Home Connect (晶御智能) APP

博西华家用电器服务江苏有限公司(以下简称为“晶御智能”或“我们”)是数据处理主体,注册办公地点位于江苏省南京市鼓楼区清江南路18号3幢 210019,主要负责收集、处理和使用您与Home Connect (晶御智能) APP(以下简称“APP”)有关的个人数据。
我们会遵照现行有效适用的数据隐私法律对您的个人数据进行收集、处理和使用,这些数据由您输入或者在使用APP、相关家电或Home Connect晶御智能提供的服务过程中创建和处理。在下文为您详细概述我们如何根据使用条款或其他法律依据进行数据处理。

1. 个人数据的类别
在您使用 APP 时,相关家电或Home Connect晶御智能提供的服务或功能(以下简称“服务)会收集、处理和使用以下类别的个人数据:
a. 用户主数据和使用数据
• 您用Bosch- ID 注册时
– 访问数据,即用于控制Bosch-ID 用户账户访问的识别数据,包括用户ID (如手机号码)。负责提供此注册服务的是位于德国柏林Ullsteinstrasse 128 的Bosch.IO 公司(简称“BIO”)。
• 您在注册过程中提供的其他信息, 包括设置APP或者注册BSH 统一账户(只 要不是通过Bosch-ID 传输的)。例如:
– 姓名
– 电子邮箱地址(可选)
– 移动电话号码(用户ID)
– 您在哪个国家/地区操作家用电器
– 用于保护访问的密码(APP或BSH统一账户)。
• 用户主数据信息在同步创建Bosch-ID 会传输给“BIO” • Bosch-ID和/或BSH 统一账户涉及到的功能预计在2022年在晶御智能APP 上线

注册时要求您提供的具体信息根据不同国家/地区规定略有不同,并通过BSH统一账户(如果有的话)进行管理,该账户也可以作为晶御智能APP 账户使用。
• 在您注册和使用APP时,我们收集和保存的信息包括:
– 您的移动电话号码及移动设备的语言设置
– 如果您是安卓用户,我们会在后台状态/静默状态下收集安卓ID
– 您同意并认可《使用条款》
– 您认可《个人信息保护通知》
– 同意营销及其范围
– 用户帐户的状态(激活/未激活)
– 已连接家电的服务历史(例如分配的技术人员服务)和用户相关的订单(如耗材等订单)

– 家用电器的品牌(例如,博世或西门子)
– 序列号,以及(如果适用)设备的制造日期(即所谓的 E 编号和 FD 编号 - 家用电器的型号铭牌上也会提供此信息)
– 家用电器中使用的网络适配器的唯一识别符(即所谓的 MAC 地址)。

c. 设备使用数据
• 通过 APP 或者在家用电器上进行的基本设置、程序选择和程序偏好设置;
• 家电状态数据,例如环境条件、部件状态、设备状态变化(例如操作模式变化、门/前面板打开或关闭、温度变化、加水位等)和家用电器发出的状态消息(例如家电过热、水箱已空等)以及错误信息(包括受影响家电的相关错误报告)。
• 家电的个别设置/内容(如扫地机器人内置的数字化地图、咖啡机的饮料名称、下载或自己创建的菜谱)
• 视频和图像数据(如有,例如扫地机器人、灶具、烤箱及内置摄像头的冰箱)。

d. APP 使用数据
APP 使用数据是指涉及您与 APP 之间的交互数据,例如您使用的 APP 功能、与 APP 控制相关的单击行为、下拉菜单中的选择、打开/关闭开关的设置和APP的错误报告等。APP 跟踪默认设定(随所选国家/地区而异)。
更多详细信息,请参见下文第 6 条。

2. 使用目的
• 提供 APP 功能以及通过该 APP 供应的服务(参见 1.a. 到 c.)
• 用于通知目的,例如通知安全指示和/或召回信息(参见1.a.到c.)
• 用于主动维护目的,包括在APP里提供相应消息(例如,关于使用设置和/或维护程序的建议)和排除已连接家电的故障(例如,使用远程诊断时,在现场维修或在维修中心维修)(参见 1.a. 到c.)
• 提高APP的友好性,并对APP和通过APP提供的数字化服务进行特殊或一般的故障排除(参见 1.c和d.)。
• 改善我们的产品和服务范围(包括关联公司的产品和服务),尤其针对从未使用或不经常使用的程序,以及 APP 和家用电器的其他功能(包括算法学习)(参见 1.c. 和 d.)
• 用于账单收费目的,家电连接到APP或者APP 提供的收费才能使用的服务
• 用于直接市场营销和调研目的,包括获得用户同意后收到的APP通知(参见1.a. 到 c.)
• 我们收集安卓ID用于在Home Connect 系统中识别一个或多个用户的智能设备, 以便该智能手机/设备可以进行单独设置。


