











三、我们如何使用 Cookie










(一) 本《链上会应用隐私保护政策》适用范围


1. 为我们的产品与/或服务提供广告服务的第三方的信息收集/处理做法;

2. 我们的产品与/或服务可能会包含或链接至第三方提供的信息与/或第三方服务(包括任何第三方应用、网站、产品、服务等),这些信息与/或服务由第三方负责运营,您使用该等信息与/或服务与我们无关。我们在此善意的提醒您,您在使用第三方信息与/或服务时,应留意和仔细阅读第三方向您展示的相关用户协议和隐私政策,并妥善保管和谨慎提供您的个人信息。本政策仅适用于我们所收集的您的个人信息,并不适用于任何第三方对您的个人信息的收集,以及任何第三方提供的服务或第三方的信息使用规则,我们对任何第三方收集、储存和使用的您个人信息的行为在法律允许的范围内亦不承担任何责任;

3. 在您与链上会应用上的服务工作者/服务商达成合作意向、委托服务工作者/服务商提供任何服务或提供任何服务成果时,您基于交易目的自愿向链上会应用服务工作者/服务商提供的信息,您提供、分享、披露的相关信息与我们无关。我们在此善意提醒您,您在向服务工作者/服务商提供信息时,应保持合理警惕,谨慎提供您的个人信息;

4. 其他非链上会应用向您提供的产品与/或服务内容。



1. 我们的产品与/或服务:包括但不限于我们提供的软件、网站、服务以及包含的相关产品或服务功能。我们需要特别提醒您的是:由于我们收集的您个人信息的类型可能会因您使用的具体的产品服务种类较多,为您提供的产品和服务内容也有所不同,本政策为链上会应用统一适用的一般性隐私条款,本政策约定的用户权利和我们提供的相关信息安全保护措施均适用于我们的所有产品和服务;本政策所述之“我们的产品与/或服务”/服务(包括客户端类型、软件版本等)而有所不同,具体以您实际使用的产品/服务的实际情况为准。针对我们的某些特定产品/服务,我们还将制定特定隐私政策,以便更具体地向您阐明我们的隐私规则和保护措施等内容。


2. 个人信息(出自于GB/T 35273-2020《信息安全技术个人信息安全规范》):指以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息。本隐私政策中涉及的个人信息包括个人基本资料(包括个人姓名、生日、性别、住址、个人电话号码、电子邮箱)、身份信息(包括身份证信息、企业营业执照信息)、个人生物识别信息(面部特征)、网络身份标识信息(包括系统账号、IP地址、邮箱地址以及与前述有关的密码、口令、口令保护答案、用户个人数字证书)、个人财产信息(包括银行账号、鉴别信息(口令)、资金信息(包括资金数量、收益、余额)、交易和消费记录、流水记录、虚拟货币(如消费型余额、优惠券)、虚拟交易、兑换码等虚拟财产信息)、通讯录信息、个人上网记录(包括网站浏览记录、软件使用记录、点击记录)、个人常用设备信息(包括硬件序列号、硬件型号、设备MAC地址、操作系统类型、软件列表、唯一设备识别码(如IMEI/androidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM卡IMSI信息等在内的描述个人常用设备基本情况的信息)、个人位置信息(包括大概地理位置、精准定位信息)。我们实际具体收集的个人信息种类以下文描述为准。


3. 个人敏感信息(出自于GB/T 35273-2020《信息安全技术个人信息安全规范》):指一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇等的个人信息。本隐私政策中涉及的个人敏感信息包括您的财产信息(包括银行账号、鉴别信息(口令)、资金信息(包括资金数量、收益、余额)、交易和消费记录、流水记录、虚拟货币(如消费型余额、优惠券)、虚拟交易、兑换码虚拟财产信息))、个人生物识别信息(面部特征)、个人身份信息(包括身份证信息)、网络身份识别信息(包括系统账号、邮箱地址以及与前述有关的密码、口令、口令保护答案、用户个人数字证书)、其他信息(包括通讯录信息、个人电话号码、精准定位信息、收货地址、网页浏览记录)。您同意您的个人敏感信息按本政策所述的目的和方式来处理。我们实际具体收集的个人敏感信息种类以下文描述为准。相比其他个人信息,个人敏感信息可能对您的个人权益影响更大。我们在此善意的提醒您需在谨慎考虑后再向我们提供您的个人敏感信息。


4. 去标识化处理:指对个人信息进行技术处理,使得个人信息主体无法被识别,且处理后的信息不能被复原。


5. 删除:指在实现日常业务功能所涉及的系统中去除个人信息的行为,使其保持不可被检索、访问的状态。


6. 链上会应用:指链上会应用网站(“https://chainmeet.tongfudun.com/”)及链上会客户端。


7. 关联公司:是指在现在、将来控制江苏通付盾信息安全技术有限公司、受江苏通付盾信息安全技术有限公司控制或与江苏通付盾信息安全技术有限公司处于共同控制下的公司、机构。控制指通过所有权、有投票权的股份、合同、实际运营关联或其他被依法认定的方式直接或间接地拥有影响被控制对象管理/经营的能力。



