. Scope of Application

1.This Policy applies to all versions of Licensed Software and all services contained in Kingsoft Office Online Services. In the event that a version of Licensed Software or a particular service has special requirements on data collection, these requirements and this Policy shall apply at the same time; if there is any inconsistency between these requirements and this Policy, these requirements shall prevail.

2.Please note that this Policy does not apply to products and services offered by third parties. Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services may contain third party products and services, as well as links to third party websites. Your information may also be collected when you use these products or services. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you take time to read the third party privacy policy in the same manner as you have read this Policy. Kingsoft Office is not responsible for how third parties use Personal Data they collect from you, nor can Kingsoft Office control their use. This Policy does not apply to other websites linked via Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services.

X. Special Provisions

Kingsoft Office as mentioned in this Policy refers to Beijing Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. or Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd., and whether each specific Kingsoft Office entity mentioned in this Policy refers to the former or the latter shall be determined by Kingsoft Office according to your actual circumstance.

For the purpose of this Policy, the entities having access to such data on a need-to-know basis according to Kingsoft Office include Kingsoft Office\'s employees and other individuals, organizations or organizations that need to know such data as determined by Kingsoft Office. You understand and agree that Kingsoft Office may provide your personal data collected by Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services to these entities, provided that Kingsoft Office can guarantee that these entities only use such data for the purpose of this Policy.

The section headings used in this Policy are for convenience of reference only, and are not to affect the construction hereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation hereof.

The Chinese version is the official version of this Policy, and other language versions (if any) of this Policy are provided for your reference only. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese version and version of any other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Kingsoft Office believes that and you agree that you have carefully read and fully understood all terms of this Policy before using Licensed Software and Kingsoft Office Online Services. By using Licensed Software or Kingsoft Office Online Services, you accept all the terms of this Policy, and agree to be bound by them.