3. 一般储存期限


a. Bosch-ID:删除同时删除Bosch-ID 用户账户。
b. 用户主数据: 您在使用我们平台产品或服务期间,我们将持续为您保存,除非您主动删除或注销Home Connect晶御帐号。当您删除信息或注销Home Connect晶御平台帐号后,我们将在一定期限内删除您的个人信息或停止对您个人信息的使用。
c. 设备主数据: 您将家用电器从用户账户中移除时,您的家用电器与用户帐户的连接数据也将不再保存或以匿名的形式保存。
d. 设备使用数据: 为了确保您能正常使用购买的家用电器,在您使用家电的整个期间,我们将持续收集并存储您的设备使用数据。在您将家用电器从用户账户中移除时或注销晶御智能账户后,您的设备使用数据经过匿名化与脱敏处理后将形成可以使用的流通数据,我们对此数据的保存和使用无需另外征得您的同意。
e. APP使用数据: 当启用“收集使用数据”功能被激活时,您的 APP 使用数据将以电子假名化的形式储存。如果取消该功能,将会重置用来追踪的用户ID, 在这种情况下即使已经收集好的信息也不会和用户产生关联。

4. 数据处理的管理

a. 家用电器的连接
您可以通过 APP 控制家用电器的连接:
• 如有必要且您的家电支持这个功能,您可以设置连接到Home Connect晶御服务器,这样每个家电就能单独连接或断开连接(菜单项家电“设置”),家电单独断开连接会导致
– 不再向Home Connect晶御服务器传输家电使用数据(参见 1.c.);如果家电有缓存功能,家电连接Home Connect晶御服务器的WI-FI 连接被恢复,那么家电的使用数据会传输到Home Connect晶御服务器上
– 无法再使用 APP 的某些功能,尤其是不能够操作家用电器,即便存在互联网数据连接也不行。
• 如有必要,您可以单独关闭每个家用电器的 Wi- Fi 连接(菜单项“家电”“设置”),这样会导致
– 不再向Home Connect晶御服务器传输家电使用数据(参见 1.c.);如果家电有缓存功能,家电连接Home Connect晶御服务器的WI-FI 连接被恢复,那么家电的使用数据会传输到Home Connect晶御服务器上

– 只能通过家电本身来操作家电,而无法再通过 APP 执行操作。
b. 用户帐户和本地 APP 数据
您可以通过 APP 控制用户帐户并删除存储在本地的APP数据。
• 您可以删除用户帐户(“简介”“个人数据”“删除帐户”)。这意味着
– 您的家用电器与用户帐户之间的连接将被删除;
– 除非有其他用户帐户连接到家用电器,您的家用电器将不再向Home Connect晶御服务器传输家电使用数据(参见上文 1.a.)。
• 删除 APP 或者使用“全部重置”功能,所有存储在本地的用户相关数据将会 被移除,但不会删除单独创建的账户。
• 如果您使用的是Bosch ID, Bosch ID 功能除了可以删除Bosch ID 账户之外,还可以删除个别连接的应用。如果Bosch ID 是访问APP/ BSH 统一账户的唯一访问机制,删除Bosch ID 可能会导致无法访问相关联的服务。因此,删除 Bosch ID 之前,请检查您是否仍然有链接的APP /用户账户。
• 要删除BSH 统一账户,请使用账号中提供的功能。
• APP 某些功能不会把用户相关的数据储存在本地。您可以通过拨打Home Connect晶御热线或者通过APP的相关功能(该功能可能后期上线)去删除这类数据。
c. 家用电器的出厂设置