常用办公地址:(江苏)自由贸易试验区苏州片区苏州工业园区东长路88号苏州2.5产业园C2栋4F  联系电话:400-831-8116 ;如您想更详细的了解我们的公司、平台,您可以通过本政策提供的联系方式与我们联系。




1. 为实现向您提供我们产品及/或服务的基本功能,您须授权我们收集、使用的必要的信息。如您拒绝提供相应信息,您将无法正常使用我们的产品及/或服务;

2. 为实现向您提供我们产品及/或服务的附加功能,您可选择授权我们收集、使用的信息。如您拒绝提供,您将无法正常使用相关附加功能或无法达到我们拟达到的功能效果,但并不会影响您正常使用我们产品及/或服务的基本功能。



1. 我们致力于打造多样的产品和服务以满足您的需求。因我们向您提供的产品和服务种类众多,且不同用户选择使用的具体产品/服务范围存在差异,相应的,基本/附加功能及收集使用的个人信息类型、范围等会有所区别,请以具体的产品/服务功能为准;


2. 为给您带来更好的产品和服务体验,我们在持续努力改进我们的技术,随之我们可能会不时推出新的或优化后的功能,可能需要收集、使用新的个人信息或变更个人信息使用目的或方式。对此,我们将通过更新本政策、弹窗、页面提示等方式另行向您说明对应信息的收集目的、范围及使用方式,并为您提供自主选择同意的方式,且在征得您明示同意后收集、使用。在此过程中,如果您有任何疑问、意见或建议的,您可通过通付盾提供的各种联系方式与我们联系,我们会尽快为您作出解答。




























































(三) 信息的使用


1. 将您的身份信息、供职单位信息、住址信息、银行卡信息、学历学位信息、联系人信息、借贷信息、负面信息、消费信息,与贷款审批和管理相关的信息用于风险建模、评分、贷中监控等用途;

2. 使用您的通信地址、电子邮箱、移动电话(含短信和彩信等)、微信中部分信息作为向您推荐链上会应用服务产品及其他服务的途径;

3. 创建数据分析模型,为您提供适合于您的服务,并维护、改进这些服务;

4. 比较信息的准确性并与第三方进行验证。例如,将您向通付盾提交的信息与合法提供信息验证的服务机构进行验证;

5. 为使您知晓并了解链上会应用服务情况,向您发送服务状态的通知及其他商业性电子信息;

6. 记录并管理您访问和接受服务的状态、交易信息和历史记录;

7. 预防、发现、调查欺诈、危害安全、非法或违反与链上会应用规则的行为,以保护您、链上会应用的其他用户及通付盾的合法权益;

8. 通付盾可能会将来自某项服务的个人信息与来自其他服务所获得的信息结合起来,以便为您提供更加个性化的服务;

9. 通付盾会对链上会应用服务使用情况进行统计,并可能会与公众或第三方分享这些统计信息,以展示平台的产品或服务的整体使用趋势,但这些统计信息不会包含您的任何身份识别信息,且该等信息将不会被复原;

10. 让您参与有关链上会应用服务的调查;

11. 在链上会应用进行纠纷调解及处理;

12. 根据法律法规或经您同意或授权的其他用途。


三、我们如何使用 Cookie


我们不会将Cookies 用于本隐私政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除Cookies。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有Cookies,大部分网络浏览器会自动接受Cookies,但您通常可根据自己的需要来修改浏览器的设置以拒绝Cookies;另外,您也可以清除软件内保存的所有Cookies。但如果您这么做,您可能需要在每一次访问网站时亲自更改用户设置,而且您之前所记录的相应信息也均会被删除,并且可能会对您所使用服务的安全性有一定影响。





1. 在法定情形下的共享:我们可能会根据法律法规规定,诉讼、争议解决需要或按行政、司法机关依法提出的要求,对外共享您的个人信息;

2. 在获取明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的个人信息;

3. 与关联公司间共享:为便于我们基于链上会应用向您提供产品和服务,推荐您可能感兴趣的信息,识别会员账号异常,保护通付盾关联公司或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免受侵害,您的个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司和/或其指定的服务提供商共享。我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本隐私政策中所声明目的的约束,如果我们共享您的个人敏感信息或关联公司改变个人信息的使用或处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。

4. 与授权合作伙伴共享:我们可能委托授权合作伙伴为您提供某些服务或代表我们履行职能,我们仅会处于本隐私权政策声明的合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的信息,授权合作伙伴只能接触到其履行职责所需信息,且不得将此信息用于其他任何目的。




5. 依据您与我们签署的相关协议(例如:在线协议、平台规则等)或法律文件而共享的;

6. 某些情况下,只有共享您的个人信息,才能实现我们的产品与/或服务的核心功能或提供您需要的服务,或处理您与他人的纠纷或争议;