• 恢复网络设置将取消家用电器和Home Connect晶御服务器之间的连接;
• 之前在家用电器和用户帐户之间建立的连接将取消(要求家用电器连接到互联 网),因此您的家用电器也将不再显示在 APP 中;
• 所有存储在家电上的内容将被删除。


为了让您能够顺利使用 APP 及其提供的服务,我们会与不同的服务供应商合作。我们会明确要求这些服务供应商必须严格按照与代表我方的数据处理者相同的指示进行数据处理。

• 主机服务的服务供应商
• 程序服务的服务供应商
• 热线服务和其他APP的服务供应商
6. 收集 APP 使用数据
该 APP 可以收集 APP 使用数据(参见上文 1.d.),并使用以下分析服务,该服务由以下机构提供:
• 由 Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited 公司提供,地址:4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland(以下简称为“Adobe”)。
• 由Adjust GmbH公司提供的Adjust Tools, 地址:Saarbrücker Str. 37a, 10405 Berlin (以下简称为“Adjust”).
• 由Thunderhead Ltd公司提供的Thunderhead Analytics,地址:5th Floor, Ingeni Building, 17 Broadwick Street, Soho, London W1F 0DJ (hereinafter “Thunderhead”).
当启用“收集使用数据”功能被激活时,您的 APP 使用数据将被发送并储存到位于欧盟的服务器提供商处,然后服务器会分析您的 APP 使用情况并通过APP向您提供服务信息(APP里)(参见上文 1.d.)。该 APP 已启用 IP 匿名功能,因此您使用的 IP 地址在被发送到服务器前将预先截断。分析提供商将以Home Connect晶御的名义使用这些信息,以便评估您对该 APP 的使用,并为Home Connect晶御汇编产生的错误报告和活动报告。如无您的明确同意,通过 Adobe Analytics 服务从您的移动设备传输的 IP 地址和其他个人数据将不会与其他分析供应商的数据或Home Connect晶御数据混合。
通过启用或停用“收集使用数据”功能,您可以控制APP 使用数据(包括您的 IP 地址)是否由上述供应商之一进行记录和处理。 “收集使用数据”功能默认可能处于开启状态。除此之外,若您同意,可以将APP的错误报告发送给我们,以便我们采取具体措施来解决这些问题。

7. 错误报告
当 APP 未按预期运行,尤其是出现崩溃时,我们将使用 Visual Studio APP Center(http//appcenter.ms) 创建和传输匿名错误报告。只有在获得您的明确事先同意之后,我们的服务供应商和Home Connect晶御才会收到错误报告。在传输任何错误报告之前,我们都会明确征求您的同意。

8. 数据安全
为了保护您的数据(例如,防止篡改、丢失、第三方未经授权访问等),我们采取了多项技术和系统性措施。这些措施包括但不限于:使用最新的加密技术、使用安全证书、在Home Connect晶御服务器上使用防火墙,以及对晶御智能 APP 设置密码保护。我们对晶御智能APP采用的数据安全级别已经过德国莱茵IT(TÜV Trust IT)技术测试及认证。 我们会根据技术进步情况,持续审查并改善我们的安全性措施。

9. 数据保护通知的适用范围
请知悉我们的数据保护通知适用于通过晶御智能APP提供的功能和服务。对于Home Connect 晶御智能或BSH集团旗下公司在APP里提供的额外功能和服务,只要其使用受专门的数据保护法规或信息规定约束,我们会提供数据保护的专门信息。
然而,此数据保护的信息不适用于第三方服务,即使Home Connect晶御智能可以支持用户使用和/或访问APP里的第三方服务(具体参见Home Connect晶御智能使用条款关于第三方服务的说明),但本数据保护通知不适用于第三方服务。当您使用第三方服务时,与此相关的数据保护应适用于第三方服务提供者提供的保护条款。如本通知中所提供的数据保护与第三方有显著不同之处,则本通知部分仅用于参考。
如果是Home Connect晶御向您推荐的其它服务提供方且该推荐对您并不明确,我们会以合理及合适的方式向您阐明(比如,在晶御智能APP中使用内联框架嵌入他方服务提供者信息)。如果您是通过晶御智能APP内提供的链接获取了他方服务提供商的APP或网站,这将被视为明确的推荐。