7. 为维护通付盾和/或其他链上会应用用户的合法权益;




1. 在获取明确同意的情况下转让:获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的个人信息;

2. 在涉及合并、收购或破产清算时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会在要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受此个人信息保护策略的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。




1. 适用的法律有明确规定;

2. 获得您的明确授权;





1. 获得您明确同意后;

2. 基于法律的披露:在法律、法律程序、诉讼或政府主管部门强制性要求的情况下,我们可能会公开披露您的个人信息,且不再另行通知您;

3. 基于其他平台用户或者任何第三人的申请、并提供初步证据的披露:当您和平台其他用户发生法律纠纷,或任何第三人认为您的行为侵犯其合法权益,意欲提起法律诉讼时,在申请人提供基本证据后,我们可能会公开披露您的个人信息,同时我们会保留申请人披露记录,以备您随时查询您个人信息的披露情况。




1. 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

3. 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;或根据法律法规的要求、行政机关或公检法等有权机关的要求的;

4. 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到您本人同意的;

5. 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

6. 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。











平台为您提供个人信息自助查询、更新、删除(部分)信息的功能,部分信息的删除功能需要您通过注销账号实现。同时您也可通过链上会应用官方客服热线 400-831-8116 要求链上会应用客服提供相关信息的查询、更新、删除服务。

1. 个人信息查询、更新、删除路径如下:

(1) 账号基本信息:移动端可通过“我-个人信息”查看及更新,包括昵称、头像、手机号、二维码等信息。

(2) 账号安全信息:移动端可通过“我-安全中心”查看及更新,包括密码、绑定收集、绑定邮箱、登录保护设置等。

(3) 实名信息:移动可通过“我-个人信息-我的eID”进行查看及更新,包括个人实名信息。

2. 订单信息:
































1. 访问 www.tongfudun.com 通过在线客服系统与我们联系;

2. 拨打客服电话:400-831-8116   传真:0512-67903886

3. 发送邮件至:service@tongfudun.com与我们联系;             

4. 公司办公地址:(江苏)自由贸易试验区苏州片区苏州工业园区东长路88号苏州2.5产业园C2栋4F.








 ChainMeet application Privacy Protection Policy


Important tips


ChainMeet application knows the importance of personal information to you. We will take corresponding security protection measures according to the requirements of laws and regulations, and try our best to protect your personal information safe and controllable. In view of this, we formulate this privacy protection policy (hereinafter referred to as this policy/this privacy policy ") and remind you that:


This policy is applicable to all products and services provided by ChainMeet application. If the products or services provided by ChainMeet application are used in our products or services (e.g. login with the account of ChainMeet application) but there is no independent privacy policy, this policy is also applicable to such products or services. If we and our affiliated companies have separate privacy policies for the products or services they provide to you, the corresponding products or services shall be subject to the corresponding privacy policies.


In particular, this policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties.


The policy was last updated on May 9, 2020


Please read this policy carefully and thoroughly before using ChainMeet application, especially the clauses marked with bold/bold underline. You should read them carefully and start using them after confirming their full understanding and agreement. This policy has the effect of contract. Please read it carefully and follow it. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through the various contact methods provided by the ChainMeet application.


This policy will help you understand the following:


1、Scope of application and meaning of Related words in this "ChainMeet application privacy protection policy"

2、 How do we collect and use your personal information

3、 How do we use cookies

4、 How can we share, transfer, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

5、 How do we protect your personal information

6、 Your rights

7、 Protection of minors' information

8、 Update of this “ChainMeet application privacy protection policy”

9、 How to contact us

10、 Others


1、Scope of application and meaning of Related words in this "ChainMeet application Privacy Protection Policy"


(1) Scope of ChainMeet application Privacy Protection Policy


This policy is applicable to all our products and/or services. When you use any of our products and/or services, this policy applies regardless of whether the product and/or service has separate privacy provisions, and whether you are a browsing user (Visitor) or a registered login user. Please note that this policy does not apply to the following situations:


1) Information collection/processing practices of third parties providing advertising services for our products and/or services;


2) Our products and/or services may contain or link to the information and/or third party services provided by the third party (including any third party applications, websites, products, services, etc.), which are operated by third parties, and you are not concerned with the use of such information and/or services. We hereby kindly remind you that when using third-party information and/or services, you should pay attention to and carefully read the relevant user agreement and privacy policy displayed to you by the third party, and keep and provide your personal information carefully. This policy only applies to your personal information collected by us. It does not apply to the collection of your personal information by any third party, the services provided by any third party or the information use rules of the third party. We do not assume any responsibility for the collection, storage and use of your personal information by any third party to the extent permitted by law


3) When you reach a cooperation intention with the service workers/service providers on the ChainMeet application, entrust the service workers/service providers to provide any services or provide any service results, the information you voluntarily provide to the service workers/service providers for the purpose of transaction is irrelevant to us. We hereby sincerely remind you that when you provide information to service workers/service providers, you should be reasonably vigilant and carefully provide your personal information;


4) Products and/or services provided to you by other non payment shield applications.