10. 隐私通知变更
由于 APP及APP提供的服务在持续的发展,尤其是随着新技术的实施或新服务的引进,可能需要调整本隐私通知。Home Connect晶御保留在必要时更改或修改本通知的权利。我们将以弹窗的形式提示您隐私通知的更新事项。Home Connect晶御将始终在 APP 中提供最新版本的隐私通知,您可以通过在“简介”-“法律信息”中点击“数据保护通知”的方式随时了解最新版本的隐私通知。

11. 权利和联系方式
尽管我们只储存准确的和最新的数据,如果您的个人数据储存不准确,我们会在收到您的请求后及时更正。您可以随时撤销在需要批准的数据处理中授予的许可,此操作将对未来使用产生影响。一般来说,通过在 APP 中选择相关设置即可撤销许可,或者也可以使用下文列出的联系信息。

• 履行合同之必要:
– 通过处理1.a到c所列明的各类数据来实现APP的功能以及通过APP提供服务。
– 将1.a到c所规定的各类数据转移给可以和APP相连接使用的提供第三方服务的服务供应商(参见第9条)。
– 通过处理1.b和1.d所列出的各类数据来修复漏洞。
• 合法权益之必要:
– 通过处理1.d.条款规定的各类数据以改进APP用户友好度。(适用于允许基于合法权益收集APP的使用数据的法域。)
– 通过处理1.c和1.d.条款规定各类数据,以改善我们的产品和服务范围,尤其针对从未使用或不经常使用的程序,以及APP和家用电器的其他功能。
• 您做出的同意:
– 通过处理1.a到c.条款规定的各类数据进行直接市场营销目的。
– 通过处理1.d.条款规定的各类数据以改进APP用户友好度。(适用于基于用户同意收集APP的使用数据的法域。在这种情况下,收集用户信息功能只有得到用户同意才会开启。)
• 法律许可:
– 通过处理数据类别1.a到c, 在监督产品的情况下通知安全指示和/或召 回信息。

• 获取数据信息的权利:我们会基于您的要求为您提供我们拥有的关于您的数据信息。
• 修改和完善数据的权利:如果您通知我们,我们会基于此修改关于您的不准确的信息。如果对处理您数据的预期目的来说确有必要,我们会在您通知后完善关于您的不完整信息。
• 删除数据的权利:我们会基于您的要求删除或停止使用我们所拥有的您的数据。但是,有些数据只能在固定的保留周期后被删除,例如,在某些情况下我们基于法律必须保留数据,或我们需要这些数据来履行与您的合同义务。
• 屏蔽数据的权利:在某些法律确定的情况下,若您需要,我们会屏蔽您的数据。被屏蔽的数据只会在非常有限的程度内被后续处理。
• 撤销同意的权利:如您的数据被处理将会对未来产生影响,您可以在任何时候撤回您的同意。我们可以合法处理您的数据直到您撤销同意。

• 反对处理您数据的权利:我们根据合法的理由来处理您的数据,您可以随时反对我们进行这样的操作,并且在未来生效。一旦您反对,我们将停止处理您的数据,前提是没有令人信服和合法的理由进一步处理。以直接营销为目的处理您的数据,对我们来说从来都不是令人信服的合法理由。

• 转移数据的权利:基于您的要求,我们可以将某些数据以结构化、通用化和可机读的形式提供给您。

• 向监管部门求助的权利:您可以将数据保护相关事宜向数据保护主管部门提出上诉。为此,你可以联系负责您住所地数据保护的主管部门或有权管辖我们的数据保护主管部门。




更新时间:2022 年9月

Data protection information
for the Home Connect app

BSH Home Appliances Service Jiangsu Co. Ltd.with registered office at Building 3, No. 18 Qingjiang South Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu ProvinceP.R. China (hereinafter referred to as “Home Connect” or “we”) is data compiler responsible for the collection, processing and utilisation of your personal data in connection with the Home Connect (晶御智能)app (hereinafter referred to as “App”).
We collect, process and use your personal data, which is either entered by you or otherwise created and processed in the course of using the App, the associated household appliances or services offered by Home Connect in accordance with the applicable data privacy laws. The following information explains how we treat such data based on the Terms of Use or on another legal basis.