(2) Meaning of Related words


1) Our products and/or services: including but not limited to the software, websites, services and related product or service functions provided by us. What we need to remind you in particular is: as the types of your personal information collected by us may vary depending on the specific products and services you use, and the products and service contents provided to you are also different. This policy is a general privacy clause uniformly applicable to ChainMeet application. The user rights agreed in this policy and the relevant information security protection measures provided by us are applicable to all our products and services; Our products and/or services/services (including client type, software version, etc.) mentioned in this policy are different, which shall be subject to the actual situation of the products/services you actually use. For some of our specific products/services, we will also develop specific privacy policies to clarify our privacy rules and protection measures to you more specifically.


2) Personal information (derived from GB/T 35273-2020 "information security technology specification for personal information security"): refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information. The personal information involved in this privacy policy includes personal basic data (including personal name, birthday, gender, address, personal telephone number, e-mail), identity information (including ID card information, enterprise business license information), personal biometric information (facial features), network identity information (including system account, IP address, email address, and The password, password, password protection answer, user's personal digital certificate), personal property information (including bank account number, identification information (password), fund information (including fund quantity, income and balance), transaction and consumption records, running records, virtual currency (such as consumption balance and coupon), virtual transaction, exchange code and other virtual property information) , address book information, personal online records (including website browsing records, software usage records, click records), personal common equipment information (including hardware serial number, hardware model, device MAC address, operating system type, software list, unique device identification code (such as IMEI/Android ID/IDFA/openudid/guid, SIM card IMSI information, etc.) describing personal common equipment Information of the situation), personal location information (including general geographic location, precise positioning information). The types of personal information we actually collect are as described below.


3) Personal sensitive information (derived from GB/T 35273-2020 information security technology personal information security specification): refers to personal information that, once disclosed, illegally provided or abused, may endanger personal and property safety and easily lead to personal reputation, physical and mental health damage or discriminatory treatment. The personal sensitive information involved in this privacy policy includes your property information (including bank account number, identification information (password), capital information (including fund quantity, income and balance), transaction and consumption records, running records, virtual currency (such as consumption balance and preferential coupon), virtual transaction, exchange code virtual property information), and personal biometric information (including bank account number, identification information (password), capital information (including fund quantity, income and balance), transaction and consumption record, flow record, virtual currency (such as consumption balance and preferential coupon), virtual transaction, exchange code virtual property information), and personal biometric information Department characteristics), personal identity information (including ID card information), network identity information (including system account number, email address and password, password, password protection answer, user's personal digital certificate) and other information (including address book information, personal telephone number, accurate positioning information, receiving address, web browsing record). You agree that your personal sensitive information will be processed in the purpose and manner described in this policy. The types of personal sensitive information we actually collect are subject to the description below. Compared with other personal information, personal sensitive information may have a greater impact on your personal rights and interests. We kindly remind you to consider carefully before providing us with your personal sensitive information.


4) Dematerialization: refers to the technical processing of personal information, so that the subject of personal information cannot be identified, and the processed information cannot be restored.


5) Delete: refers to the behavior of removing personal information from the system involved in the realization of daily business functions, so that it can not be retrieved and accessed.


6)  ChainMeet application: refers to Chainmeet website(“ https://chainmeet.tongfudun.com/ ”)And ChainMeet application client.


7) Affiliated company: refers to the company or organization that controls, is controlled by, or under common control with Jiangsu PayEgis Technology Co., Ltd. at present and in the future. Control refers to the ability to directly or indirectly influence the management/operation of the controlled object through ownership, voting shares, contract, actual operation connection or other legally recognized ways.


The basic information of our main operating company is as follows: Jiangsu PayEgis Technology Co., Ltd., established on December 9, 2013, with its registered address at 4f, building C2, Suzhou 2.5 Industrial Park, No. 88, Dongchang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou area, Jiangsu pilot free trade zone

Common office address: 4f, building C2, Suzhou 2.5 Industrial Park, No. 88, Dongchang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou pilot Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu. Contact number: 400-831-8116. If you want to know more about our company and platform, you can contact us through the contact information provided in this policy.


2、 How do we collect and use your personal information


When you use our products and/or services, we need/may need to collect and use your personal information as follows:


1) In order to provide you with the basic functions of our products and/or services, you must authorize us to collect and use the necessary information. If you refuse to provide relevant information, you will not be able to use our products and/or services normally;


2) In order to provide you with additional functions of our products and/or services, you can choose to authorize us to collect and use the information. If you refuse to provide, you will not be able to use the relevant additional functions or achieve the function effect we intend to achieve, but it will not affect your normal use of the basic functions of our products and/or services.