1. Types of personal data
In terms of App usage, the associated household appliances or services and functions offered by Home Connect (hereinafter "Services") Home Connect collects, processes and uses the following categories of personal data.
a. User master data and usage data
We collect and use the following personal data when setting up a user account (registration) as well as when setting up the App:
• When registering with the Bosch-ID:
– Access data, i.e. identification data that serves to control access to the Bosch-ID user account and consists of the user ID (mobile phone number). Responsible for providing this registration service is Bosch.IO GmbH, Bosch.IO GmbH, Ullsteinstrasse 128, 12109 Berlin, Germany ("BIO").
• Additional details that you provide during the registration process including the setting up of the app or registration of a central BSH user account, (as long as they are not transmitted via the Bosch-ID), such as:
– first and last name,
– mobile phone number (will also be used as the user ID),
– the country in which you operate your household appliance(s),
– password as access protection for the App/the central BSH user account.
• The User master data will be transferred to BIO when Bosch ID is created at the same time.
• Bosch-ID and/ or central BSH account related function will be launched in 2022 in Home Connect APP.

The details requested as part of the registration process may differ from country to country and are managed (if available) via a central BSH user account, which can also be used as Home Connect account.
• Information which we collect and store during the registration process and while using the App:
– language setting of your mobile device
– if you are an Android user, we collect Android ID in background state/silent state
– consent to and recognition of the terms of use
– acknowledgement of the data protection information,
– marketing consent and its scope,
– status of the user account (activated/deactivated),
– Service history (e.g. service technician assignment) of the connected household appliances as well as related orders of the user (e.g. consumables).

b. Appliance master data
The data we collect and use concerning the connection between your household appliance and the user account are as follows:
– brand of the household appliance (e.g. Bosch or Siemens),
– serial number and, if applicable, manufacture date of the appliance (so-called E number (full model) and FD (production) number – you can also find these details on the device label),
– the unique identifier of the network adapter installed in the household appliance (so-called MAC address).
These data are allocated to your user account for each connected household appliance under the "Home Connect" function.

c. Appliance usage data
The data we collect and use in relation to the usage of the household appliance are as follows:
• selected basic settings, program selection and preferred program settings on the household appliance or via the App,
• appliance status data such as ambient conditions, condition of parts, changes of appliance status (e.g. different mode of operation, open or closed doors/front panel, temperature changes, fill levels) and appliance status messages (e.g. appliance is overheated, water tank is empty, etc.) as well as error messages (including the respective error report of the affected household appliance).
• individual settings/contents of the household appliance (e.g. internal digital map for vacuum cleaner robots, beverage name for coffee machines, downloaded or self-designed recipes)
• video and image data (if applicable, e.g. vacuum cleaner robots, stoves and ovens as well as refrigerators with built-in cameras)

d. App usage data
App usage data are data generated by your interaction with the App, such as the features you use, click behaviour relevant to App controls, drop-down menu selections, on/off switch settings and error reports of the app. Default app tracking setting (depending on the selection of country). See item 6 for more information.

2. Purpose of use
We use the above-mentioned category of data
• to provide App features as well as the services offered via the App (1.a.-c.),
• for notification purposes in case of safety instructions and/or recall information in the context of product monitoring (1.a. to c.),
• for proactive maintenance purposes, including the provision of related in-app/email messages (e.g. recommendations on the use of settings and/or maintenance programs) and reactive troubleshooting (e.g. in the context of remote diagnosis, during on-site repair or at the repair center) of the connected household appliances (1.a. to c.),
• to improve the App's user friendliness and for specific or general troubleshooting of the App and the digital services offered through it (1. c. and d.),
• to improve our range of products and services (including those of affiliated companies), especially with regard to programs which are not used and/or which are frequently used, as well as other features of the App and household appliance (including algorithmic learning) (1.c. and d.),
• for billing purposes, insofar the household appliances are connected to the App or the services offered in the App provide for usage-based billing (1.a. to c.), and
• for marketing and market research purposes including in-app messages (1.a. to c.) as far as a corresponding consent is given.
• We collect Android ID for identifying user(s) smart device(s) in the Home Connect System in order to realize separate configuration for each device.
We will process your personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations on a “minimum and necessary” basis.

3. General retention periods

Provided there are no statutory provisions to the contrary, the following general retention periods shall apply:

a. Bosch ID: Deletion with deletion of the Bosch ID user account.
b. User master data:. During your usage of our products or services, we will continue to save for you, unless you take the initiative to delete your Home Connect account. After you delete your information or your Home Connect account, we will delete your personal information for a certain period of time or stop using your personal information.
c. Appliance master data: Removal of link to the user account upon removing the household appliance from the user account or keep the data in an anonymized form.
d. Appliance usage data: To ensure that you can normally use your purchased home appliances, we will continuously collect and store your device usage data throughout your usage of home appliances. After you remove the link of the appliance to the user account or delete your Home Connect, your device usage data will be anonymized and desensitized to form usable circulation data. We do not need to obtain your additional approval for the preservation and use of this data.
e. App usage data: Storage in pseudonymised form. Deactivating the function resets the individual ID used for tracking, so that App usage data already collected can no longer be connected to you.
f. Android ID is encrypted and stored in the backend system, and will be deleted when you delete your account.

4. Data processing management

a. Connectivity of your household appliance
You can use the App to manage the connectivity of your household appliance:
• If required and if your household appliance provides for this function, you can set up the connection to the Home Connect server in such a way that each household appliance is connected or de-connected separately (menu item Appliances → Settings). After de-connecting:
– the appliance usage data (1.c.) will no longer be transmitted to the Home Connect server; if your home appliance is equipped with buffer memory, the appliance usage data will be transmitted to the Home Connect Server in the event that the Wi-Fi connection of your household appliance to the Home Connect Server is restored;
– certain App features will no longer be available; in particular the household appliance can then not be operated, even if an internet data link is set up.
• If required, you can switch off the Wi-Fi connection for an individual household appliance (menu item Appliances → Settings). After doing this:
– the appliance usage data (1.c.) will no longer be transmitted to the Home Connect server; if your household appliance is equipped with a buffer memory, the appliance usage data will be transmitted to the Home Connect Server, in the event that the Wi-Fi connection of your household appliance is restored.
– the household appliance may only be operated from the appliance itself, not via the App.

b. User accounts and local App data
You can manage your user accounts via the App and delete locally stored App data.
• You can delete your user account ("Profile" → "Personal Data" → "Delete account"). After doing this:
– the connection between your household appliance and your user account will be deleted,
– your household appliance will no longer send any appliance usage data to the Home Connect server provided no other user accounts are linked to the household appliance (see item 1.a. above).
• By deleting the App or using the “Full reset”-function, all locally stored user-related data will be removed, but not the accounts which were created separately.
• If you use the Bosch ID, the Bosch ID account will be deleted via the Bosch ID functions, whereby in addition to the Bosch ID itself, individual linked applications can also be deleted. If the Bosch ID is the only access mechanism to the app/to the central BSH user account, the deletion of the Bosch ID may make access to the linked services impossible. Therefore, before deleting the Bosch ID, please check if you still have linked applications/user accounts.
• To delete the central BSH user account, please use the function provided in the account.
• Some features of the App do not store user-related data locally. You can have such data deleted by reaching out to the Home Connect Service Hotline or (possibly at a later date) by using the corresponding function in the App.

c. The household appliance's factory settings

You can reset your household appliance to its factory settings. After doing this:
• the household appliance will lose its connection to the Home Connect server due to the network settings being reset,
• the household appliance will no longer be linked to any previously associated user account (requires the household appliance to be connected to the Internet) and it will not be displayed in the App
• and all contents stored on the household appliance will be deleted.

Please read your household appliance's user manual before restoring the factory settings.

5. Transmission or disclosure of your data e.g. to third parties
We work together with various service providers to create and run the App and provide the respective services. We require these service providers to process data in line with strict instructions in their capacity as data processors on our behalf.
The service providers we have commissioned to create and run the App:
• Service providers for hosting services
• Service providers for programming services
• Service providers for hotline services and other App services

We only transmit your data to other recipients where necessary to fulfil a contract with you or between you and the third party, where we or the recipient has a legitimate interest in the disclosure of your data, or where you have given your consent to that transmission. These recipients include service providers and other companies within our corporate group. Furthermore, data may be transmitted to other recipients in the event that we are obliged to do so due to legal provisions or enforceable administrative or court orders.
Other recipients of your data are especially such service providers whose offers and services (third-party services) can be used in connection with the App or where the App enables access to such services (see item 9).
Your Appliance usage data may also be transmitted to other BSH companies (also internationally) within the scope of technical processing and provision of the content/services. We base such transmission/processing on data protection agreements between the BSH companies involved, which also include the application of standard contractual clauses. We will update the contractual clauses in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