You understand and agree that:


1) We are committed to create a variety of products and services to meet your needs. Due to the variety of products and services we provide to you, and the specific product/service range selected by different users is different, the corresponding basic/additional functions and the type and scope of personal information collected and used will be different. Please refer to the specific product/service function;


2) In order to bring you a better product and service experience, we are constantly striving to improve our technology. As a result, we may introduce new or optimized functions from time to time. We may need to collect and use new personal information or change the purpose or way of using personal information. In this regard, we will update this policy, pop-up window, page tips and other ways to explain to you the purpose, scope and use of the corresponding information, and provide you with the way to choose your own consent, and collect and use it after obtaining your express consent. In the process, if you have any questions, opinions or suggestions, you can contact us through the various contact ways provided by ChainMeet application, and we will answer for you as soon as possible.


(1) We will only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes


1) Help you become our user

User registration

We provide you with basic user services through the application account of ChainMeet application. If you use our services, you need to sign up for an all-in-one shield account. When you register, you need to provide us at least your own mobile phone number and password to be used. We will verify whether your identity is valid by sending SMS verification code. You should know that the matching result of mobile phone number and verification code belongs to your personal sensitive information. We collect such information to meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use this function. Please provide it after careful consideration. Your account name is the default nickname provided by ChainMeet application. You can enter the account settings to modify and supplement your nickname, avatar, gender, birthday, address, email address, binding mobile phone, profile and your real name verification information. These information belong to your "account information". Your supplementary account information will help us to provide you with personalized product recommendation and better service experience. Among them, in order to ensure transaction recognition, your nickname and avatar will be displayed publicly.


2) Provide you with product or service information display

We may automatically collect the following information when you use the products or services of ChainMeet application. Please note that the following information is not able to identify a specific natural person after de identification.

Device information: we will receive and record the information about the device you use (including the device model, operating system version, device settings, unique device identifier, device environment and other software and hardware feature information), equipment location information (including your authorized GPS location, WLAN access point, Bluetooth , base station and other sensor information).

Service record: ChainMeet application may record and store your operations in this mobile application through log mode (operation log and service log), including browsing, clicking to view, search and query, collection, trading, after-sales, paying attention to sharing information, publishing information, as well as IP address, browser type, access date and time. We collect this information to provide you with personalized service presentation that meets your needs. If you refuse to provide the above permission, you may not be able to use the personalized service presentation function.


3) Provide you with search function

When you use the search function, we need to collect your following information: search keywords, browsing records and time, search time and the number of times we interact with them. We collect this information mainly to provide you with the content you need and services that may be of more interest, while improving our products and services.


4) Help you to complete the order and order management

In the process of placing an order for ChainMeet application, you need to provide your demand content and personal contact information. At the same time, the payment page of the order will show your transaction name, transaction number and the amount you should pay. If you don't register the general payment shield account, the platform will automatically register the general payment shield account for you during the order process. We collect these information in order to help you successfully complete the transaction, protect your transaction security, inquire about the order information, provide customer service and after-sales service and other purposes that we clearly inform.


5) Help you complete the payment

After you place an order, you can choose the payment services provided by the affiliated companies of the general payment shield or the third-party payment institutions cooperating with it. The payment function does not collect your personal information, but we need to share your order number and transaction amount information with the above payment institutions to confirm your payment instructions and complete payment.


6) Provide you with the delivery of products and services

After you place an order or complete payment online, Chainmeet will complete the order service for you. You know and agree that Chainmeet will use your order information in the above links to ensure that your order service can be completed on time.


7) Provide you with customer service and dispute resolution services

Our telephone customer service and after-sales functions will use your account information and order information. To ensure the security of your account, our call center customer service and online customer service will use your account information and verify your identity. When you need us to provide customer service and after-sales service related to your order information, we will query your order information. If you ask us to assist in dealing with transaction refund, transaction dispute, invoice related, capital transaction, etc., you may provide other information in addition to the above information when communicating with our customer service personnel.

In order to contact you and help you solve the problem as soon as possible or record the solutions and results of related problems, we may need to collect your personal sensitive information as follows: contact information (telephone number/email address you used to contact us or other contact information you provided to us on your own initiative), and other necessary information related to your needs. We collect this information to investigate the facts and help you solve the problem. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use our customer service and other user response mechanisms.


8) Provide you with security

We have been trying to provide security for users' information security to prevent information loss, disclosure and unauthorized access. We will take various security measures to protect your information security. We continue to improve technical means to enhance security capabilities to prevent your personal information from being leaked. For example, we may judge the risk of your account by understanding your browsing information, order information, commonly used software information, equipment information and other means, and may record some links that we think are at risk. We will also collect the visit flow and check the possible risks.


9) Provide you with additional services

a. Personalized recommendation service based on location information:

We will access your location information (IP address, GPS positioning) after you open the location permission, so as to provide you with page display and product services (such as showing you the services in this area) that are more suitable for your needs.


b. Additional services for photo/video access and upload based on photo album (picture library/Video Library):

When you use the function of changing head picture, posting dynamic/comment, and uploading problem picture when feedback, we will need to obtain your photo album permission, which you can manage through the device settings page. If you open the permission, you will be deemed as your authorization that we can access, obtain, collect and use your personal information; when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information, nor can we provide you with the above corresponding services; However, unless you delete your personal information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of personal information based on your previous authorization.


10) Others

We will seek your prior consent when using information for other purposes not specified in this policy. When we want to use the information collected for a particular purpose for other purposes, we will seek your prior consent.

Chainmeet is committed to establishing a "blockchain" trusted service trading environment. Your trading behavior on the platform will be automatically uploaded to the "Service Alliance Chain" of PayEgis blockchain platform for subsequent dispute resolution and copyright protection scenarios. Similarly, your data about dispute protection and copyright protection will also be linked. The uplink data does not contain your sensitive information.

You fully understand and agree that we do not need your authorized consent to collect and use your personal information under the following circumstances, and we may not respond to your requests for correction/modification, deletion, cancellation, withdrawal of consent or request for information:

a. Related to national security and national defense security;

b. Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

c. Related to judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

d. In order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

e. Personal information that you disclose to the public by yourself;

f. Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

g. It is necessary to sign and perform relevant agreements or other written documents with you;

h. It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as the detection and disposal of failures of products and/or services;

i. Necessary for legal news reporting;

j. When it is necessary for an academic research institution to carry out statistical or academic research based on public interest and provide the results of academic research or description to the public, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified;

k. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.


(2) The corresponding impact of your refusal to provide information:

If you refuse to provide the information required by the service, it will affect the normal service provided by Chainmeet. Including but not limited to the inability to log on to the platform, unable to push information and contact users in time, unable to conduct transactions and other services requiring corresponding information support.


(3) Usage of information

In order to provide better services for you and for the risk prevention and control of Chainmeet, you agree and authorize Chainmeet to use your information for the following purposes:


1) Use your correspondence address, email address, mobile phone (including SMS and MMS) and WeChat as the way to recommend the application service products and other services to you.


2) Create a data analysis model to provide you with services suitable for you, and maintain and improve these services.


3) Compare the accuracy of the information and verify with a third party. For example, verify the information you submitted to Chainmeet with the service organization that legally provides information verification.


4) In order to make you know and understand the application service of Chainmeet, we will send you the notice of service status and other commercial electronic information.


5) Records and manages the status, transaction information, and history of your access to and acceptance of services.


6) To prevent, detect and investigate fraud, endangering safety, illegal or violation of the application rules of Chainmeet, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, other users of Chainmeet and Chainmeet.


7) Chainmeet may combine personal information from one service with information obtained from other services to provide you with more personalized services.


8) Chainmeet will make statistics on the usage of Chainmeet application services, and may share these statistics with the public or third parties to show the overall usage trend of products or services of the platform. However, these statistics will not contain any identification information of you and such information will not be recovered.


9) Let you participate in the survey on the application service of Chainmeet.


10) Dispute mediation and handling in the application of Chainmeet.


11) According to the laws and regulations or other uses approved or authorized by you.


3、How do we use Cookies

(1) In order to achieve the personalized needs of your experience, so that you get a better experience. We will send one or more small data files called cookies on your computer or mobile device, which can only be read by publishing cookies to web servers in your domain. We send cookies to you in order to simplify the steps of your repeated login, store your browsing preferences and other data, and then provide you with preference selection, help judge your login status and account or data security.

(2) We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this privacy policy. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences. You can clear all cookies saved on the computer. Most web browsers will automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify the settings of your browser to reject cookies according to your own needs. In addition, you can also clear all cookies saved in the software. However, if you do so, you may need to change the user settings personally every time you visit the website, and the corresponding information you have recorded before will be deleted, which may have a certain impact on the security of the service you use.


4、How can we share, transfer, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

1) Information sharing

We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations and individuals other than Chainmeet, except for the following situations:

(1) Sharing under legal circumstances: we may share your personal information with the public in accordance with laws and regulations, the needs of litigation and dispute resolution or the requirements put forward by administrative and judicial organs according to law;


(2) Sharing with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties;


(3) Sharing with related companies: in order to facilitate us to provide products and services to you based on the application of Chainmeet, recommend the information you may be interested in, identify abnormal member accounts, and protect the personal and property safety of Chainmeet's affiliated companies or other users or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies and/or their designated service providers. We will only share the necessary personal information and be bound by the purpose stated in this privacy policy. If we share your personal sensitive information or the affiliated company changes the use or processing purpose of personal information, we will seek your authorization again.


(4) Sharing with authorized partners: we may entrust authorized partners to provide you with certain services or perform functions on our behalf. We will only share your information for the legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes stated in this privacy policy. Authorized partners can only access the information they need to perform their duties and shall not use this information for any other purpose.