6. Recording of App usage
Data on App usage can be recorded by the App (see item 1.d. above). In this context, the following Analytics services are used, which is offered by
• Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland (hereinafter "Adobe")
• Adjust Tools by Adjust GmbH, Saarbrücker Str. 37a, 10405 Berlin (hereinafter „Adjust“).
• Thunderhead Analytics by Thunderhead Ltd., 5th Floor, Ingeni Building, 17 Broadwick Street, Soho, London W1F 0DJ (hereinafter “Thunderhead”)..
If the "Enable usage-data tracking" function is activated, App usage data will be sent to and stored on servers of providers located in the European Union. The App usage data enable you to analyse how you use the App and provide messages (in App or email) to you for services provided via the App (see item 1.d. above). IP anonymisation is activated for this App, which means that the IP address you use is truncated before being sent to the server. The analytics providers will use this information on behalf of Home Connect to evaluate how you use the App, generate error reports and to prepare reports on App activity for Home Connect. IP addresses transmitted from your mobile deviceand other personal data within the context of the aforementioned analytics activities will not be merged with other data held by analytics providers or Home Connect without your consent given separately.
You can control whether or not App usage data (incl. your IP address) is recorded and processed by one of the abovementioned providers by activating or deactivating the function "Enable usage-data tracking". Depending on the legal situation in your country, the "Enable usage-data tracking" function may be activated by default.
In addition, error reports from the app can - if you agree individually - be sent to us so that we can take concrete measures to eliminate such errors.

7. Error reports
We use Visual Studio App Center (https://appcenter.ms/) to collect and send anonymous error reports if the App behaves in an unexpected way, especially if the App crashes. Our service providers and Home Connect shall receive error reports only with your explicit consent. We shall ask for your consent each time we wish to transmit such information.

8. Data security
We deploy technical and organisational measures to protect your data, for example, from manipulation, loss and unauthorised third-party access. These measures include the use of encoding technologies, certificates, firewalls on the Home Connect servers and password protection in the Home Connect App. The data security level of the Home Connect App has been tested and certified by TÜV Trust IT. We are constantly reviewing and improving our security measures in accordance with technological advancement.

9. Scope of application of the data protection information
This data protection information shall apply for the functions and services offered by Home Connect via the App. Insofar as additional functions or services are offered within the App by Home Connect or a BSH Group company, special information on data protection is provided, insofar as their use is subject to special data protection regulations or information.
However this data protection information shall not apply for third-party services, even if Home Connect facilitates the use of and/or access to such third-party services in the App (please also see the terms of use with regard to third-party services). The use of such third-party services is governed by the prevailing data protection provisions put in place by the third-party service provider and, if applicable, additional data protection information on our part which outline the distinctive features of these third-party services and shall only be relevant in this regard.
If you are referred to another service provider, Home Connect shall make reasonable and appropriate efforts to elucidate such referral (e.g. by embedding the service provider's content within the App using inline frames) if such referral is not clear. If you click on a link in the Home Connect App which calls up an app or website of another service provider, this is considered to be a clear referral.
Please note that the use of third-party services may result in your personal data being processed in countries outside the area of the China, meanwhile those countries may not apply to China’s Data and Personal Protection Regulation.

10. Changes to the data protection information
As the App and the services provided via the App continues to undergo development – among other things, through the implementation of new technologies or the introduction of new services – this data protection information may need to be adjusted accordingly. We will provide the updated data protection information with pop-window. Home Connect shall reserve the right to amend or supplement this information as required. Home Connect will always update the data protection information in the App; you can therefore familiarise yourself with the latest version at any time by clicking "Profile" → "Legal information" → "Data protection Information".
11. Rights and contact information
If, despite our efforts to only store data which is correct and up-to-date, your personal details are stored incorrectly, we shall correct such information upon your request. After giving us your consent for the collection, processing and use of your personal data, you may withdraw such consent at any time with effect for the future. Consent may generally be withdrawn using the respective App setting or otherwise through the contact information referred to in the App.
Your personal data will be deleted or stop using if you withdraw your consent to your data being stored, if your personal data is no longer needed to serve the purpose pursued by such storage or if such storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons. Please bear in mind that, for technical or organisational reasons, there may be an overlap between you withdrawing your consent and your data being used, e.g. in the case of a newsletter which has already been sent out. Data required for billing and accountancy purposes or which are subject to the legal duty to preserve records are not affected by this.