Our authorized partners include the following types:

a. Partners/enterprises/institutions providing a certain service together with us: in order to meet your needs and realize business processing, we need to provide your name, contact information, identity information and company information to the organizations (including banks, government agencies, government parks) that have business reporting and auditing, and enterprise service outsourcing (registration, service and human resources).


b. Third party SDK service providers: we send information to partners who support our business, including technical infrastructure services and analysis entrusted by us.

How we use our services, measure the effectiveness of our services, provide customer service, facilitate payment, or conduct academic research and research. In order to enable you to use the above services and functions, our application will embed the authorized partner's SDK or other similar applications. For example: 1) when you use the payment function in the application, Alipay, WeChat and other related SDK will collect your device information (equipment type, device settings, unique device identifier, etc.), to ensure that you complete the payment function in a secure trading environment. 2) When you watch services, cases and other videos in the app, the relevant SDK will collect your device information to ensure the normal play of the video. 3) When you upload your avatar and publish dynamic/service/case images, the relevant SDK will collect your device information and the image files on the SD card to ensure the normal uploading of pictures. 4) After obtaining your location authorization, the relevant SDK will collect your device information, operator information and geographic location information. We will provide you with nearby services, service providers and preferential information based on your location information. 5) When you use Huawei/Xiaomi mobile phone/other Android phones, the relevant SDK will collect your device information for your mobile phone to receive push notification. 6) During the application process, in order to conduct data statistics and analysis, the relevant SDK needs to collect your device information (device brand, model, software version, etc.), network information, location information and application information. 7) When you are using an application, in order to collect app crash information, the relevant SDK needs to collect your device information to help us repair the application crash and other issues. The information collected and processed by the above-mentioned service providers will not be stored in the Chainmeet. The behaviors of the service providers comply with their own privacy provisions, which are not applicable to this policy. However, we will also strive to review the business access qualification of the third party and strive to require the legality, compliance and security of such service providers. In order to ensure your information security to the maximum extent, we strongly recommend that you check the privacy terms of any third-party SDK services before using them. In order to protect your legitimate rights and interests, if you find that there are risks in such SDK or other similar applications, we suggest that you immediately terminate the relevant operations and contact us in a timely manner.


(5) It is shared according to the relevant agreements (e.g. online agreement, platform rules, etc.) or legal documents signed by you and us;


(6) In some cases, only by sharing your personal information can we realize the core functions of our products and/or services, provide the services you need, or handle disputes or disputes between you and others;


(7) In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users of general payment shield and/or other general payment shield applications;


2) Transfer of information

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except:

(1) Transfer with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;


(2) In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this personal information protection strategy; otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again.


3) How your information is transferred globally

Personal information collected and generated by our operations in the people's Republic of China is stored in China. Exceptions are as follows:

(1) The applicable law has clear provisions.


(2) Obtain your explicit authorization.


In the above circumstances, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this privacy policy.


4) Public disclosure

We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

(1) With your explicit consent.


(2) Disclosure based on Law: we may disclose your personal information publicly without further notice to you under the circumstances of laws, legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements of government authorities.


(3) Disclosure based on the application of other platform users or any third party and providing preliminary evidence: when you have a legal dispute with other users of the platform, or any third party thinks that your behavior infringes on their legitimate rights and interests and intends to file a legal action, after the applicant provides the basic evidence, we may disclose your personal information publicly, and we will retain the applicant's disclosure Record, so that you can inquire about the disclosure of your personal information at any time.



5) Exception of prior authorization for sharing, transferring and public disclosure of personal information

In the following circumstances, your authorization and consent are not required to share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information:

(1) Directly related to national security and national defense security.


(2) Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests.


(3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments; or according to the requirements of laws and regulations, administrative organs or public security organs, etc.


(4) In order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your own consent.


(5) Personal information that you disclose to the public by yourself.


(6) Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.


Please be aware that according to applicable laws, if we take technical measures and other necessary measures to process personal information, so that the data receiver can not re identify specific individuals and cannot be recovered, the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of such processed data need not be further informed and agreed by you.


5、How do we protect your personal information

1) In order to ensure your information security, Chainmeet takes various reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information, so that your information will not be leaked, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, information encryption storage, access control of data center, dedicated network channel and agent, blockchain technology. Chainmeet also takes strict management on employees or outsourcing personnel who may have access to your information, including but not limited to taking different authority control according to different positions, signing confidentiality statement with them, and monitoring their operation.


Chainmeet will provide corresponding security measures according to the existing technology to protect your information and provide reasonable security guarantee. Chainmeet will try its best to prevent your information from being leaked, damaged or lost at any time.


Your information is stored on the server in China. For security and backup needs, Chainmeet may store your information and data on the server of Chainmeet's company with corresponding security measures. We will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. We will only retain your personal information for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the cost policy, unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law. For example, the "e-commerce law of the people's Republic of China" requires that commodity and service information and transaction information be kept for at least three years from the date of completion of the transaction.


2) We have set up an information security committee and established corresponding security management system and process security to ensure the security of information. For example: strictly limit the scope of personnel accessing information, sign confidentiality agreement for key positions, and conduct regular audit. In the event of personal information leakage and other security incidents, we will start the emergency plan to prevent the expansion of security incidents, and inform you in the form of announcement.