Should you have any questions on the topic of data protection or should you wish to exercise your rights to withdraw consent or to information, rectification, deletion or suspension, please contact us using the contact information provided in this information.

12. We will use your data according to applicable data and personal information laws and regulations, and the principle of “minimum necessity”.
a. Legal bases for intended data uses
We base the following data uses on
• the performance of a contract:
– Provision of App features as well as the services offered via the App by processing the data categories listed in the items 1.a.-c.
– Transfer of data categories listed in the items 1.a.-c. to service providers of third-party services which can be used in connection with the App (see item 9).
– Bug fixing by processing the data categories listed in the items 1.b.-d.
• legitimate interests:
– The improvement of App's user friendliness by processing the data categories listed in the item 1.d. (Applies to jurisdictions that allow the collection of App usage data based on legitimate interests.)
– The Improvement of our range of products and services, especially with regard to programs that are not used and/or that are frequently used, besides other App and household appliance features by processing the data categories listed in the items 1.c. and d.
• your consent:
– Direct marketing purposes by processing the data categories listed in the items 1.a.-c.
– Improving the user friendliness of the App by processing the data categories listed in the item 1.d. (Applies to jurisdictions that only allow the collection of App usage data based on consent. In this case, the "Allow tracking of user data" function is only activated with the user's consent.)

• a legal permission:
– Notification in case of safety instructions and/or recall information in the context of product monitoring by processing data categories 1.a.-c.

b. Your rights
Your additional rights to item 11 are outlined below. To exercise your rights, please use the contact information provided at the end of this data protection information.

• Your right to information about your data: We will provide you with information about the data we hold about you on request.
• Your right to correct and complete your data: We will correct inaccurate information about you if you notify us accordingly. We will complete incomplete data if you notify us accordingly, provided this data is necessary for the intended purpose of processing your data.
• Your right to delete your data: We will delete or stop using the information we hold about you on request. However, some data will only be deleted subject to a defined period of retention, for example because we are required to retain the data by law in some cases, or because we require the data to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.
Please see also item 11.
• Your right to have your data blocked: In certain legally determined cases, we will block your data if you would like us to do so. Blocked data is only further processed to a very limited extent.
• Your right to withdraw consent: You can withdraw consent given for your data to be processed with effect for the future at any time. The legality of processing your data remains unaffected by this up to the point at which your consent is withdrawn.
Please see also item 11.
• Your right to object to the processing of your data: You can object to the processing of your data with effect for the future at any time, if we are processing your data on the basis of one of the legal justifications. In the event that you object we will cease processing your data, provided that there are no compelling and legitimate grounds for further processing. The processing of your data for the purposes of direct marketing never constitutes compelling and legitimate grounds for us.
• Your right to data portability: At your request, we can make certain information available to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
• Your right to appeal to a regulatory authority: You can lodge an appeal pertaining to data protection with a data protection authority. To do so, contact the data protection authority responsible for your place of residence or the data protection authority under whose jurisdiction we fall (named below).
Cyberspace Administration of China (http://www.12377.cn/)

c. Transmission to recipients outside mainland China
If necessary, for the provision of App features as well as the services offered via the App, we also transmit personal data to recipients based outside of the mainland China. In this case, we ensure ‒ before any data is shared ‒ that either an appropriate level of data protection is maintained by the recipient
We are happy to provide you with an overview of the recipients and a copy of the specific provisions agreed to ensure an appropriate level of data protection. To request this, please use the contact information provided at the end of this data protection information.
Please see item 9 for transmission of personal data by usage of third-party services.
d. Contact details of the data protection officer
If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can use the following contact information to get in touch with our data protection officer directly:


If there is any discrepancy between this information and the compulsory provisions of the law, which is applicable, we will fulfil the obligations of the law.

Date of issue: September 2022