6、How do you manage your information

1) You can query, update and delete (part) your personal information

The platform provides you with the functions of personal information self-service query, update and deletion (part of) information, and the deletion function of some information needs to be realized by canceling your account. At the same time, you can also request the service of inquiry, update and deletion of relevant information through the official customer service hotline 400-831-8116.

(1) The personal information query, update and deletion paths are as follows:

a. Basic account information: mobile terminal can view and update through "Me - Personal Information", including nickname, avatar, mobile phone number, QR code and other information.

b. Account security information: mobile terminal can view and update through "Me-Security Center", including password, binding collection, binding mailbox, login protection settings, etc.

c. Real name information: mobile can view and update through "Me - Personal Information - my eID", including personal real name information.


(2) Order information:

For service orders, the mobile terminal can view the order information through the "Me - My Points" page.


2) You can change the scope of authorization consent

If you want to change the authorization of relevant permissions, you can modify them through your hardware device or operate in the relevant function setting interface of our products or services.


3) You can apply to cancel the personal information subject account

You can apply to cancel your previously registered account at any time. You can log in to the cancellation application page to initiate the Cancellation Application, and your account will be canceled in three word days after the platform is approved. You can also request the customer service of Chainmeet application to provide account cancellation service through the official customer service hotline of Chainmeet application. If you cancel your account number, please properly handle the funds, invoices and in transit transactions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the application of general payment shield.

After the account is canceled, we will stop providing you with products and services, and delete your personal information according to your requirements, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.


4) Automatic decision making of constraint information system

In some business scenarios, we may only make decisions based on non manual automatic decision-making mechanisms including information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to ask us for an explanation, and we will also provide appropriate remedies, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.


5) Respond to your above request

For security, you may need to provide a written request or other means to prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. In principle, we will not charge you for your reasonable request, but we will charge a certain cost for repeated requests beyond the reasonable limit. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means (e.g., the need to develop new systems or radically change existing practices), pose a risk to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical (e.g., involving information stored on backup tapes).

We will not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances:

a. Related to national security and national defense security.

b. Related to public safety, public health and major public interests.

c. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution and trial.

d. There is sufficient evidence of malicious abuse or subjective existence of your rights.

e. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations.


7、How do we protect minors' information

We attach importance to the protection of minors' personal information, and our products, websites and services are mainly for adults. In e-commerce activities, we presume that you have the corresponding civil capacity. If you are a minor, we ask your parents or other guardians to read this privacy policy carefully and use our services or provide information to us with the consent of your parents or other guardians.


If we recognize that you are a child user, we will inform your guardian and ask your guardian to agree to the rules for the collection and use of minors' personal information. If we fail to contact your guardian or your guardian does not agree with our rules on the collection and use of minors' personal information, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible. We will only use, share, transfer or disclose children's personal information when using our products or services with the consent of parents or other guardians, as permitted by laws and regulations, explicitly agreed by parents or other guardians, or necessary to protect minors.


If you are the parent or other guardian of the child, please pay attention to whether the child in your custody uses our service after obtaining your authorization and consent. If you have any questions about the personal information of the child in your custody, please contact us through the contact information in Section 9.


8、Update of this ChainMeet application Privacy Protection Policy

Chainmeet may change this policy. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this privacy protection policy. In case of any change, Chainmeet will inform you in accordance with the notice provisions in the application service agreement of Chainmeet, and the change will take effect immediately after the expiration of the publicity period. If you continue to visit Chainmeet's website and related websites, or mobile device clients, or use any service provided by Chainmeet after the change of this policy, you confirm that you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised policy and are bound by it.


9、Contact us

If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions about this personal information protection policy, you can contact us at any time through the following ways. Generally, we will reply within 15 days.

1. Visit www.tongfudun.com and contact us through online customer service system.

2. Call customer service: 400-831-8116, fax: 0512-67903886

3. Send email to: service@tongfudun.com.

4. Office address: 4f, building C2, Suzhou 2.5 Industrial Park, No. 88, Dongchang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou pilot free trade zone.


If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if our personal information processing behavior has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, you can also make a complaint or report to supervisory departments such as network information, telecommunications, public security and industry and commerce.



You should carefully read and fully understand the meaning of all contents of this privacy protection policy (especially the bold font content) and the legal effect arising therefrom, and voluntarily agree to this policy. Once you click "agree" to this privacy protection policy online, it will be deemed that such behavior is your true intention, and you agree to bear all legal consequences arising therefrom.


This privacy protection policy is applicable to the laws of the people's Republic of China. In case of any dispute between you and Chainmeet based on this policy, both parties agree to submit the dispute to the court of Suzhou Industrial Park for settlement.


The legal language of this privacy policy is Chinese. In case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and the English Version (translation version), the Chinese version shall prevail.